• Volume 25,Issue 2,2016 Table of Contents
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    • >鱼类生物学
    • The relationships between nerve and muscle during lower jaw regeneration in adult zebra fish, Danio rerio

      2016, 25(2):161-168. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150501430

      Abstract (3844) HTML (0) PDF 4.43 M (3372) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This research investigated the relationships between nerve and muscle in regeneration of lower jaw muscle of the adult zebra fish, Danio rerio. We observed and analyzed the regeneration process of the lower jaw muscles by using histological methods via hematoxylin/eosin staining and immunohistochemistry after amputating different proportions of the lower jaw. Our results indicated that after the distal one-third of the lower jaw was amputated, both of the muscle and nerve fibers degenerated rapidly. The nerve fibers began extending over the cutting surface by 2 days-post-amputation (dpa), and they reached the degenerating tissue prior to the blastema formation. The number of nerve fibers increased significantly at 5 dpa, while the blastema was formed. The new muscle fibers arose at 9 dpa, but without forming the neuromuscular junctions. The neuromuscular junctions began to form at approximately 14 dpa. By 30 dpa, the pattern of muscle fibers and neuromuscular junctions recovered to the control level. The results demonstrated that the muscles in zebrafish lower jaw can regenerate functionally. They also suggest that nerve fibers are important for lower jaw regeneration in zebrafish. We also found that if the amputation portion was over 1/3 of the lower jaw, the lower jaw won't be regenerated. The reason of that takes further study.

    • Effects of salinity on activities of liver antioxidant enzymes and plasma lysozyme of Epinehelus moara

      2016, 25(2):169-176. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150401427

      Abstract (4441) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (3218) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The interactive effects of ambient salinity decrement on liver antioxidant index and plasma lysozyme activity of Epinephelus Moara were investigated by rearing fish at salinity of 27,21,15 and 9 for 7 days. We tested activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD),catalase (CAT),glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), malondialdehyde (MDA)content, and plasma lysozyme activity at time periods of 0,1, 2, 3and 7 d respectively.The results showed that the liver SOD as well as CAT activities first dropped in 1,2 d (P < 0.05) and peaked in 3 d of Group 21, then dropped to normal in 7 d. The T-AOC activity was consistent with the SOD and CAT activities, while the MDA content was contrary. On the whole, plasma lysozyme activity dropped (P < 0.05) with the decrease of salinity and Group 21 peaked in 1 d. To sum up, the results indicate that ambient salinity decrement can effectively stimulate and inhibit the SOD and CAT activity in liver of Epinephelus Moara at initial stage, but it will recover then. T-AOC activity and MDA content will also correspondingly change. Plasma lysozyme activity first increased and then dropped with the elapse of treatment time,and thus it plays an important role in immune system.

    • The anesthetic effect of MS-222 and eugenol on Coilia nasus Schlegel juvenile fish

      2016, 25(2):177-182. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150301363

      Abstract (4009) HTML (0) PDF 896.37 K (3272) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The anesthetic effect of MS-222 and eugenol on Coilia nasus Schlegel juvenile fish was investigated. The exposure time in air of juvenile fish was determined under the safe concentrations of the two anesthetics. The transport test of young fish was conducted by using the suitable concentration of the two anesthetics. The results indicated: (1) The suitable concentrations of MS-222 and eugenol were 150 mg/L and 30 mg/L, respectively. (2) The suitable exposure time in air was below 4 min after the deep anesthesia at the MS-222 concentration of 150 mg/L, the suitable exposure time in air was below 5 min after the deep anesthesia at the eugenol concentration of 30 mg/L. (3) The recovery rate and survival rate of the cultural Coilia nasus Schlegel young fish were both 100% after treating with 30 mg/L MS-222 and 8 mg/L eugenol,respectively. There were significant differences between test group and the control both in MS-222 and eugenol, respectively (P<0.05).

