Section 1 Publishing Scope
Journal of Shanghai Ocean University (formerly Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University) is a comprehensive academic journal mainly focusing on ocean sciences and fisheries sponsored by Shanghai Ocean University. The publishing scope includes ocean environment, ocean engineering, ocean information, marine fishery, aquatic biotechnology, aquaculture and proliferation, fresh-keeping and utilization of aquatic products, environmental protection of fishery waters, fishery economy and technology management, etc. Besides research articles, the journal publishes reviews, comments and newsletters within the scope.
Section 2 Submission Instruction
1. Authors are responsible for their manuscript, which should have clear argumentation, reliable data, concise and succinct writing (including title, figures, tables and references), focusing on new methods, new ideas and new results, etc.
2. Manuscripts should be in WORD format. The font and character size should comply with the Manuscript Template.
3. Manuscripts should be submitted only via our website The editorial office (QQ: 1351669176. E-mail: will contact authors for revision if necessary. Please read carefully our instructions and policies before submission. Authors can contact the editorial office for inquiry if there is no reply from the journal more than 3 months after submission. Articles under review cannot be submitted to another journal unless confirmed withdrawn or rejected by this journal. Multiple submission is prohibited. Along with the manuscript, authors should also provide Copyright Transfer Contract, Authors Contribution Form and Statement of Competing Interests.
4. An APC will be charged for accepted papers(RMB 200 / black-white page; extra RMB 500 / colored page; extra RMB 200 / page exceeding length limit). Review fee will be charged (RMB 300 / reviewer). The copyright royalties for print and online version will be paid one-off and several copies of the journal current issue will be sent to authors.
Section 3 Manuscript Requirement
1. General requirements: Manuscripts should include following parts in order: Chinese title, author names, institutes (specifying secondary departments), location and postal code, Chinese abstract (about 400 Chinese characters), key words (3~8, the subject of study should be put at the beginning), Chinese Library Classification (CLC) number, English title, authors names in Pinyin, institutes (specifying secondary departments), location and postal code in English, English abstract (corresponding to the Chinese ), Key words (corresponding to the Chinese), main body text and references. Please specify ①submission date②funding project (number)③Author's introduction: name (birth year), gender, title, degree, and research area in the footer of the title page. The name and E-mail address of the corresponding author shall be indicated.
2. Figures and Tables: Illustrations and photographs should be with high resolute. Three-line style should be adopted for tables which should be concise and does not repeat the content. Figures and tables should be put in text and should be with bilingual (Chinese and English) headings. Cullum subheadings and row subheadings for tables, contents in figures and notations should also be bilingual.
3. Terms, units of measurement and symbols in manuscripts should meet relevant national standards.
4. References:The references cited should be the latest significant literatures published at home or abroad. If the number of authors of a reference is not more than 3, all the authors should be listed. If the number of authors is more than 3, only the first 3 authors shall be listed and followed by “等” or “et al”. The information of references should be complete. The surname shall come first and the given name come last for both Chinese and non-Chinese authors. All letters of surnames shall be capitalized and only the initial letter of given names should be listed without dot. For detailed requirement of references format, please refer to the Chinese version of Guide to Authors and Manuscript Template. References in Chinese should be translated in English and put under the same serial number in references list.
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