• Volume 20,Issue 2,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Microsatellite analysis of genetic variation in F1,F2 and F3 selected generations of Yellow River populations of Chinese softshelled turtle, 〖WTHX〗Trionyx sinensis

      2011, 20(2):161-166.

      Abstract (3937) HTML (0) PDF 666.83 K (2844) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To assess genetic variations during genetic selection of Chinese softshelled turtle (Trionyx sinensis), the specimens of Chinese softshelled turtle , collected from three selected generations ( F1,F2 and F3) of Yellow River population as testing group , and their base population (F0) as well as the Taihu population as control group, were amplified by ten pairs of microsatellite primers. The result showed that: (1)A total of 240 alleles were detected in all examined loci. In all five populations the value of average allele number (Na) were 4.60-5.30, the value of average of effective number of alleles (Ne) were 3.24-3.59; the value of average observed heterozygosity (Ho) were 0.483 3-0.530 0, the value of average expected heterozygosity (He) were 0.594 9-0.645 9 and the value of average polymorphism information content (CPI) were 0.534 0-0.568 4. (2)The three selected generation’s heredity multiple parameter Ho, He and CPI demonstrated decreased identically, along with the increases of selected generations. It indicated that the mass selection targeted on phenotypes such as growth, body color, body shape, produced a detectable effect on the genetype. (3)The phylogenetic tree showed that studied five populations were clustered into two groups, the first group consisted of the four Yellow River populations while the second group belongs to Taihu Lake population. It indicated that a significant genetic differentiation between Yellow River populations and Taihu Lake population existed and has not been changed by current three generations selection.

    • Characterization of polymorphic type I microsatellite from cDNA library in premetamorphosing Paralichthys olivaceus

      2011, 20(2):167-172.

      Abstract (3150) HTML (0) PDF 471.48 K (3052) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Oliver flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, is not only a model animal for fish metamorphosis, but also an important cultured species in China. In this study, 42 unique expressed series tags (ESTs) containing 46 microsatellites were found from the cDNA library of premetamorphosing flounder. Twentyone microsatellite loci were tested in 30 individuals in the breeding population of P.olivaceus and 20 among them had polymorphism. The number of detected alleles varied from two to six, while the number of observed heterozygosity varied from 0.06 to 1.00, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.059 7 to 0.825 2. The average of polymorphism information content (PIC) is 0.4575. The results indicate that these microsatellite loci will be useful for linkage map construction and markerassistedselection program of P.olivaceus. Three microsatellite loci with trinucleotide repeats buried in the coding region of genes were found to have polymorphism, which might be related to the gene function.

    • Amplification of cDNA and primary molecular phylogeny based on β-actin gene sequences of a freshwater crab, Sinopotamon yangtsekiense

      2011, 20(2):173-178.

      Abstract (3557) HTML (0) PDF 558.63 K (2800) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Amplification and sequence of the β-actin gene of Sinopotamon yangtsekiense were conducted with the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). It is aligned with homologous sequences of 6 other crabs from GenBank. The results showed there were 115 variable sites and 57 singleton sites in β-actin homologous sequences of 338 bp. Substitution rates among nucleotide sites were from 1.6% to 25.3% and the numbers of nucleotide transitions / transversions were from 0.740 to 4.050. Scylla serrata was more closely related to the sand crab Portunus pelagicus than any other species. S.yangtsekiense was farther related to Gecarcinus lateralisNeohelice granulate. Furthermore,Eriocheir sinensis was farther related to P.pelagicus. The phylogenetic trees constructed by neighbor joining (NJ) and maximum likelihood (ML) supported the same topology. The phylogenetic analysis implied that S.yangtsekiense was singleton branch, far away from other marine crabs, so it should belong to potamidea. S.serrata was clustered with P.pelagicus firstly, clustered with G.lateralis consequently and then N.granulate was clustered into them. The results of inferred phylogeny were different from traditional classification scheme based on morphology.

    • Analysis of genetic diversity among five populations of Cyprinus carpio by TRAP markers

      2011, 20(2):179-184.