    • Effect of dissolved oxygen stress on respiration physiology and nitrogen metabolism in Rhodeus sinensis

      2016, 25(2):183-188. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150801524

      Abstract (3655) HTML (0) PDF 1.01 M (3394) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The respiration physiology and nitrogen metabolism of Rhodeus sinensis were studied with closed respirometry at (23.2±0.2) ℃, and under such condition, the dissolved oxygen reduced gradually. The results showed that the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonia excretion rate (AER) of Rhodeus sinensis with satiety and hunger were 0.441 mg/(g·h), 0.297 mg/(g·h)and 1.6 μg/(g·h), 0.5 μg/(g·h) respectively. Rhodeus sinensis floated head and died when the dissolved oxygen was less than 1.5 mg/L and 0.31 mg/L,respectively. OCR and AER reduced significantly as the dissolved oxygen reduced,and then there were diurnal variations in both OCR and AER.Water quality was deteriorating as the dissolved oxygen was reducing,because the ammonia and nitrite increased obviously in aquarium. The present study preliminarily revealed that dissolved oxygen stress would have a significant influence on the respiratory metabolism and nitrogen metabolism of Rhodeus sinensis.So, it was necessary to keep dissolved oxygen above 1.5 mg/L for feeding and transporting of Rhodeus sinensis, and it was a good choice for transporting with hunger.

    • >水产养殖
    • Research of breeding density and water quality control measures in Litopenaeus vannamei greenhouse high-intensive ponds

      2016, 25(2):189-197. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150501431

      Abstract (4798) HTML (0) PDF 935.93 K (3382) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Currently Litopenaeus vannamei play an important role in shrimp culture industry,greenhouse high-intensive ponds was an important farming method in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Research on stocking density and water quality control technology is imperative to promote the farming method.Through the first crop of 70 days breeding experiments we found that the result is good about using high density (315 ind/m2, 375 ind/m2) breeding, the yields were 1.54 kg/m2 and 1.32 kg/m2, respectively. Significant difference was no observed on the effects of the growth and breeding of shrimp in the two level of breeding density, and then no significant difference was observed in the water quality indexes, NH3-Nm(0.058-0.081 mg) and NO2--N(0.001-4.290 mg/L) were controlled in the normal range. Main water quality indexes was improved by changing the amount of water, controlling the feed, using aerator and probiotics. TAN and CODMn was significantly decreased 34.7% and 29.9%, when the quantity of exchanged water was reached 20%, and increased 11.8%-29.4% DO in using aerators 2 hours later. Seedling densities greater than 300 ind /m2 are feasible in greenhouse high-intensive ponds, and water quality can be regulated by a simple control measures, this would promote greenhouse high-intensive ponds culturing Litopenaeus vannamei.

    • Effects of dietary carbohydrate to protein ratios and feeding rate on growth and lipid metabolism index of Carassius auratus gibelio

      2016, 25(2):198-206. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150801525

      Abstract (3837) HTML (0) PDF 846.84 K (3165) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary carbohydrate to protein ratios (C/P) and feeding rate on growth and lipid metabolism of juvenile Carassius auratus gibelio. Three isolipidic and isoenergetic diets containing C24/P42 (24% carbohydrate to 42% protein), C32/P36 and C40/P30 were formulated, and each diet was fed twice (08:30 and 16:30) daily at the rate of 2%, 3% and 4% of the fish wet body weight, respectively. The fish (initial body weight 2.40±0.10 g) were randomly assigned to 9 groups with triplicates per group and 24 fish per replicate, the experiment lasted for 50 days. The results showed that fish fed with C40/P30 diets, the final body weight (FBW), the special growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) were significantly lower but protein efficiency ratio (PER) was significantly higher than those fed with C24/P42 diets (P<0.05). However, there were no significant differences between the fish fed with the C24/P42 and C32/P36 diets. As feeding rate increased, FBW, SGR increased significantly (P<0.05), while FCR, PER of fish fed at the rate of 3% and 4% had no significant difference but were higher than those fed at the rate of 2%. CF increased significantly with increased feeding rate. The body composition of the fish was significantly affected only by feeding rate. Fish fed at the rate of 3% and 4%was significantly lower in moisture and ash contents of the whole-body, moisture content of carcass but higher lipid content and liver glycogen content than that of fish fed at the rate of 2%, and there was no significant difference between fish fed at the rate of 3% and 4%. Fish fed with the C32/P36 diet had the highest activities of malic enzyme (ME), lipoprotein lipase (LPL) but the lowest activities of hepatic lipase (HL) in liver than those fed with the other two C/P ratios diets. Increasing dietary C/P ratios significantly increased the liver lipid (LPO) content. Fish fed at the rate of 3% and 4% had the higher ME, HL, LPL, total lipase (TLP) activities and LPO content than those fed at the rate of 2%, increasing feeding rate increased the lipid content and the degree of peroxidation damage in the fish body. According to the above observations, the C32/P36 diet is suitable for juvenile Carassius auratus gibelio, and its feeding rate is at 4%.

