• Volume 20,Issue 3,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Genetic structure analysis of parents and F1 generation groups of Macrobrachium nipponense from Taihu Lake and Poyang Lake

      2011, 20(3):321-327.

      Abstract (3542) HTML (0) PDF 1.52 M (2616) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity and genetic structure of Macrobrachium nipponense (parents from Taihu Lake and Poyang Lake, F1 generations from diallel crosses) were analyzed by using 12 pairs of microsatellite markers primers selected. The results showed: the average number of alleles (Na) for 17.67 and effective alleles (Ne) for 12.48, between 112-427 bp in size. Average observed heterozygosity (Ho) for 0.693 8, and mean expected heterozygosity (He) for 0.913 4. Six stocks had genetic differentiation index FST value between stocks in 0.023 4-0.052 9, and gene flow (Nm) in 4.476 6-10.411 7. The differentiation is not obvious. Clustering analysis results showed that TP (Taihu Lake ♀?Poyang Lake ) stock and PT (Poyang Lake ♀?Taihu Lake ) stock, TH (Taihu Lake parents) stock and TT (Taihu Lake ♀?Taihu Lake ) stock, PY (Poyang Lake parents) stock and PP (Poyang Lake ♀?Poyang Lake ) stock were gathered, respectively, and then, TP, PT, TT and TH gathered again, finally, with PY and PP gathered. Test results showed that observed heterozygosity of the hybrid stocks had increased obviously, but there was no obvious differentiation between hybrid stocks and other stocks. Furthermore, the hybrid progenies were more similar to the female parent in genetic structure. In this study, we analyzed genetic diversity and genetic structure between various stocks by hybridization for Macrobrachium nipponense, so as to provide theory basis for resources conservation and exploitation.

    • Development and characteristics of tri- and tetra-nucleotide microsatellites for silver carp (Hypophthalmichtys molitrix)

      2011, 20(3):328-335.

      Abstract (3104) HTML (0) PDF 1.62 M (2605) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It was a study to isolate the tri- and tetra-nucleotide repeat microsatellite from sliver Carp (Hypophthalmichtys molitrix) with magnetic beads enriched method. Sliver carp (Hypophthalmichtys molitrix) genomic DNA was extracted from blood and digested with restriction Sau 3A I. The segments of 400-900 bp were collected by centrifugation of sucrose density gradient and then a whole genome PCR library was created. The genomic DNA was hybridized with biotinlabeled microsatellite probes (TGA)8,(CAG)8,(AGAT)8,and the singlestranded DNA containing the selected microsatellite DNA was obtained. Those selected DNAs were amplified with PCR, cloned into pMD 18-T vector, transformed into the competent Escherichia coli DH5α,and the microsatellite library was finally obtained. The second screen was performed with radiolabeled probes. 1758 positive clones were obtained and 348 microsatellite clones contained 248 microsatellite sequences. There were 167 (59.64%) perfect motifs, 28 (10%) imperfect motifs, 85 (30.36%) compound motifs. 60 pairs of primers were designed with the software Primer 3.0 and detected with the wild population of sliver Carp ( Hypophthalmichtys molitrix ) from the Pearl River. The results showed that 22 pairs of primers could be used to amplify special fragments and a genetic tool to evaluate germplasm resources of sliver Carp (Hypophthalmichtys molitrix) .

    • Analysis of genetic diversity of tilapia during selection processing based on D-loop sequence

      2011, 20(3):336-341.

      Abstract (3343) HTML (0) PDF 833.74 K (2561) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The mtDNA control region of GIFT strain Oreochromis niloticus in F0, F6-9 generation were amplified and sequenced. 225 loci were polymorphic and accounted for 24.94% in 902 base pairs of 47 samples. The ratio of polymorphic loci was highest in F0, and decreased with selection proccessing. Nucleotide diversity index were 0.074 02, 0.068 72, 0.064 15, 0.049 52, 0.044 55 for F0, F6, F7, F8, F9, respectively. The ratio of polymorphic loci, nucleotide diversity index among these five generations showed that the selected populations were getting purer after selection procession. Genetic distances between F0 and these four selected populations were increased with selection procession, which suggested that selection could result in genetic differentiation just as caused by longterm geographical isolation.