      Abstract (3487) HTML (0) PDF 527.56 K (2851) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Target Region Amplification Polymorphism (TRAP) technique was adopted to assess genetic diversity among five populations of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) including purse red carp, Huanghe carp, Jian carp, Xingguo red carp and Heilongjiang carp by using 10 pairs of primer with high polymorphism. The fixed primers were designed from the sequence of GHR gene. Out of the 168 bands amplified by 10 primer combinations, 134 (80.41%) were polymorphic. The average of polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.29. The AMOVA analysis result revealed 96.97% variance came from individuals within population which indicated that great genetic variation existing within the populations. The fixation index (FST) for TRAP was estimated to be 0.03026 and showed the significant genetic differentiation among populations (P<0.05). The cluster analysis based on the TRAP marker polymorphism of the target gene indicated that Jian carp and Xingguo red carp fell in one cluster, Huanghe carp and Heilongjiang carp fell in another cluster, and finally they clustered with purse red carp.

    • Cloning and gene construction analysis of β-actin in Oreochromis aureus

      2011, 20(2):185-190.

      Abstract (2916) HTML (0) PDF 444.14 K (2711) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Eukaryotic β-actin gene plays an important role in physiological process and its sequence is highly conservative as a housekeeping gene. The partial cDNA encoding β-actin in Oreochromis aureus was isolated using RT-PCR. The cDNA isolated was 424 bp encoding 138 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 15.5 ku. The comparison analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of β-actin in O.aureus showed high similarity of 99.3% with those of Pagrus major, Danio rerio, Oryzias latipes, Rivulus marmoratus, and 97.8%-98.6% homology with those of other fishes, such as Carassius auratus, Takifugu rubripes. The corresponding DNA sequence of O.aureus β-actin in size of 619 bp was also cloned. By comparing the sequences of cDNA and DNA, it was found that β-actin gene in O.aureus consisted of two introns. The present study provided some useful information in designing the β-actin primers for real time RT-PCR and evaluating the β-actin expression level for different tissues.

    • study of the microorganism using biomolecular technology from the Yangtze Estuary based on the technology of 16S rRNA

      2011, 20(2):191-197.

      Abstract (4479) HTML (0) PDF 855.43 K (3287) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is mainly based on microorganism samples of seawater which were gathered around the Yangtze Estuary from Oct.2007 to June 2008. The marine microorganism species were identified by using amplifications of 16S rRNA gene with primer 27F and 1492R, cloning and sequencing techniques. Through the database of NCBI, using the software of Mega 4.0, molecular phylogenetic tree was established with the sequences of 16S rRNA. In this paper, microorganism samples of seawater were respectively gathered in winter and summer at the same destination. Seventeen genera including fiftythree strains were achieved from the analysis of the four samples. Microbial community structure changes with temperature obviously, and dominant species vary with temperature. In winter, the Acinetobacter was the dominant species, and the molecular phylogenetic tree reflects a few genetic differences; In summer, microbial community structure was more complex, in which the Shewanella and Pseudomonas were the dominant species, and the molecular phylogenetic tree reflected greater genetic differences; In the waters of different temperature, microbial species shows different advantages obviously. Molecular phylogenetic tree reflects the genetic differences with obvious seasonal variation distribution.

    • Analysis on genetic variations of Erythroculter ilishaeformis (♀)×Megalobrama amblycephala) Hybrids F1 by SRAP markers

      2011, 20(2):198-203.

