• Volume 20,Issue 4,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Cloning and function of morphologyrelated gene HoxB1b in Megalobrama amblycephala

      2011, 20(4):481-487.

      Abstract (3059) HTML (0) PDF 654.31 K (2103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Vertebrate Hox family genes play important roles in growth and development, which encode a helixturnhelix transcription factor and activate downstream target genes by binding the specific DNA region,to regulate the axial pattern formation during ontogeny. Changes in number and in genomic organization of Hox genes are believed to determine various morphology and new species in teleost fish. In this study, the complete cDNAs of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) HoxB1b gene was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), and its expression patterns were studied. Our results showed: (1) The whole length of HoxB1b cDNA in blunt snout bream was 1 479 bp, consisting of an open reading frame (ORF) which encodes a 306 amino acid (aa) residues. Phynogenetic analysis showed that blunt snout bream HoxB1b gene demonstrated 89%, 45% and 40% similarity with that of zebrafish, fugu and medaka. (2) During embryogenesis, HoxB1b was stably expressed in all stages except mature eggs, which suggested it was a nonmaternal gene. Further whole embryo in situ hybridization analysis showed HoxB1b obvious spatial expression differences during embryogenesis of blunt snout bream. At early embryonic stage of 20 hours post fertilization (20hpf), HoxB1b expressed mainly in the hindbrain, whereas its expression was also detected in the pectoral fins at the late stage of 40hpf. (3) At adult stage, the expression of HoxB1b was detected in some fish tissues, and there are some differences between male and female in different tissues. In summary, these results suggest that HoxB1b gene plays a crucial role in hindbrain and pectoral fins during embryogenesis, as well as in relative tissues in adult stage at blunt snout bream.

    • Comparison on characterization of fasttwitch and slowtwitch skeletal muscles of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi

      2011, 20(4):488-493.

      Abstract (3921) HTML (0) PDF 768.17 K (2231) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Muscle fibers and their molecular composition are the important base for evaluation on fish meat quality. To fully understand the characterization of fasttwitch and slowtwitch muscles of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi, histological characters of two different skeletal muscles (fasttwitch and slowtwitch muscles) were analyzed by paraffin sections, and these two muscle fibres had different shapes and diameters. Protein compositions of fast muscle and slow muscle were compared according to the number of protein bands and their mobility separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and some specific bands existed in 50-60 ku and 10-15 ku. The subfragment1(S1) cDNA of the fast and slow muscle moysin heavy chain were cloned and sequenced by PCR method, the S1 sequences of fast and slow muscle were 2 523 bp and 2 520 bp, which encoded 841and 840 amino acids, respective. They shared 87.6% identities in amino acid sequence, of which loop-1 and loop-2 regions were highly variable. These results showed that fast muscle and slow muscle had significant differences at histological, protein composition and molecular levels, which suggested their different motion functions.

    • Purification of IgM from black sea bass (Centropristis striata) and characterization of rabbit antiIgM serum

      2011, 20(4):494-498.

      Abstract (3180) HTML (0) PDF 562.09 K (1984) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purification of serum immunoglobulin in Centropristis striata was carried out by using the protein Asepharose affinity chromatography and the final purified product was examined by SDSPAGE electrophoresis. The experimental results showed that IgM with a high purity could be prepared after one purifying step of the protein Asepharose affinity chromatography. SDSPAGE showed that its heavy chain and light chain were 74.1 ku and 26 ku respectively. Serum against IgM from Centropristis striata was prepared by repeatedly immunizing New Zealand rabbits with the purified IgM and the titers of antibodies reached 1∶128 000. A high specificity of the obtained antiserum was qualified by indirect ELISA and Western Blot assays, which could supply a necessary approach in the following immunological studies for Centropristis striata.

    • Determination on the cold tolerance of NEW GIFT Nile tilapia,GILI tilapia and Blackchin tilapia

      2011, 20(4):499-503.