    • Fulllength cDNA cloning and molecular characteristic research of AMP gene in Hyriopsis cumingii

      2011, 20(3):342-349.

      Abstract (4266) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (2892) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the EST sequence in cDNA library in our lab, the full-length cDNA sequence of AMP gene was cloned in the triangleshell pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii by the RACE-PCR. A 970 bp cDNA sequence contained a 123 bp 5′-untranslation region, 526 bp 3′-untranslation region and 300 bp open reading frame(ORF), which encoded 99 amino acids with a signal peptides of 27 amino acids and a mature peptide of 72 amino acids, and molecular mass is 10 924.7 u. Amino acid sequence analysis shows that in the sequence there exist an obvious transmembrane and a hydrophobic region. Homology analysis indicates that this full-length amino acid sequence showed the highest similarity with Aplysia californica theromacin (56%), lower similarity with defensins,mytilins,myticins and mytimycins in mussels, so it is speculated that this gene belongs to theromacin gene families of antibacterial peptides. The prediction results of Jpred3 software for H.cumingii AMP protein secondary structure show that the places of 2-22, 57-62 amino acid residues had the alpha helix, accordingly, AMP in H.cumingii is the membrane protein containng transmembrane spiral. This study may lay the molecular basis for further research on the gene expression, function and disease defense of H.cumingii.

    • Microsatellite analysis on genetic diversity of Sinonovacula constricta stocks in Yueqing Bay and Sansha Bay

      2011, 20(3):350-357.

      Abstract (3423) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (2663) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of 18 stocks of Sinonovacula constricta in Yueqing Bay and Sansha Bay, were investigated by using eight microsatellite loci, in order to evaluate the genetic divergence between Yueqing Bay and Sansha Bay, protecting aquatic genetic resources and providing the basic information of genetic breeding in sourceland of Sinonovacula constricta in China. The results of genetic diversity showed that: the average effective allele numbers (Ne) of Yueqing Bay and Sansha Bay ranged from 8.146 to 10.457 and from 7.457 to 9.947; the average expected heterozygosities (He) varied from 0.872 to 0.909 and from 0.846 to 0.894; the average genetic diversity index of Nei’s ranged from 0.863 to 0.899 and from 0.836 to 0.886, respectively. Those data indicated higher genetic diversity in all of the 18 stocks in Yueqing Bay and Sansha Bay. Pairwise FST values between stocks of Yueqing Bay and Sansha Bay ranged from 0.000 1 to 0.052 3, which indicated that there was some degree of differentiation among 18 stocks based on FST. The UPGMA phylogenetic trees based on DA genetic distance suggested that the 18 stocks were divided into two groups, one of which included the stocks of ZYC,ZNY,ZNT,ZQJ,ZHW,ZHS and ZLP in Yueqing Bay whereas the other one consisted of ZWY and ZWG in Yueqing Bay and FZW,FMT,FSD,FSJ,FBZ,FXT,FCC,FSJ and FXW in Sansha Bay. As a result, we can infer that the stocks of ZWY and ZWG in Zhejiang province may come from Fujian Province, revealing the introduction phenomenon in the culture of Sinonovacula constricta.

    • The effect of salinity on development and survival of Gloiopeltis tenax spore

      2011, 20(3):358-362.

      Abstract (3290) HTML (0) PDF 767.06 K (2887) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The experiment was conducted to study the influence of salinity change on spores, germinating spores and discs of Gloiopeltis tenax. Gloiopeltis tenax spores released at salinity 31 were incubated in six salinity gradients(16,21,26,31,36,39)for 30d respectively. The germinating spores (which were Gloiopeltis tenax spores that have adhered at salinity 31 for one day ) and the discs (which were Gloiopeltis tenax spores that have adhered and been incubated at salinity 31 for five days) were put into five salinity gradients(10,16,31,52,57)to culture for 20d respectively. The result was following. Optimum salinity of attachment, development and survival for Gloiopeltis tenax spores was recorded at 26-36. For the germinating spores of Gloiopeltis tenax, optimum salinity range of development was recorded at 16-31 while appropriate salinity range of survival was recorded at 16-52. For the discs of Gloiopeltis tenax, optimum salinity range of development was recorded at 10-31 while appropriate salinity range of survival was recorded at 10-57. The experiment result showed different development stage of Gloiopeltis tenax spores had different adaptability to the salinity change. Results presented in this study were expected to assist the progress of artificial seeding and propagation of Gloiopeltis tenax.