      Abstract (3224) HTML (0) PDF 782.37 K (2689) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SRAP (sequencerelated amplified polymorphism) is a new molecular marker based on Polymerase Chain Reaction. SRAP markers were used to detect genetic variations of two parents E.ilishaeformis ♀, M.amblycephala and the F1 in this paper. 21 polymorphic primer combinations were selected from 24 pairs of primer combinations. 136 loci were amplified and 124 loci were polymorphic. Each primer combination generated 6.48 polymorphic loci, which showed comparatively high polymorphism on average. The results showed that the differentiations between parents were remarkable, and all the loci of F1 came from their parents, and no hybridspecific locus was found. Among E.ilishaeformis ♀, M.amblycephala and F1, the values of Nei’s genetic diversity (H) were 0.194 5, 0.172 2, 0.198 4, respectively; the values of Shannon’s information index (I) were 0.289 1, 0.254 7, 0.290 5 respectively. All the parameters indicated that hybrids F1 showed a greater genetic diversity than their parents. Furthermore, the genetic distance between E.ilishaeformis ♀ and M.amblycephala was 0.420 6. The genetic identity between F1 and E.ilishaeformis ♀ was 0.767 1, and the genetic identity between F1 and M.amblycephala was 0.751 2, the differentiation was insignificant. This indicated that the hybrid F1 has an equal heredity similarity to their parents, and this also showed that F1 combined genetic information from both of their parents. The results also demonstrated that SRAP molecular marker technology can be applied to the hybrids tested and genetic analysis of fish breeding effectively and reliably.

    • The comparative study of resource status on freshwater mussel in two lakes of different usage in Poyang Lake area

      2011, 20(2):204-210.

      Abstract (3603) HTML (0) PDF 527.46 K (2786) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The comparative study was finished through collecting the annual specimens on resource status of freshwater mussel in Qinglan Lake and Junshan Lake—the two satellite lakes of different usage in Poyang Lake area. Qinglan Lake is a natural lake with area of 15 km2 and Junshan Lake is a proliferative lake with area of 213 km2. The results indicated that there were 35 species belonging to 11 genera in Qinglan Lake and 16 species belonging to 9 genera in Junshan Lake. The dominant species were Unio douglasiae, Lamprotula caveata and Acuticosta chinensis in Qinglan Lake, and yet Unio douglasiae and Lamprotula caveata in Junshan Lake, and the number of species belonging to each genus of the specimen in the two lakes was more different. The density and biomass of freshwater mussel in Qinglan Lake obviously exceeded those in Junshan Lake, being 0.57 ind/m2 and 15.94 g/m2 in the former and 0.19 ind/m2 and 0.77 g/m2 in the latter respectively. Both the density and biomass of Solenaia in the two lakes were zero, but the biomass of the other genera in Qinglan Lake obviously exceeded that in Junshan Lake; and the density of the other genera in Qinglan Lake obviously exceeded that in Junshan Lake besides Cuneopsis and Arconaia. Between the density and biomass of freshwater mussel in the two lakes existed very conspicuous direct correlativity. The community similarity coefficient between the two lakes is 41.67. The area of Qinglan Lake as natural lake is more diminutive than that of Junshan Lake as proliferative lake, but the resources on freshwater mussel in Qinglan Lake were more abundant than those in Junshan lake, and it explained that artificial proliferating had major influence on resources of freshwater mussel in Junshan Lake.

    • Experimental validation on inhibitory effects between Ulva prolifera and Isochrysis galbana under controlled laboratory conditions

      2011, 20(2):211-216.

      Abstract (3660) HTML (0) PDF 738.69 K (2949) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the experimental validation on inhibitory effects between Ulva prolifera , a popular specie of green tides in the Yellow Sea, and Isochrysis galbana under controlled laboratory conditions, and the possible mechanism was studied. In the coculture system with 〖WTBX〗Ulva prolifera〖WTBZ〗 at 1 gFW·L -1 and Isochrysis galbana at 1×10 4 cells/ml, the concentration of NO3--N and PO43--P were significantly higher in the cocultured medium than that in the monocultured medium of U.prolifera and I.galbana for initial 3 days. It indicated there was inhibitory effect between Ulva prolifera and Isochrysis galbana, and the inhibitory rate for U.prolifera to I.Galbana was 96.62%, while the inhibitory rate for I.Galbana to U.prolifera was 19.67%. It resulted in decrease of uptake rate of U.prolifera and I.Galbana for nutrients. From the fourth day to the end, the concentratons of NO3--N and PO43--P were gradually increased, and the cell breakdown, swollen and death of U.prolifera and I.Galban were observed under microscope. The concentration of NO3--N and PO43--P in the monocultured medium was constantly decreased. It indicated that U.prolifera and I.galbana released nutrients into the seawater. It demonstrated that there was the allelopathic effect between U.prolifera and I.galbana when the nutrients in seawater and the biomass of U.Prolifera were relatively low.