      Abstract (3171) HTML (0) PDF 418.28 K (2010) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cold tolerances of three tilapias(NEW GIFT Nile tilapia,GILI tilapia and Blackchin tilapia)to low temperatures naturally decreased in Shanghai area were studied and the average lethal temperature of 50% individuals has been calculated continuously for 3 years. It is found that low lethal water temperatures ranged from 7.5℃ to 5.8℃,and the average lethal temperatures of 50% individuals was 6.8℃ for NEW GIFT Nile tilapia in 2008. Meanwhile,behaviors of tilapias under decreasing water temperatures were observed. The range of low lethal water temperatures were 10.8-7.6℃,12.4-9.2℃ for NEW GIFT Nile tilapia and GILI Tilapia in 2009, and the average lethal temperatures of 50% individuals were 9.2 ℃ and 11.4 ℃. But they were 10.8-7.6 ℃,12.4-9.2 ℃ and 13.8-12.4 ℃ for NEW GIFT Nile tilapia,GILI tilapia and Blackchin tilapia in 2010. The average lethal temperatures of 50% individuals were 8.3 ℃, 12.5 ℃ and 13.1 ℃,separately,also there were significant differences among them. The comprehensive results showed that:water temperatures that began to die and 100% die were 11 ℃,5.8 ℃ respectively for NEW GIFT Nile tilapia, 12.4 ℃,9.2 ℃ respectively for GILI Tilapia,13.8 ℃,12.4 ℃ respectively for Blackchin tilapia. There were significant or highly significant species/strainspecific differences among these three genotypic tilapias in cold tolerance. The hybridization could improve cold tolerance to a certain extent.

    • Isolation and characterization of a red type variant in Porphyra haitanensis Chang et Zheng (Bangials, Rhodophyta)

      2011, 20(4):504-509.

      Abstract (2647) HTML (0) PDF 809.03 K (1972) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A sectored blade of Porphyra haitanensis with a wild sector and a red sector was found in the cultivating population. The pure red type of variant blades were regenerated from the somatic cells of the red sector. Some obvious differences have been found between the blades of the red variant and the wild type, in morphology, color, growth rate, maturity time, and contents of chlorophyll a (Chl. a) and phycobilioprotein (PE, PC). Compared with the wide type, the blade of the red type variant was wider, showing reddish brown color, grew faster, matured far later and did not mature even being cultured more than 400 days. In vivo absorption spectrum of its blades showed that, the absorption peak of phycocyanin (PC) shifted about 3 nm to shortwave, indicating that the structure of the phycocyanin may have changed. In addition, the contents of chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin (PE) of this variant significantly increased, but the phycocyanin content decreased, showing a higher ratios of PE / Chl. a and PC / Chl. a, lower ratio of PE / PC. When the single somatic cells were enzymatically isolated from the 400dold blade of this red variant which was still immature, and regenerated into only three types of blades: normal blades (about 78.49%) and abnormal blades (19.81%) and the rhizoid blades (1.7%) without appearance of any cellmasses. This result indicated that the serious delaying of cell differentiation of the variant blade probably led to its immuturity.

    • Microsatellite analysis on genetic diversity of Sinonovacula constricta stocks in Yueqing Bay and Sansha Bay

      2011, 20(4):510-516.

      Abstract (3071) HTML (0) PDF 598.95 K (1960) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, the families of Penaeus monodon were produced according to an unbalanced nest design that each male mated with 1-3 females. The feed conversion ratio(FCR) and the special growth rate(SGR) of the 13 families were researched by an 8week growth experiment. The FCR of these families were ranged from 1.04 to 1.74 and the SGR were ranged from 2.97 to 4.0. The SGR of S13-S11 was significantly higher than the other families(P<0.05). Compared with other families, the SGR of S3-S5 was the lowest, but the FCR was significantly higher than other families (P<0.05). The 48hour ammonia nitrogen stress of different families was proceeded after the growth experiment. The results showed that ammonia nitrogen had different effects in different Penaeus monodon families.The THC, enzymes activity of immunity and the survival rate of these families were distinguishing. Correlation analysis showed that the THC and the survival rate had significantly positive correlation. However, the activity of SOD and AKP was negatively correlated with the survival rate.And there was no correlation between the POD and the survival rate. Altogether, this research considered that the halfsib families whose fathers were L2 and S11 were significantly stronger in survival and growth rate than others, which implied potentials for the further selective breeding.