    • Research status and development trend of Sargassum thunbergii

      2011, 20(3):363-367.

      Abstract (4281) HTML (0) PDF 891.60 K (3128) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sargassum thunbergii is a common coastal economic brown algae of high nutritional value and low alginate content, which is the best natural bait of sea cucumber. With the industry development of sea cucumber and abalone aquaculture , the production of wild algae gradually can not meet production requirements. The artificial breeding and culture technology of S.thunbergii is gradually rising. S.thunbergii in medicine, health care and chemical industries and other industries also has great development potential. The author reviewed the biological condition effects on S.thunbergii growth, reproduction, nutrition and latest developments of nutrients, population genetics, artificial breeding and culture technology, proposed future research and development trend in order to provide scientific basis for the development of S.thunbergii industry.

    • Effects of high temperature stress and body size on growth performance of olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus

      2011, 20(3):368-373.

      Abstract (3442) HTML (0) PDF 827.86 K (2729) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of high temperature stress and two different body sizes on growth performance of olive flounder was studied in laboratory conditions. The temperature of 25 ℃ was performed as control, and the temperature of 28 ℃, 30 ℃ and 32 ℃ were as high temperature stress groups. The experiments included experiment I and experiment II. The results were as follows: (1) the survival rates of olive flounder were nearly 100% when the temperature was between 25 to 30 ℃, while the survival rates of olive flounder decreased significantly at the temperature of 32 ℃. The survival rates of two differernt body sizes of flounder have no significant differences at the temperature of 32 ℃ (P<0.05). (2) Water temperature significantly affected the growth of two different sizes of fish, and a quadratic regression was fit to describe the relationship between the SGR, FR, FCE and the water temperature (Oneway ANOVA, P<0.01). (3) Compared with growth performance of different sized fish at the same temperature, the SGR and FR of experiment I were remarkably higher than those of experiment II (P<0.05), while the FCE of experiment I was significantly lower than that of experiment II(P <0.05), which indicated that body size have a significant effect on growth performance of olive flounder. The result of present study indicated that the temperature of 32 ℃ may be the upper limit of olive flounder, and the high temperature stress and body size have a significant effect on the growth performance of olive flounder.

    • Study on the development of the ovary and oocyte in Acrossocheilus fasciatus from Oujiang River

      2011, 20(3):374-381.

      Abstract (3225) HTML (0) PDF 2.38 M (2526) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The histological features of the ovary and oocyte and breeding season of Acrossocheilus fasciatus of the Oujiang River were studied by biologic investigation and lightmicroscope. The results showed that the change of the oocytes of the female could be divided into five phases and the development of ovary could be devided into six stages, according to the morphological and histological features. In the ovaries at stage Ⅰ, the ovaries were transparent and linear structures. In the ovaries at stage Ⅱ,the oocytes were mostly at phase Ⅱ. In the ovaries at stage Ⅲ, the oocytes were mostly at phase Ⅲ, follicular membrane and yolk grain appeared in the cytoplast. There were few oocytes at phaseⅠand Ⅱin the ovaries at stage Ⅲ. In the ovaries at stage Ⅳ, the oocytes were mostly at phase Ⅳ. The nucleus was in excursion. The number of yolk grain increased. The ovaries were a cystoid structure. The oocytes appeared obviously by nude eyes. The ovaries at stage V were mature and the oocytes were dissociating. The ovaries at stage Ⅵ were in a recession, the ovaries were in relaxation and smaller in size. The breeding season of Acrossocheilus fasciatus of the Oujiang River was from May to August. The ovaries in reproductive season were mostly in stage Ⅳ from May to June. From July and August the ovaries were in stage Ⅲ or Ⅴ. The corresponding gonadosomatic index(GSI) of ovaries from May to August were 2.75%, 8.54%, 3.25% and 1.44% respectively. The results of this paper indicated that Acrossocheilus fasciatus of the Oujiang River belonged to consecutive spawning type. It can spawn many times during reproduction season.