    • Development of the vertebral column and the appendicular skeleton in the larvae and juveniles of Coilia nasus

      2011, 20(2):217-223.

      Abstract (3889) HTML (0) PDF 585.79 K (2808) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The development of the vertebral column and the appendicular skeleton of C. nasus was described. A series of wild specimens 7.0-33.9mm were cleared and stained for both cartilage and bone. All the skeletons developed in following sequence: pectoral girdle, dorsal and anal fin supports, haemal arches, neural arches and hypurals, vertebra, pelvic fin supports, epurals, predorsal bones, pleural ribs. According to the observation, the postcleithra was absent in C. nasus. Coracoidscapula cartilages were joined at ventral part. Parhypural connected to hypural 1 by temporary cartilage connection in specimen 20.1mm SL. The anterior epurals 1 and 2 fused together, resulting in a rodlike epural 1+2. An isolated neural arch was observed between neurocranium and first neural arch. The vertebral column developed both anteriad and posteriad center on the area ahead the middle section. All these characteristics were typical within engraulidid fish, except for the sequence of neural and haemal arches occurrence. The haemal arches started to develop both anteriad and posteriad from the middle part of notochord, and the neural arches also started to develop from the middle section and later also posteriad from just behind the head in specimen 12.4mm SL. This showed more similarity with higher fishes than fishes in Clupeiformes, thus C. nasus may be a transitional specie in evolution. 

    • Effects of dietary Betaine on growth, fat content and biochemical indexs in blood of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus×Oreochrmis aureus

      2011, 20(2):224-229.

      Abstract (3689) HTML (0) PDF 520.02 K (3002) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:750 juvenile tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus×Oreochrmis aureu.s) were randomly allotted to five groups, and were fed diets supplemented with different level Betaine (0、0.15%、0.30%、0.45% and 0.60%) for 65 d to investigate the effects of Betaine on growth, fat content and biochemical indexs of blood of tilapia. The results showed that tilapia’ WGR were 19.52%、16.63% and 21.38% higher than that of control group (P<0.05) respectively when tilapia feed were added with 0.30%-0.60% Betaine; FRC reduced by 25.55%、20.44 % and 29.93%(P<0.05)respectively; the HSI reduced by 9.29%、38.57% and 29.29% (P<0.05); the contents of TG in Tilapia’s plasma reduced by 66.28%、55.81% and 80.23% (P<0.05) respectively; the activities of AMY in Tilapia’s plasma reduced by 88.78%、37.59% and 62.41% (P<0.05); the contents of ALB and TP in Tilapia’s plasma were improved, the contents of CHOL in Tilapia’s plasma reduced; the activities of LDH、ALT and AST in Tilapia’s plasma reduced respectively. Therefore, under this research condition, it is suggested that the supplement of Betaine in diets of juvenile tilapia was the best at 0.45%~0.60%.

    • The effect of partial replacement of fish meal by corn gluten meal in diet on the growth and muscle composition of Macrobrachium nipponensis

      2011, 20(2):230-237.