    • Fish species composition and diversity in intertidal creek of Jiuduansha wetland in the Yangtze River estuary

      2011, 20(4):517-524.

      Abstract (4709) HTML (0) PDF 601.79 K (2183) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The fish composition of intertidal creek of Jiuduansha wetland in the Yangtze River estuary has the typical ichthyofauna trait of Yangtze River estuary. To comprehend the fish species composition and diversity of this wetland especially the intertidal creek, we surveyed the creek of Shangsha, Zhongsha and Xiasha five times from 2009 to 2010. A total of 3 637 tails with 105 158.9 g and 42 species were captured, these species belonging to 11 orders and 22 families. The fishes number and species number of Perciformes are the highest, with 20 species, 3 433 tails, next, Cypriniformes and Clupeiformes with 7 species,49 tails and 5 species,33 tails respectively. The percentage of marine species is 26.19%, estuarine species is 40.48%, freshwater species is 23.81% and diadromous species is 9.52%. The number of fishes(94.4%) and wet weight(96.3%) of estuarine species both were absolutely dominant. The catch in Shangsha, Zhongsha and Xiasha were 21 species with 742 tails 51 025.2 g, 30 species with 1 007 tails 29 427.5 g and 20 species with 1 888 species 24 696.2 g respectively. Most of them were estuarine species. According to the relative density(RD) and relative significance index(IRI), it shows that Acanthogobius ommaturus, Liza haermatochiel and Eleutheronema tetradactylu were dominant species, especially the Acanthogobius ommaturus has the absolute advantage. As for diversity, the diversity in Shangsha is lower than the Jiuduansha wetland overall level. There are relatively fewer fish species here.

    • Research on the community structure of zooplankton after comprehensive treatment in Lake Dadianhu, Shanghai

      2011, 20(4):525-533.

      Abstract (3708) HTML (0) PDF 722.96 K (2313) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A comprehensive treatment was made in Lake Dadianhu(Shanghai) to desilt and restore ecological system during 2005 and 2006. A series of investigations on the dynamics of zooplankton community structure were made to evaluate the treatment from Sep.2006 to Aug.2007, monthly sampled. The investigations explored species diversity, density, biomass of zooplankton and the correlation between zooplankton and environmental facts. 149 species of zooplankton were recorded including 80 species of Protozoa, 61 species of Rotifer, 2 species of Cladoceran and 2 species of Copepods. Amoeba sp.and DiffLugia globulosa were the dominant species of Protozoan while Polyarthra trigla and Trichocerca stylata were the dominant species of Rotifer. However, the dominant species changed in different seasons. The annual average density and biomass of zooplankton in Lake Dadianhu were 13.10*104 ind/L and 10.51 mg/L, respectively. The highest density and biomass emerged in spring (13.10*104 ind/L, 10.51 mg/L). The highest proportion of density and highest proportion of biomass in the zooplankton community were both the proportion of Protozoan (98.02%, 83.55%) and the second was the rotifer (1.99%, 12.79%), Cladocera and Copeoda were low. The annual average density and biomass of Cladocera were 9.5 ind/L and 0.11 mg/L while the Copeoda were 0.32 ind/L and 0.01 mg/L. The average annual ShannonWeiner index of Rotifer was 2.30 and Protozoan was 1.91while Cladocera and Copeoda were both below 0.5. The characteristic of zooplankton community structure of Lake Dadianhu after treatment was that the proportion of density and biomass of Cladocera and Copeoda in the zooplankton community was very small and diversity index of them was small, too. The water quality was Ⅲ-Ⅵ grade classified by GB3838-2002 while it was eutrophic assessed by the biomass of zooplankton and α-β mesosaprobity by the index of ShannonWeiner. GAM analysis showed that the correlation between zooplankton biomass and chlorophyll a or nitrate nitrogen was significant.