    • Primary study on the age,growth and reproduction of Sinibrama macrops in Qiandao Lake

      2011, 20(3):382-391.

      Abstract (4080) HTML (0) PDF 1.63 M (2693) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To evaluate the current status of 〖WTBX〗Sinibrama macrops〖WTBZ〗 population in Qiandao Lake, age、 growth and reproduction characters were studied using 707 specimens collected from July 2008 to April 2009. Ages were determined by reading annuli on scales, The estimated age ranges were between 0+-5+years for females and 0+-4+years for males, the age group advantage is 1+-2+, which accounts 74.1%. The body length and body weight range of population is 9.2 cm-20.4 cm, 18-195 g. The growth trait of the length and weight was similar as W=0.0248L2.8985(r=0.9482), The body growth pattern can be well described by von Bertalanffy equation and they were Lt=24.04[1-e-0.1477(t+2.8540)],Wt=249.38[1-e-0.1477(t+2.8540)]2.8985, The growth age at inflection point was 4.35 year old and the corresponding body length and body weight were 15.74 cm,73.13 g. The sex ratio for female and male is 1.27∶1, The individual absolute fecundity varied from 1 870-18 665 eggs(average 6 279), and the individual relative fecundity(FL) varied from 38-215 eggs/g (average 98), The gonadosomatic index for female and male is 22.85%,12.56%, and the female fish are total spawners. Growth indexs in general declined with age growth, and the condition factor reached in its peak in March. According to the body length and body weight in inflexion there had overfished condition, therefore, the countermeasures should be taken such as restricting the individual which is below 4 age, in order to protect the resources of Sinibrama macrops.

    • Artemia nauplii enrichment with polyβ-hydroxybutyrate

      2011, 20(3):392-398.

      Abstract (3586) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (2592) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effect of polyβ-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) on survival and growth of Artemia was investigated. Various levels of PHB concentration (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 400 and 800 mg/L, respectively) and different enrichment periods (24 h, 48 h and 72 h, respectively) were applied during Artemia enrichment in two separate trials. PHB suspension was prepared with ultrasonicator to make the particle size smaller (ranging from 10 to 50 μm) and fed to the newlyhatched Artemia nauplii according to the designed concentration. The initial density of Artemia nauplii was 100 ind/200 mL. The results showed that survival of Artemia enriched with 100 mg/L PHB for 24 h was significantly higher than that of other treatments, which was reduced remarkably when Artemia were enriched with other PHB concentrations and longer periods (48 h and 72 h) (P<0.05). And the 72 hgrowth of Artemia enriched with 100 mg/L PHB was also significantly higher than that of other groups (P<0.05). The result of quantitative determination indicated that, within 24 h enrichment, PHB content in Artemia increased along with enrichment time and reached the highest at 24 h, accounting for 10.73% of Artemia dry weight. In conclusion, we proposed that PHB can be applied efficiently in larviculture through Artemia enrichment at a level of 100 mg/L PHB for 24 h.

    • Determination of 10 pyrethroids residues in Penaeus vannamei by gas chromatography

      2011, 20(3):399-404.

      Abstract (3586) HTML (0) PDF 880.01 K (2646) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The method for determination of 10 pyrethroids residues such as tefluthrin in Penaeus vannamei by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) was developed. Pyrethroids were extracted with hexanethylacetateactone organic solvent and lipids were removed with petroleum ether saturated with acetonitrile. After purification by Florisil column, 10 pyrethroids residues were detected simultaneously by GC-ECD. The results indicated that the working curves were linear (r≥0.999 51) in the range of 1-100 ng/mL for 10 pyrethroids . When spiked with 2 μg/kg, 10 μg/kg and 20 μg/kg of pyrethroids (1 μg/kg, 5 μg/kg and 10 μg/kg for tefluthrin) in Penaeus vannamei blank sample, the average recoveries were 78.0%-110.0% and the intraday RSD (n=6) were 4.0%-12.0% and the interday RSD (n=3) were 2.3%-12.0%. The detection limit as estimated by 10 times signal to noise method for tefluthrin was 1.0 μg/kg and that for bifenthrin, fenpropanate, cyhalothrin, pemethrin, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, taufluvalinate, fenvalate, deltamethrin was 2.0 μg/kg respectively. This method can detect pyrethroids residues in aquatic product quickly and exactly.

