Editor Responsibility
Editors should accept or evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without bias towards race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors, and try their best to ensure the quality of articles published on this journal. Editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, and the publisher. Editors would take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers involving academic misconduct. They would not encourage such academic misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. The editorial office would take appropriate action if there were any allegation of research misconduct. Publishers and editors should always be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.If editors have competing interests with the author, company or institution related to the article, they should report the conflict of interest and avoid handling the article.
Reviewer Responsibility
Reviewers shall treat all manuscripts with the most professional attitude to make the review process transparent, confidential and fair. Comments and decision should be made upon the article, instead of upon authors, without bias towards race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. Once the reviewers find that there are mistakes, plagiarism, suspected forgery of data and other problems in the article, they are obliged to report it to the editorial office. Reviewers shall not use unpublished papers or materials in their research. If the reviewers have competition, collaboration or other relations with the author, company or institution related to the article, they should report the conflict of interest and avoid reviewing the article.
Author Responsibility
1.Repetition Test: Multiple submission or redundant publishing is prohibited. Should multiple submission be found, the editorial office may impose a punishment. The journal adopts the plagiarism checking system developed by CNKI. The repetition rate should not exceed 20%. Should fraud or plagiarism be verified, the editorial officewill reject the submission, notify the author’s institute, and make an announcement in our journal.
2. Authorship: It is the responsibility of every person listed as an author of an article to have contributed in a meaningful and identifiable way to the design, performance, analysis, and reporting of the work. Authorship should comply with the guidelines of COPE. The order of authors shall be collectively determined before submission and shall not be changed thereafter. Authors should specify their contribution in the Authors Contribution Form and submit it along with the manuscript.
3. Animal Rights: When reporting animal experiments, the study should comply with guidelines published by relevant committee on animal rights, and the approval document by a committee should be submitted if applicable.
4. Conflicts of Interest: The journal requires that authors reveal all possible conflicts of interest in their submitted manuscripts. When the financing / personal status / affiliation of the authors (or the authors' organization / employer) may affect the authors' decision, work or manuscript,it should be disclosed. When a product is involved, the author should also disclose whether there is a conflict of interest against competitive products. Statement of competing interests should comply with the guidelines of COPE.Authors should also submit the Statement of Competing Interests along with the manuscript.
5. Intellectual Property and Open Science: The editorial office strives to respect the protection of intellectual property and requires editors, authors and reviewers to do so. Any potential infringement should be avoided. Third-party infringement to the intellectual property of the journal is prohibited. On the premise of intellectual property protection, the journal encourages the practice of open science. Authors are encouraged to share their research data whenever appropriate. The data for sharing may include original data, observation records, experimental results, etc. The journal also encourages the sharing of software, code, models, algorithms, protocols, methods and other useful materials. Authors can upload the materials above to an accessible third-party repository and make a proper citation or add a link at the end of the article.
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