    • Effect of different doses of compound Chinese herbal immunostimulant in feed on the growth and immune function of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus)

      2011, 20(4):534-540.

      Abstract (3908) HTML (0) PDF 567.77 K (2107) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the effect of different doses of compound Chinese herbal immunostimulant in feed on the growth and immune function of grass carp, which was fed with the diets including the compound Chinese herbal immunostimulant, a kind of mixture of five Chinese herbs is proportionally composed of Astragalus membranaceus, Allium sativum, Dendranthema morifoliumFrutellaria crataegi and Isatis indigotica. Grass carp individuals, the average weight of which was (27.84?1.57) g, were fed with 1%, 2%, 4% and 8% compound Chinese herbal immunostimulant in feed for 30 days, respectively. Results showed that weight gain rate(WGR)and specific growth rate(SGR)in Groups 1, 2 and 3 (especially Group 3) increased significantly compared with those of the control group(P<0.05), and phagocytic activities of phagocytes of all test groups increased significantly (P<0.05), while serum lysozyme(LSZ)activities and serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of all test groups increased very significantly (P<0.01). Relative percentage survivals of test groups were very significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.01), when the grass carps were injected with Aeromonas hydrophila, and the highest one reached 70.28%?6.26% in Group 3. Therefore, 4% Chinese herbal immunostimulant in feed was the fittest for the growth and immunity increment, and resistance of grass carp against the bacterial pathogen, Aeromonas hydrophila.

    • Effects of aloe powder on the growth performance and plasma indices of sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt)

      2011, 20(4):541-545.

      Abstract (3222) HTML (0) PDF 450.20 K (2219) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Studies were conducted to demonstrate the effects of aloe (Aloe barbadensis) powder on the growth performance and plasma indices of sturgeon whose initial body weight was (23.5±3.6) g. The experiment was divided into 6 treatments added to the diet with 0% (G1), 0.125% (G2), 0.250% (G3), 0.500% (G4), 1.000% (G5) aloe powder and 25 mg/kg allicin (G6) respectively. After rearing for 8 weeks, compared with G1 or G6, the weight gain rate, specific growth rate, feed conversion rate of trial sturgeon of other groups were not different (P>0.05); when the addition amount of aloe powder reached 0.250% (G3) or 0.500% (G4), the plasma superoxide dismutase activities increased significantly (P<0.05); adding to the diet with 0.125% (G2) or 0.250% (G3) aloe powder, the plasma malondlaldehyde content decreased significantly (P<0.05); the antioxidant capacity of sturgeon was improved; the total protein, alanine transaminase activities, glucose, complement 3, complement 4, acid phosphatase activities, alkaline phosphatase activities and others in plasma were not different significantly (P>0.05).

    • Investigation on status of carrying virus of wild Penaeus monodon from three resources

      2011, 20(4):546-552.

      Abstract (2858) HTML (0) PDF 813.21 K (1974) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In our research, we used PCR technology to examine the viral pathogen of wild Penaeus monodon from three main producing areas, including China, Thailand, and Africa in 2008. In the 210 wild Penaeus monodon broodstocks, we detected the positive result that some of them were carrying white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) or Monodon baculovirus (MBV). The results showed that the penaeid shrimps from Thailand had a highest WSSVcarrying rate of 89.8%, and those from China had a highest IHHNVcarrying rate of 8.8%. Twelve samples carrying WSSV and IHHNV (positive rate is 5.7%) were detected. These results reveal the broodstocks from China, Thailand and Africa are ubiquitously infected by WSSV and IHHNV. Meanwhile, WSSV is still a major pathogen of penaeid shrimp. Our research enhanced the understanding of the healthy condition of wild〖WTBX〗 Penaeus monodon〖WTBZ〗 broodstock from the three main producing areas, and also revealed the new pattern of WSSV infection to a certain degree.