    • Isolation and identification of Micrococcus luteusin rice field eel(Monopterus albus) in Sichuan Province

      2011, 20(3):405-411.

      Abstract (4003) HTML (0) PDF 1.11 M (2672) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This experiment was conducted to analyse the species and drug resistance of hemorrhagic pathogens from Monopterus albus. One hemorrhagic disease pathogens(HM1) of M. albus from Mingshan in Sichuan was isolated using bacteria classification and identification technique, and was identified according to the morphological, physiological and biological characteristics and the phylogenetic analysis. On pathogenicity test of animals, the experimental Ictalurus nebulosus demonstrated weak pathogenic symptom, but not any pahthogenic symptom in mice and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. Morphological and physiological biochemical character homophyly of HM1 strain was in accordance with Micrococcus luteus, which presented gram positive coccus, nonmotility, arranged in couples or quadruple or clumps, nonchainlike conformation, nonsporulation; catalasepositive, gelatin liquefactionpositive, lactosenegative, mannitolnegative, glucosenegative, aesculin hydrolysisnegative, nitrate reductionnegative, arginine hydrolytic enzymenegative and so on. The 16S rDNA gene of HM1 was amplified by PCR using the universal primers. Then, the 16S rDNA gene was cloned and sequenced. A sequence of 1 382 base pair (bp) was obtained from HM1 (GenBank accession number: HM044913). The analysis using online Classifer software form the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) database showed that the strain HM1 was classified in Micrococcus. The nucleotide sequences homology of 16S rDNA from HM1 strain had 99% identity with 7 strains M. luteus in GenBank. Phylogenetic trees reconstructed based on genes 16S rDNA indicate that the strains of HM1 and other M. luteus in GenBank are clustered in the same clade. The results suggest that the isolated strain (HM1) was classified in M. luteus. Antibiotic susceptibility tests showed that the isolated strain (HM1) was sensitive to 18 kinds of drugs inculding norfloxacin, cefazolin sodium and carbenicillin, etc; and was medium sensitive to ceftazidime; and insusceptible to 5 kind of drugs such as nalidixic acid, gatifloxacin and sulfafurazole, etc.

    • Sagittal otolith morphology and daily increment analysis of Setipinna taty from Lüsi Fishing Ground

      2011, 20(3):412-416.

      Abstract (2969) HTML (0) PDF 879.85 K (2593) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:231 Setipinna taty individuals were sampled by singlestake stownet fishery from Lüsi Fishing Ground in the south of the Yellow Sea to analyze sagittal otolith morphology and information contained. The results indicated that the otolith length ranged from 1.88 to 4.91 mm with mean of 3.75 mm and otolith weight ranged from 0.8 to 13.7 mg with mean of 6.4mg. Observation of the otoliths of Setipinna taty showed that the growth equation was fitted by the all otolith length ( LOA, mm) and fork length as follows, LOA=2.6322 ln(L)-8.2612. The relationship between LOA and otolith weight (WO, mg) was WO=0.196×LOA-2.6186. It is induced that the age range of the Setipinna taty individuals measured was 60-258 days, in which 90~150 days dominated the age range, accounting for 69.5%. The linear growth equation between fork length and age (day) was L=0.2034×A+69.12. The estimated hatch dates of Setipinna taty in the south of the Yellow Sea were distributed between January and March and 83.6% concentrated in February.

    • Relationship between individual growth and statolith increment of jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the waters off Costa Rica

      2011, 20(3):417-423.