    • >水域环境与保护
    • Comparison study of community structure of rotifer between inside and outside of bio-manipulation area and dredging area in Lake Gehu

      2016, 25(2):207-216. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150401407

      Abstract (3331) HTML (0) PDF 940.61 K (2833) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:From July 2013 to June 2014, in late every month comparative experiment was carried out to study the community structure of rotifer in three regions of Lake Gehu. The three regions include dredging area, inside and outside of bio-manipulation area. Using freshwater plankton survey method to study the relationship between species composition, dominance, standing crop, species diversity of rotifers and water quality parameters. A total of 51 species of rotifer were collected and identified, belonging to 14 families and 22 genera. Dominant species throughout the year were: Brachionus angularis, Polyarthra trigla, Keratella valga, Polyarthra dolichoptera and Filinia longiseta. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that water temperature (T), dissolved oxygen (DO), permanganate index (CODMn), total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) were the main environmental variables affecting the community structure of rotifer. Multiple comparison showed that density of rotifer inside of bio-manipulation pen was significantly lower than that outside of bio-manipulation pen(P<0.05). Inside and outside of bio-manipulation pen extremely significantly lower than dredging area(P<0.01). The annual average density of rotifers: inside of bio-manipulation area [(428±96)ind/L]< outside of bio-manipulation area [(939±220)ind/L]< dredging area [(1216±330)ind/L]. The annual average biomass of rotifers: inside of bio-manipulation area [(0.364±0.100)mg/L]< outside of bio-manipulation area [(0.991±0.316)mg/L]< dredging area [(1.589±0.328)mg/L]. The experiment showed that the silver and bighead carp that control algae have some good effect on eutrophication control, and dredging has certain effect on water ecological restoration.

    • Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 and N supply on biochemical compositions and nutrient uptake in Caulerpa serrulata

      2016, 25(2):217-222. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150301372

      Abstract (3929) HTML (0) PDF 843.40 K (3050) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The seaweed, Caulerpa serrulata were incubated to investigate the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 and N supply in seawater on the seaweed. Results indicate that either increased atmospheric CO2 or N supply can enhance the relative growth rate. The relative growth rate of C+N+ was higher than that of C0N0 group by 63.77%.In addition, Increased CO2 decreased the contents of pigments, soluble protein and carbohydrates, and the contents of chlorophyll a in C+N0 was 39.01% lower than that in C0N0 group. C+N+ group was lower than those of C0N+ group by 49.26%, and corresponding Car in high carbon group decreased by 47.62% and 43.24%. Increased atmospheric CO2 reinforces the activity of nitrate reductase under the conditions of both enriched and unenriched N supply, and high N supply stimulates the uptake of N and P.

    • Understanding of the influences on the leaching ability of heavy metals from sewage sludge of municipal wastewater treatment plant in seawater

      2016, 25(2):223-228. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150701520

      Abstract (3025) HTML (0) PDF 839.76 K (3005) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study is aimed to describe the influence of different factors on the leaching process of heavy metals from urban sewage sludge, which was mainly based on the establishment of hazard-free treatment strategy of sewage sludge and a framework of marine environment protection. The modified horizontal extraction procedure was adopted to explore the impact of temperature, salinity and microbial activity on the leaching of sewage sludge-associated heavy metals collected from seven typical waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) in Shanghai. The results indicated that the releasing of dominated heavy metals from sludge were Zn and Hg under higher temperature, and Cu, Cd, Pb and As were the dominated ones under lower temperature; Salinity in seawater could affect the electrolyte concentration and activity of some enzymes, which led to Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd tend to be released in sea water at lower salinity. Many microbial activities such as oxidation reaction, nitrification and so on could affect the speciation and characteristics of heavy metals in sewage sludge, and more Zn, Cu, Hg and As would be released after sewage sludge were sterilized.