    • The seasonal variation of Toxicity in Nassarius hepaticus

      2011, 20(4):553-557.

      Abstract (3083) HTML (0) PDF 532.51 K (2155) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The toxins of Nassarius hepaticus gastropods were studied. The toxicity of the gastropods was detected by the bioassay method. Results showed that the toxin in gastropods were varies with seasonal and from April to September was higher than other period, the highest toxicity was 56 MU/g. The further research revealed that the toxins was different in muscle or digestive gland: the toxin is high from May to September in muscle, the highest toxicity was 49 MU/g; and that was April to August, 79 MU/g in digestive gland. However, the total toxin in muscle was higher than that in digestive gland except April, The mostly toxins of gastropods was in the muscle. Nassarius hepaticus was belong to large size Nassariidae, The mostly toxins was in the edible part, we suggest that everyone should avoid to eat it.

    • Preliminary study on population composition characteristics of Southwest Atlantic butterfish (Stromateus brasiliensis) off the waters of Argentina in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean during the Austral Summer

      2011, 20(4):558-562.

      Abstract (3371) HTML (0) PDF 362.28 K (2027) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the biological data (n=168) collected in the southern Atlantic Ocean off Argentina during December 2009 to January 2010, the present study analyzed the biological characteristics of Southwest Atlantic butterfish (Stromateus brasiliensis) in the Austral Summer, including total length (LT), fork length (LF), the relationship between LT and WB, sex ratio, sexual maturity and gonadsomatic index. The results showed that: (1) The LT ranged from 23.6 to 34.2 cm with dominating LT of 24.0 to 28.0 cm, the LF ranged from 21.6 to 30.3 cm with dominating LS of 22.0 to 26.0 cm. The relationship between LT and LS was LT=1.141 1LF-6.770 2 (R2=0.962 6). (2) The relationship between LT and WB was WB=3×10-5LT2.878 9 (R2=0.924 4). (3) The ratio of female to male for Southwest Atlantic butterfish was 1∶0.3. (4) The sexual maturity of Southwest Atlantic butterfish were Stage Ⅱ or Ⅲ during December to January. Significant difference can be found for the sexual maturity of Southwest Atlantic butterfish among LT classes (χ2=104.86, P<0.05). (5) The gonadsomatic index was increased with the increasing of fork length and the gonadsomatic index ranged from 1.05 to 8.33.

    • Review of fisheries biology of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the North Pacific Ocean

      2011, 20(4):563-570.

      Abstract (3833) HTML (0) PDF 729.97 K (2280) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ommastrephes bartramii is an important economic cephalopod and also one of main fishing targets for Chinese squid jigging fleets. The knowledge of fishery biology is a basic condition for sustainable exploitation and utilization. The literature of population structure, migration, age and growth, spawning, feeding of O.bartramii has been reviewed, and comments and suggestion are provided in this paper. O.bartramii in the North Pacific Ocean can be sorted into four seasonal geographic cohorts, i.e. eastern stock of the fall cohort, central stock of the fall cohort, western stock of the winterspring cohort and centraleastern stock of the winterspring cohort. This classification need to be confirmed by the method of molecular biology. Generally, the squid made northsouthward migration, the northward migration during the feeding period has been studied extensively; however the southward migration during spawning period was not clearly investigated, so the investigation on the temporal and spatial distribution of spawning ground is needed. Moreover, it is proposed that the spawning behavior of O.bartramii should be further studied, especially on the biologic process from spawning to hatching and paralarvae. The living environment of O.bartramii between west and east Pacific is different; the diel movement in the different areas has not been fully understood. The life span of O.bartramii is about one year. The interannual variability on recruitment of O.bartramii and its relationship between marine environments have initially been mastered. For the purpose of sustainable utilization of this squid, the international cooperation is needed to conduct fisheries survey and biological study on O.bartramii, and it is also needed for us to develop the squid fisheries ecosystem monitoring program and establish assessment model based on the life history characteristics and management strategy evaluation model.