      Abstract (13021) HTML (0) PDF 975.11 K (5124) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The growth relationship between statolith and individual of the jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas) sampled in waters off Costa Rica from July to August in 2009 was studied with multiple statistical methods. It was found that the growth relationship between statolith and mantle length (ML) was significant (P<0.01), and the biggest coefficient were ventral dorsal dome length (DDL) and total statolith length (TSL). Statolith growth contained two phases, rapid growth of statolith before ML was smaller than 26-30 cm, and after that there has a slow growth of statolith. The dorsal length (DL), rostrum inside length (RIL) and DDL grew faster than the TSL, but the ventral dorsal dome angle (DDA), rostrum lateral dome angle (RDA) and rostrum angle (RA) were reduced during the growth process. So the morphology of lateral dome and rostrum were changed significantly (P<0.05). Although the significant changes of statolith morphology preceded the growth changes and the significant changes of various parts in morphology were not synchronized, the morphological changes mainly occurred in individuals with 23-29 cm ML, after that the morphology kept stabilized. The significant changes of growth and morphology were associated with habitat changed of water layer, and the jumbo flying squid statolith was coincided with the characteristics of pelagic cephalopods.

    • A comparison of fishing efficiency on bigeye tuna of two longline fishing gears

      2011, 20(3):424-430.

      Abstract (4252) HTML (0) PDF 994.27 K (2780) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It could be beneficial to reducing the incidental catch of nontarget species, and improving the accuracy of CPUE standardization to study on the effective fishing effort and fishing efficiency of the longline fishing gears. A survey on tuna longline fishery has been conducted in waters near Gilbert Islands from October to December 2009. The traditional and experimental fishing gears were used in the survey. The bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) nominal CPUE in the different depth classes were used to estimate its habitat preference. The “deterministic habitat based standardization” was applied to estimate the effective fishing effort of the traditional and experimental fishing gears. The difference of the fishing efficiency between the traditional and experimental fishing gears was tested by the Ttest. This study suggested that: (1)There was significant difference between the nominal CPUE of the traditional gear and that of the experimental gear, and the nominal CPUE of the traditional gear was less than that of the experimental gear;There was significant difference between the nominal fishing effort and the effective fishing effort, and the effective fishing effort was less than the nominal fishing effort; (2)The efficiency of the experimental gear for the bigeye tuna was greater than that of the traditional gear; (3)When the target species was bigeye tuna, the experimental gear was suggested to be used in the operation to increase the fishing efficiency; (4)The different fishing gear has the different fishing efficiency to the same catch species; the distribution of bigeye tuna CPUE in the different depth classes could be used to estimate the habitat preferences of the bigeye tuna and estimate the fishing efficiency of the fishing gear for the bigeye tuna; and the “deterministic habitat based standardization” model could be used in the CPUE standardization to improve the accuracy of the stock assessment for the respective catch species.

    • Necessity analysis on constructing brand strategy of the recreational fisheries

      2011, 20(3):431-436.

      Abstract (3027) HTML (0) PDF 1005.04 K (2634) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Constructing brand strategy of the recreational fisheries products is very important.It is not only related to the sustainable use of fisheries resources, but also related to the competitiveness of recreational fishery in the country and the world.And it is an inevitable choice to the recreational fishing operators in the market competition.Firstly,the author points out the essence of recereational fishery from brand strategy point of view.Operators design the brand image of recreational fishing,promote the brand of the company in a series of mass media,and make sure that the brand is known to the public.With their propaganda,the consumers from other parts of the country will be drawn to visit,have leisure and enjoy.By these efforts,the market competitive edge of recereational fishery will be raised.Secondly,based on the developmental status of the brand construction of recereational fishery in China,the author points out the necessity of the brand strategy construction on the recreational fisheries in China from these perspectives of operators, consumers and the whole nation.For example,it could help operators to seize market shares,carry out product variation to expand the economic benefits.And it also helps to fully exploit the local “Fish Culture” to improve culture tastes of recreational fishing.In addition,it could help customers to choose the best products.Importantly it is beneficial to the country to raise the whole competitiveness of recreational fisheries,and enhance our overall competitive strength of recreational fisheries.Lastly,the author points out some problems in constructing the brand strategy on the Chinese recreational fisheries.It contains that ecological brand positioning,integration of existing products,protection of brand quality,outstanding “Fish Culture” and consolidation of “fishing villiage”.