    • The effects of clean dredged materials burial on Ruditapes philippinarum and Perinereis aibuhitensis

      2016, 25(2):229-236. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150301343

      Abstract (3307) HTML (0) PDF 980.30 K (2894) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study the lethal effect of different sizes and burial depth of the dredged materials on creatures residing in the ocean, our research buries Ruditapes philippinarum and Perinereis aibuhitensis using different size and depth of the dredged materials in the Yangtze Estuary to analyse the survival rate. The results showed that they survive by vertically migrating out of the dredged materials, and there is significant positive correlation between burial depth and mortality of Ruditapes philippinarum within a certain scope. When the size of burying material is 63-125 μm, the 96h -LC50 of Ruditapes philippinarum was 6.8 cm(95% confidence interval was 2.8-10.7 cm); When the size of burying material is under 63 μm, the 96h -LC50 of Ruditapes philippinarum was 11.1 cm(95% confidence interval was 4.2-18.0 cm); howerer, there is no significant correlation between burial depth and mortality of Ruditapes philippinarum. The study results prove that the size and burial depth of the dredged materials have different lethal effects on different benthos.

    • >渔业资源与管理
    • Reproductive biology of female yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacores) in the tropical Pacific Ocean

      2016, 25(2):237-245. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150301378

      Abstract (3482) HTML (0) PDF 1.99 M (3513) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacores; YFT) is one of the three tropical tuna species in the world. It is also one of the main target species of China's distant water tuna fishery. Based on 229 female YFT samples collected by China's national tuna fishery observers in the tropical Pacific Ocean (14°1'S-11°41'N,158°43'E-128°24'W), the reproductive characteristics of YFT were analyzed using histological method. The majority of samples were observed in maturity stage Ⅰ and stage Ⅱ,and 36.7% of samples were mature. The proportion of mature individuals and fork length can be described as P=1/(1+e[-0.072(LF-138.13)]), with size at 50% maturity of 138.13 cm.In the southern hemisphere, the proportion of mature samples and gonadosomatic index increased with latitude. The maturity features differed inthe eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) and the western andcentral Pacific Ocean (WCPO, divided by 150°W), in that the YFT in the EPO attained sexual maturity earlier than those in the WCPO. The seasonal spawning activity also differed between EPO and WCPO. The variations of gonadosomatic index by maturity stage showed similar pattern between EPO and WCPO. Our results also indicated that the visual observation tended to make higher errors in determining the maturity stages of I and IV; while make lower errors in determining the maturity stages of Ⅱ and Ⅴ.

    • Diversity and density distribution of fishery resources in Northeast of Hangzhou Bay during flood and drought seasons

      2016, 25(2):246-254. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150301354

      Abstract (3962) HTML (0) PDF 999.56 K (2992) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For studying on diversity and density distribution of fishery resources in Northeast of Hangzhou Bay during drought and flood seasons, the methods of Index of Relative Importance and Jaccard similarity coefficient, etc. were applied in this study to analyze species composition,fish biology density and spatial distribution of diversity index in Northeast of Hangzhou Bay. The results indicated that a total of 40 species were found during drought and flood seasons, including 34 species in flood season, 22 species in drought season. Jaccard similarity coefficient between drought and flood seasons was 40%(middle nonsimilar level). The dominant species in flood season were Exopalaemon annandalei and Collichthys lucidus, and the dominant species in drought season were Palaemon gravieri, Cynoglossus joyneri, Coilia ectenes, Tridentiger barbatus, Eriocheir leptognathus and Alpheus japonicas. Weight density and individual density of fishery biology during flood season were respectively 294.82 kg/km2 and 83.19×103 ind/km2, and weight density and individual density of fishery biology during drought season were respectively 85.76 kg/km2 and 33.88×103 ind/km2. Individual diversity index(H') during flood season was 0.16-2.35, weight H' was 0.36-2.22, individuals H' were closely related to individual density (P=0.004<0.05); Individual diversity index(H') during drought season was 1.24-2.03, weight H' was 0.81-2.10, individuals H' were closely related to individual density(P=0.024<0.05). The research showed that density distribution of fishery resources in Northeast of Hangzhou Bay during drought and flood seasons was related to species migration habits and environmental factors, and diversity index was a little low, which probably meant that diversity of fishery biology in Northeast of Hangzhou Bay was seriously disturbed.