    • The relationship between ENSO and spatiotemporal distribution of CPUE of yellowfin tuna(Thunnus albacares) by purse seine in the Eastern Pacific Ocean

      2011, 20(4):571-578.

      Abstract (4068) HTML (0) PDF 565.12 K (2136) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Yellowfin tuna(Thunnus albacares) is a major target species of the tuna purse seine fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Based on yellowfin tuna purseseine fisheries data in the Eastern Pacific Ocean(30°N-25°S,75°W-145°W)from 1975 to 2004 and the corresponding Nino3 index(sea surface temperature anomaly), the relationship between ENSO and yellowfin tuna stock abundance and its spatiotemporal distribution are analyzed by using grey relationship analysis method in this study. Preliminary results indicate that ENSO episodes affect the stock abundance and spatiotemporal distribution of yellowfin tuna significantly. During El Nino periods, the fishing gravity center moves to the east and the north, whereas to the west during La Nina periods. There is a negative relationship between Nino3 index and CPUE. Furthermore, there is a siginifcantly regular annual change for the location of fishing gravity center. In the spring and summer, the fishing gravity center turns to the west and to the north, but it moves to the east and the south in the autumn and winter. The CPUE of the spring and summer is higher than that of the autumn and winter.

    • Feasibility analysis and concept of the application of the precautionary principle in the marine environmental protection of China

      2011, 20(4):579-586.

      Abstract (3274) HTML (0) PDF 823.37 K (2094) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:While the pollution of the marine environment is more and more serious, humanity began to respect the protection of marine environment, produced a lot of ways and means to protect the marine environment, the precautionary principle is a good one, and it has been quoted by some international agreements and some countries’ legislations. Now, the problem of pollution of the marine environment is very serious, marine environmental protection needs to be strengthened, but related legislations of marine environmental protection in our country haven’t adopted the precautionary principle definitely. Consequently, it’s necessary to apply the precautionary principle in our country’s marine environmental protection, but it’s worth further thought and research that if putting the precautionary principle into application in our country’s marine environmental protection is feasible. Through the research about the theoretical basis, legal basis and practice basis of the application of the precautionary principle in the marine environment of our country, we analyze the feasibility of the application of the precautionary principle in our country, work out that the application is feasible, and put forward a concept of the application.

    • Study on the trend of tuna fishery management on high seas

      2011, 20(4):587-593.

      Abstract (3304) HTML (0) PDF 625.62 K (2123) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the recession of fisheries resources on high seas, effective conservation and management of fishery are required urgently. As a kind of important resources on high seas, tuna fishery is managed by many fishery management organizations, takes the leadeship not only in management concepts but also in management practice. This paper breifly introduces the conception of high seas fishery, analyzes the status and trend of tuna fishery management on high seas. On the basis, according to current situation of China’s tuna fishery on high seas, this article puts forward some suggestions on developing China’s tuna fishery on high seas: (1) strength the policy decision influence in international tuna management organizations; (2) regulate the operations on distantwater tuna fishery, complete the distantwater fishery data base; (3) adjust the structure of distantwater fishery, develop fishing grounds; (4) develop tuna processing industry; (5) develop inland tuna consumption markets; (6) develop distantwater fishery cooperation with Taiwan province of China.

    • Research on the pollution characteristics of surface runoff in Lingang New City

      2011, 20(4):594-599.