    • Ecology study of the relationship between heterotrophic bacterioplankton and ecological environment in the area of Gouqi Island in spring

      2011, 20(3):437-444.

      Abstract (3692) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (2499) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gammaproteobacteria were the dominant species playing different ecological roles in kelp beds and mussel farms. In order to demonstrate whether the environmental conditions were different in these areas, it was applied to study the relationship between heterotrophic bacterioplankton and environmental parameters during spring in the area of Gouqi Island. The results showed that abundance of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the area of KSX, MSX and SX were 1.6×108cells/L, 1.21×108cells/L and 1.56×108cells/L separately. Horizontal distribution of heterotrophic bacterioplankton was that abundance in KSX was highest and 1.33 fold of number in MSX which was lower than in that SX. Heterotrophic bacterioplankton was positively correlated with chlorophyll a in KSX. It was limited positively by ammonium in KSX, because of algae depending on nitrate and the advantages of bacterioplankton absorbing nutrient and competing with phytoplankton; number of bacterioplankton was negatively influenced by ammionium and positively influenced by dissolved organic carbon in SX. Therefore, Chlorophyll a and ammonium and dissolved organ carbon were the key limiting parameters of heterotrophic bacterioplankton during spring around kelp bed area of Gouqi Island.

    • The research of relationships between phytoplankton and environmental factors in artificial reef area of Haizhou Bay

      2011, 20(3):445-450.

      Abstract (3524) HTML (0) PDF 976.45 K (2839) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using canonical correspondence analysis(CCA),this paper studied the relationship between phytoplankton species and its environmental factors. The speciesenvironment biplots were drawn based on the result of CCA. The result showed that total inorganic nitrogen, water temperature and transparency were the most important factors influencing the distribution of phytoplankton species. The distribution of main dominant phytoplankton species Chaetoceros muelleri and Eucompia zoodiacus correlated strongly with phosphate. CCA can be a useful tool to understand the spatial distribution of phytoplankton species in marine ecosystems.

    • Multianalysis between chlorophyll a and other environmental factors in Dishui Lake

      2011, 20(3):451-456.

      Abstract (4015) HTML (0) PDF 913.86 K (2795) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the correlation between chlorophyll a and some environmental factors including pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, transparency, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and so on, was analyzed by regression statistical method, based on the investigation data in Dishui Lake from January to December in 2009. The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of chlorophyll a were also analyzed.The results showed that the concentration of chlorophyll a ranged from 0.5 to 139.5 mg/m3 with the average value of (52.97±28.32) mg/m3.The highest concentration occurred in the period of April to June. Extremely significant differences of chlorophyll a existed between sampling site Ⅲ and VI, V, VI respectively and also between sampling site I and VI. In different sampling sites, the important environmental factors affecting chlorophyll a were different, thus different factors were chosen for the multiple stepwise regression. However, the relationship between lg(YChl.a) and lg(XTP) was positive, while that between lg(XTN/TP and lg(XTN/TP) was negative. The equations obtained were lg(YChl.a)=2.146+0.530lg(XTP),lg(YChl.a)=2.017-0.275lg(XTN/TP), which were more practicable than the multiple stepwise regression equations.

    • Change of water quality during the ecological restoration in the Garden of Yuanmingyuan

      2011, 20(3):457-461.