    • Management strategy evaluation for yellowfin tuna fishery in Indian Ocean

      2016, 25(2):255-262. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150401423

      Abstract (4078) HTML (0) PDF 1013.42 K (2492) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The yield of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Indian Ocean stayed near the maximum sustainable catch in recent years, and generally the status of its resources is at risk. Traditional fishery management methods are usually limited in considering the existence of errors (or uncertainties) in each section of fishery, which might have an enormous impact on the management. Fishery management strategy evaluation is a kind of systemic method which simulates the targeted fishery by computer simulation.MSE usually specify management objective firstly and then test and evaluate the performance of different management strategies to achieve that objective. MSE can increase possibilities of the success of fishery management and is being used more and more widely. We set up operation model according to the biological parameters and other fisheries data for MSE in this study. Then we evaluated different strategy evaluations by computer simulation and chose the optimal management strategy, so as to provide advice for the sustainable development of the yellowfin tuna resources in the Indian Ocean. We specified 25 management strategies and simulated the resources in 2010-2020 using MSE 4.0software.According to MSE, the optimal management strategy for yellowfin tuna fishery is MS7,i.e., F is 0.2 and SSB is 600 000 mt.

    • Optimizing strategy on exploitation of Illex argentinus in the Southwest Atlantic

      2016, 25(2):263-270. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150501436

      Abstract (3672) HTML (0) PDF 824.30 K (2829) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Illex argentinus mainly distributed in the southwest Atlantic Ocean is one of the important economic cephalopod in the world, and also is one of the important fishing targets by China's mainland and Taiwan squid jigging vessels. Its development and resource utilization have attracted us. Therefore, this study focused on considering biological, economic, social goals, aiming to point out the optimum exploitation strategy of I.argentinus resources in the southwest Atlantic. Based on the catch data from Chinese mainland, Taiwan province of China and the Falkland Islands during 2001-2010, the biological economic model of Gordon - Schaefer is used to analyze the exploitation strategy of I.argentinus in the southwest Atlantic and the 13 kinds of fishing strategy in the short (1-5 years), medium (10 years) and long-term (20 years) periods are simulated. The results suggest that plans 8 and 11 with fishing efforts of 301 400 times and 307 500 times, respectively, will not pose a threat to the squid resources, but will produce the best social benefits and economic benefits. Therefore, plans 8 and 11 can be used as the optimal fishing strategy for managing I.argentinus population in the southwest Atlantic.

    • Spatial heterogeneity of Dosidicus gigas in the high sea off Peru from June to September

      2016, 25(2):271-281. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150401382

      Abstract (4049) HTML (0) PDF 3.09 M (3360) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on commercial fishing data (Catch per unit effort, CPUE) from June to September selected from 2003 to 2012 (without the data of 2005), this study aims to explore the spatial structure of D. gigas resources and reveal the correlated environmental factors. To reach the research goals, the methods of geo-statistics were used, including global and local spatial auto-correlation, and semi-variogram. Classical statistics and global spatial autocorrelation showed that there was medium degree of aggregation over the study area. Relatively strong aggregated distributions were observed for Dosidicus gigas in the high sea off Peru in June. Additionally, trend analysis demonstrated that there were more squids distributed in the northern areas than those in the southern. However, there are more squids in the middle than those at the both ends in longitude direction. According to determination coefficient (R2) and residual sum of squares (RSS), Gaussian models were fitted in June and August, spherical model fitted in July, and exponential model was fitted in September. Moreover, nugget coefficients were 41.33%,24.66%,25.89% and 35.42% from June to September, respectively, and whose implications of aggregation for distribution were consistent with global auto-correlation. Finally, the correlation analysis between CPUE and environmental factors revealed the reason of spatial heterogeneity of D. gigas in the high sea off Peru from June to September. The environmental factors included sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), sea surface height (SSH) and chlorophyll-a (Chl.a). And this study suggested SSH was the most influential among those four factors. However, the mechanism of how SSH affects the distribution of D. gigas was not investigated in this study. All in all, it is important for habitat distribution and ecological study to analyze this species distribution and its spatial heterogeneity.

    • Studies of behaviours of Plectorhinchus cinctu (Temminck et Schlegel) using acoustic tags

      2016, 25(2):282-290. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150401412

      Abstract (3283) HTML (0) PDF 2.23 M (3568) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We tracked and analyzed the diurnal movement and behaviours of Plectorhinchus cinctu (Temminck et Schlegel) using acoustic tags based on continuous observation by five days in the experimental pool (70 m×70 m×4 m) in November 2014. The results showed that in the vertical direction, P. cinctu mainly moved in middle water layer with a large depth range (about 2 m) in earlier stage and in pelagic layer with a small depth range in later stage mainly; in the horizontal direction, P. cinctu tended to move around taking the middle part of pool as centrality; in three-dimensional space, P. cinctu were apt to swim in a relatively small scope around the middle of pool. Furthermore, the movement speed at night was greater than that during day and varied obviously. The objective of this research was to provide basic data for conservation and management of the species enhancement by studying behaviour of P. cinctu with acoustic tags methods.