      Abstract (3241) HTML (0) PDF 489.90 K (2293) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With more control of point source pollution, nonpoint source pollution attracted more and more attention. The pollutants variation over time and space, and the correlation among pollutants in surface runoff were analyzed on the basis of storm water monitoring. The results revealed that rainfall events with different characteristics had different laws of pollutants out of streams. Nonpoint source pollutants could be effectively reduced by the control of first runoff in the heavy rainfall event, while the whole rainfall runoff should be effectively controlled for there was almost no initial effect in the weak rainfall events. In the road runoff, the median concentrations of TN were 5.39, 6.41 and 3.27 mg/L; CODMn, were 16.9, 13.4 and 6.7 mg/L; NH3-N were 2.79, 1.82 and 0.71 mg/L; TP were 0.27, 0.24 and 0.07 mg/L, respectively in traffic area, commercial area, and culturaleducational area. In the roof runoff, the concentrations of TN,CODMn,NH3-N and TP were respectively 2.14, 23.7, 1.22 and 0.41 mg/L in green roof of commercial area,. The concentrations of TN, CODMn,NH3-N and TP were respectively 2.23, 4.43, 0.64 and 0.13 mg/L in tile roof of culturaleducational area. Runoff pollution of traffic and commercial areas was more serious than that of culturaleducational areas. Rainwater quality of the road runoff was worse than that of the roof runoff, and the dominant pollutants were TN and CODMn. The pollutants in the first runoff were in the form of adsorbing on the solid particles.

    • Reproductive characteristics of the floating algae in green tide

      2011, 20(4):600-606.

      Abstract (16590) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (3616) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the last three years, vast green tides occurred repeatedly in the Yellow Sea area every summer. The biomass of floating green tide algae increased fast in a few months, moreover, the area covered by floating green tide algae expanded sharply. The material of this study is the dominant species Ulva prolifera in green tide. The reproductive characteristics study of the floating green algae showed that every square centimeter of the thalli produced about 5.35×106 spores or 1.07×107 gametes; during May to August, 25% surface area of the mature thalli produced about 1.15×107 spores or 2.31×107gametes. Parthenogenesis and asexual reproduction are the main reproductive modes of the floating green algae. Gametes showed intensive positive phototaxis, after syngamy, motile zygotes showed negative phototaxis. The spores and gametes could grow to new thalli independently, and the same to motile zygotes. As a result, the strong reproductive capacity of floating green tide algae Ulva prolifera might be the main reason of green tide occurrence.

    • The community structure of phytoplankton in Gouqi Island

      2011, 20(4):607-612.

      Abstract (3665) HTML (0) PDF 443.63 K (2148) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Depending on the bloom of Pseudonitzschia pungens in Gouqi Island in September, seven stations in four habitats around Gouqi Island were set up to analyze the community structure of phytoplankton. The abundance of phytoplankton in September is between 7.6 and 37.2 (×106/m3), Pseudonitzschia pungens dominated in the whole abundance which is 71.6 percent. Skeletonema costatum was one of the dominant species in the habitat of sandy beach compared with the small amount in other habitats. Combining with the environmental factors, the speciesenvironment matrix was established to do canonical correspondence analysis. The results showed that angle, ChlFlu, DO, salinity, P.quantum and temperature were the main factors affecting the structure of phytoplankton community (P<0.01). Skeletonema costatum was primarily influenced by temperature, so there was large abundance in the high temperature areas. According to the allyear data of species and environment, Pseudonitzschia pungens was primarily influenced by temperature.

    • Study on extraction of soluble calcium from eel bone with response surface methodology

      2011, 20(4):613-618.

      Abstract (3504) HTML (0) PDF 477.71 K (2240) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Response surface methodology was used to study the effect of different levels of concentration of hydrochloric acid, temperature and time on the extraction rate of calcium. Results showed that the optimal processing conditions were: the concentration of hydrochloric acid was 3.06 mol/L, the temperature was 45.90 ℃,the time was 1.9 h. Central composition design was used to build regression equation. The lack of Fit not significant showed the good fit of the regression model. Experiments showed that the extraction rate was 22.75% under this condition consistent with the theoretical prediction 22.60%. Response surface methodology analysis: interaction of concentration of hydrochloric acid and temperature on the yield of calcium was not significant; interaction of concentration of hydrochloric acid and time on the yield of calcium was significant; interaction of temperature and time on the yield of calcium was significant. Through the analysis of atomic absorption spectrophotometry, total calcium of the eel bone meal was 27.3%. The dissoluble rate of calcium was 83.33%.

    • Improvement of soxhlet extraction used for determination of crude lipids content of marine microalgae

      2011, 20(4):619-623.