      Abstract (3563) HTML (0) PDF 739.94 K (2640) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ecological restoration of water environment is in the increasingly widespread concern. Aquatic ecological restoration engineering technology guided by algaeeating daphnia controlling algae was applied to improve water clarity by input algae-eating daphnia, then taking such planting submerged aquatic vegetation as the focus of a series of ecological restoration measures to rehabilitate eutrophication landscape water. In reclaimed water supply conditions, the landscape waterbodies of the Yuanmingyuan implementation projects of aquatic ecological restoration were guided by algaeeating daphnia controlling algae. In Fanghe, Jianbiting, and Yulinglongguan during April to June 2008, and Fenglingzhou during September to November, 2007, water quality monitoring was carried out during and after the restoration. The result indicates that the main indexes such as turbidity, COD, TN, TP and Chla were improved greatly. After restoration, they were 1-2NTU, 6-11 mg/L, 0.28-0.98 mg/L, 0.019-0.044 mg/L, 2.1-8.5 mg/m3 respectively. Compared with before the restoration, the four indicators mentioned above decreased 74%-99%, 63%-87%, 77%-85%, 77%-85% respectively, and the water quality was II-III grade compared with V grade before restoration.

    • Study on the extraction of cadmium from Oyster homogenate by succinic acid and citric acid

      2011, 20(3):462-467.

      Abstract (3389) HTML (0) PDF 776.02 K (2495) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The optimum conditions for the extraction of cadmium from Oyster homogenate by succinic acid and citric acid were determined using single facter and orthogonal array design methodology. The results showed that the pH value of organic acid has the maximal effect on extraction rate of cadmium in Oyster homogenate, followed by materialliquid ratio and extraction time. The effects of concentration and temperature on extraction rate were found to be slightly dependent on the type of organic acid. The optimal conditions to obtain the highest extraction rate by succinic acid and citric acid were 2 h, 35 ℃, pH 3.0, 0.02 mol/L of sucinic acid and 1∶15 of material to solution, as well as 2 h, 35 ℃, pH 2.5, 0.04 mol/L of citric acid and 1∶15 of material to liquid, respectively. Under these optimal conditions, extraction rate of cadmium from Oyster homogenate by the two organic acids reached up to 90.2%-91.8%.

    • On the knowledge system of administrative law from the view of public management

      2011, 20(3):468-473.

      Abstract (2781) HTML (0) PDF 1.11 M (2520) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the public management major, teaching purpose of administrative law courses is to cultivate students’s, conception of rule and cultivating lawful management behavior and cultivating the capacity for bearing the legal liability for their management. So administrative law courses in the public management major need to establish a new curriculum knowledge system that complies with public management practice. From the analysis of logic, construction of the curriculum knowledge system of administrative law courses from the public management perspective, needs to clear three fundamental questions: how to understand the administrative law from the perspective of public management? how many administrative law systems for the public administration activities to rely on? What is the useful knowledge for the public management major? Accordingly, the knowledge system of administrative law courses from the view of public management posed by the theory of the basis of administrative law and the theory of the subject of administrative law and the theory of administrative legal behavior and administrative law supervision theory and the theory of administrative legal relief. They are interrelated and mutually supporting and together constitute a knowledge system of administrative law courses in the view of public management. Among them, the behavior theory of administrative law is the main line in the knowledge system of administrative law courses. Other theories support the teaching content in the knowledge system of administrative law courses from the view of public management.

    • 100 years’ evolution of fisheries higher education and its strategic transformation in China

      2011, 20(3):474-479.

      Abstract (3405) HTML (0) PDF 991.34 K (2771) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the early 20th century, in order to safeguard the country’s maritime rights and interests and to develop national fisheries industry, the government of Qing Dynasty and Republic of China learning from Japan, United States and other countries’ experiences, began to develop China’s fisheries education. After the founding of new China, Shanghai Fisheries College and other fisheries colleges had been founded since 1952 in succession. In 1950’s and 1960’s, learning experiences from Soviet Union, the system of fisheries higher education was established in China. After decades of development, the fisheries higher education had made great achievements, and made outstanding contributions to the development of fisheries industry in China. In the late 20th century, to meet the needs of the marine industry development, and the selfdevelopment needs of fisheries higher education, and the needs of building a modern marine society, the fisheries colleges and universities have changed their names to marine universities, and have transformed from single discipline universities into multidisciplinary marine universities. The transformation has promoted the development of marine higher education in China. For the effective development of marine higher education, it is suggested to take higher starting point and the road of international education, and to develop basic sciences and applied sciences coordinated, and to optimize the structure of marine higher education further, and to build a good threedimensional linkage mechanism between the government, marine universities and the society.

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