    • On fairness of international organizations of tuna fisheries

      2016, 25(2):291-297. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20140401097

      Abstract (3823) HTML (0) PDF 815.46 K (3198) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Five international organizations of tuna fisheries are established to conserve highly migratory, straddling tuna stocks. Tuna fisheries in high seas are consequentially transformed from a time of free competition to a time of cooperative competition on the platform of international organizations of tuna fisheries. However the rules concerning utilization and conversation of tuna stocks elaborated fundamentally by the developed fishing states are not entirely consistent with the principles of international customary law, of 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,and of international environmental law. Relatively and proportionally high contributions for organizational membership, quota allocation or fishing capacity limitation correlated unduely to historical catch and so-called contributions to scientific research, and financial contribution schemes correlated low proportionally to annual average catch in a short-term, etc are prejudices to the fishing interests enjoyed by developing distant fishing nations, coastal states and archipelagic states. Some recommendations are put forward: emphasize study on international fisheries law and environmental law, participate actively in amending the basic texts of tuna fisheries organizations to establish much fairer international fishery order with other states together,and enhance international competiveness of fisheries enterprises to increase game strength during international negotiation.

    • >食品科学与技术
    • Optimization of chromatographic system of magnetic test strip for Vibrio parahaemolyticus

      2016, 25(2):298-305. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150601470

      Abstract (3588) HTML (0) PDF 1011.56 K (3009) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a rapid method for detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in aquatic products, a magnetic immunochromatographic test strip (MITS)was developed. Anti-V. parahaemolyticus polyclonal antibody (PAb) was prepared and conjugated with magnetic beads to prepare immunomagnetic beads (IMBs). Next, PAb and goat anti-rabbit IgG were used as a test line (T line) and a control line (C line) to develop a sandwich MITS. In order to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the test strip, the concentration of surfactant, protein and saccharides in the chromatographic system was optimized by orthogonal test. Our results showed that the effect of these three factors was Tween-20>BSA>sucrose, with the optimized chromatographic system (5% Tween-20,0 mg/L sucrose,0.2 mg/mL BSA), the MITS was capable to detect 1.6×104 CFU/mL of V. parahaemolyticus in 5-10 min qualitatively and 4.1×103 CFU/mL in 30-40 min quantitatively. Our study could provide a new rapid identification, diagnosis and detection for food pathogen.

    • Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of Chinese major food poisoning from 2001 to 2013

      2016, 25(2):306-313. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150601479

      Abstract (3445) HTML (0) PDF 857.65 K (3293) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to further understand the characteristics of major food poisoning accidents in China from 2001 to 2013, Census X12 method of time series model, coefficient of variation (CV), t-value test and other analysis methods were used in this study. The results showed a decline in food poisoning cases year after year from 2006. Food poisoning occurred mainly in the third quarter. Significance test showed that chemical factor was the most important factor, but the depth analysis showed that microbial factor should be the focus of prevention and control in future food safety. Compared with other places, the numbers of food poisoning and death at home accounted for the most. This study adequately reveals the current state and potential trend about food poisoning accidents of China in the future by multivariate statistical analysis methods.

    • >海洋工程
    • Research and experiment of intelligent floating fish accumulating equipment for ocean ranching

      2016, 25(2):314-320. DOI: 10.12024/jsou.20150501457

      Abstract (3730) HTML (0) PDF 1.71 M (3587) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ocean ranching is a vital method to slow the decline of costal fisheries resources and achieve its sustainable utilization. Fish behavior control is one of the four key technologies for ocean ranching efficient operation. To meet the requirement of fishery production and management in ocean ranching, an intelligent floating fish accumulating equipment that can long-term run is developed. Take wireless network bridge as the communication centre and electric relay as the switch to control the underwater video supervising subsystem, sound taming subsystem, quantitative baiting subsystem and sensor, which solves the fish behavior control and taming problem in opening ocean area. To solve the phenomena of destroying each other and "Matthew effect" in fish growing process, flexible classified mesh is designed and its application has dramatically improved the taming effect. Take sparus macrocephlus as the research object, the equipments developed have been applied in the practical ocean ranching. Long term investigation to the core area and 3 comparative areas has been conducted and the result shows its validity, which improves the fish behavior control ability and provides solid support for the high efficient operation of the ocean ranching.

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