      Abstract (4292) HTML (0) PDF 423.56 K (2441) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The lipid content is a critical criterion for the evaluation whether the microalga was qualified as biofuel material. In the present study, the crude lipid of seven species of marine microalgae was extracted by ethyl ether using Soxhlet extraction method, under a temperature of approximately 60-80 ℃. The Soxhlet extraction method was improved by dipping the microalgae in ethyl ether for some time before leaching. The results show that the lipid contents were higher than 15% for the seven species of marine microalgae. The lipid contents of Nannochloropsis Oculata, Isochrysis zhanjiangensis and Chaetoceros muelleriwere are higher than 25%. Variation of the results acquired by the traditional method and the improved method was less than 3.5%, which indicated that there was no significant difference. Moreover, the crude lipid was extracted more thoroughly by the improved method, within a much shorter time. In conclusion, the improved Soxhlet extraction was more efficient, with lower cost and more thorough extraction. What’s more, the pollution caused by ethyl ether was reduced due to a shorter extraction time.

    • Management information system on shrimp production (MISSP)

      2011, 20(4):624-630.

      Abstract (3013) HTML (0) PDF 579.16 K (2237) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The system is a WebMIS based information system combined with WebGIS and supported by a number of technologies such as J2EE, JSP, ArcIMS, JDBC and SQL Server. The system collects real time data from shrimp farms in various places and provides farmers with useful information on shrimp production such as seedlings, culture model, diseases, feedings, daily cares, production cost, product sales, etc. It is also helpful for the administrators to understand timely the overall situation of the shrimp industry in the country so as to make the right decisions for the proper development of the country's shrimp industry.

    • The image of Byzantium Empire in Sailing to Byzantium by W.B. Yeats

      2011, 20(4):631-635.

      Abstract (5564) HTML (0) PDF 450.70 K (2235) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:W.B.Yeats is the representative of the early British symbolism movement, and using symbol is one distinctive feature of his poetry. In the masterpiece Sailing to Byzantium, Yeats created a complex image the Byzantium Empire. Yeats maintained that Byzantium symbolized art, history and dissimilarity. When depicting the image of the Byzantium Empire, Yeats wasn't confined to the historical facts but transformed it into a holy place according to some secondhand materials. For Yeats, Byzantium was only an instrument instead of the final destination. In the image of the Byzantium Empire, Yeats expressed his wish for his mother country Ireland and disclosed his aristocratic ideal. The image of the Byzantium Empire represented the flowering culture characterized by the aristocratic civilization, which accorded with Yeats’ aristocratic taste. Besides, dissatisfied with Irish society, Yeats attempted to seek a role model for Ireland in history. Thus, the Byzantium Empire naturally drew Yeats’ attention, because it conformed to the poet’s political ideal.

    • Analysis of problems and countermeasures in graduation theses of English majors

      2011, 20(4):636-640.

      Abstract (10772) HTML (0) PDF 443.70 K (5890) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The graduation thesis of English majors is of considerable importance. And the graduation thesis of English majors can be the yardstick to have the comprehensive measurement of the integrated language abilities as well as the analytical abilities and research abilities of English major graduates .The quality of the graduation thesis of English majors is the actual reflection of the teaching result of English majors. In order to have the overall understanding of the present situation of the graduation thesis of English majors, the survey was conducted to get the information about the situation of graduation theses of English majors from 132 universities and colleges of different kinds. The findings of the questionnaire show there exist common problems in graduation theses of English majors such as plagiarism,grammatical mistakes, colloquial expressions, loose organization, lack of original ideas and so on. The exploration of the causes of the problems shows there are two major causes: objective and subjective. To tackle these problems, countermeasures are suggested in the paper: Reformation and innovation of teaching concept and teaching means. Strong emphasis on the teaching of English writing. Strict requirement on the selection the thesis title. Scientific use of research literature. Emphasis on the supervision of the whole process of student’s thesis writing. It is intended to improve the quality of graduation theses of English majors in a comprehensive way after having some reflections and taking some measures.

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