      Abstract (3243) HTML (0) PDF 597.36 K (2837) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of corn gluten meal (CGM) as a partial replacement of fish meal in diet on the growth and muscle composition of Macrobrachium nipponensis were studied. The experiment diets contained a gradient of CGM such as 0% (the control), 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 12%+0.1%MHAGa respectively. All diets were fed to the shrimp triplicately. In the first phase of the experiment, diets were fed to juvenile shrimp (initial body weight of 0.12±0.04 g) for 30 days, and in the second phase diets were fed to juvenile shrimp(initial body weight of 0.23±0.12 g) for 23 days. Growth, survival rate and the muscle composition of M.nipponensis were determined. The results indicated that there was no significantly difference in relative growth rate and survival rate among the treatments(P>0.05)although there was a tendency of declining relative growth rate with the increment of the partial replacement. The nutrition assays of the shrimp muscle indicated that there were no significant effects of the partial replacement on water content, total lipid, crude ash, total amino acid(TAA)and total essential amino acid(TEAA)of the shrimp muscle(P>0.05). The polyunsaturated fatty acid and DHA+EPA proportion in total fatty acid profiles of the muscle obviously decreased as the amount of CGM in diet was more than 9.0%.

    • A comparative study on lipid and fatty acid compositions of wild Paralichthys olivaceus broodstocks during different ovary development stages

      2011, 20(2):238-243.

      Abstract (8324) HTML (0) PDF 472.91 K (4351) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To discuss the relationship between fatty acid and the ovary development, the lipid contents and fatty acid compositions of muscle, liver and egg were analysed using gas chromatography. Comparisons were made between Ⅲ-Ⅳ and Ⅴ stages of ovary development in wild broodstocks of Paralichthys olivaceus. The results indicated that there were significant differences of lipid contents among muscle, liver and egg tissues. The lipid content in liver of Ⅲ-Ⅳ stages was significantly lower than that in Ⅴ stage. There were significant differences of fatty acid compositions in muscle, liver and egg tissues between Ⅲ-Ⅳ andⅤ stages, especially PUFA.There were higher relative contents of n3HUFA, DHA, DPA, EPA in egg at Ⅴ stage than those in liver and muscle at the same stage. The ratio of DHA/EPA in liver of Ⅲ-Ⅳ stage broodstocks was significantly higher than those at Ⅴ stage, but the ratio of EPA/ARA was significantly lower. These results suggested that some fatty acids were essential to Paralichthys olivaceus during sexual maturation. In order to ensure the normal reproduction, during cultivating, PUFA, especially DHA, EPA and ARA need to be supplemented.

    • Identification of pathogen from pet chelonian with ophthalmia and the clinic therapy

      2011, 20(2):244-251.

      Abstract (3622) HTML (0) PDF 806.99 K (2787) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Symptoms of ophthalmia of pet chelonian included eye closed, eyelid got red and membranae nictitans moved. It is a common disease on pet chelonian. A dominant bacterial strain isolated from the sick chelonian’s eye is assigned as the strain A5. The artificial infection test proved that the isolated A5 was the pathogenic bacterium that caused the disease. Synthesizing the morphology, physiological and biochemical characterization, and 16S rDNA of A5 was sequenced, the results showed that strain A5 exhibited the highest levels of similarity to the Pseudomonas fluorescens bv.C. The drug sensitivity test of strain A5 revealed that the pathogen was sensitive to drugs such as ofloxacin, gentamicin, tenebrimycin and piperacillin. The forty ophthalmic pet chelonians were divided into 8 groups to be treated and the efficacy analyzed in different treatments. The results showed that the drug effect of ofloxacin was better than sulfacetamide sodium and chloramphenicol. The curative effect of sick chelonian treated at 25 ℃ was better than at 5 ℃, and doing surgery was good for the cure of ophthalmia. Adding the dose of drug and intramuscular injection had no significant difference. The study could be helpful for clinic diagnosis in pet chelonian disease.

    • Composition and seasonal fluctuation of zooplankton in the surf zones of Yangtze River estuary

      2011, 20(2):252-259.

      Abstract (4235) HTML (0) PDF 971.91 K (3012) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To clarify the species composition and distribution of zooplankton in the surf zones of Yangtze River estuary, zooplankton was collected monthly along the 13 stations by a zooplankton net (diameter: 30 cm, 0.2 mm meshaperture) from April 2006 to June 2007, respectively. Totally 156 seine hauls were made, 74 species and 10 kind of planktonic larvae were observed during the study period. It included 63 crustacean species (43 copepod species, 15 cladoceran species and other 5 species), 5 insect species, 3 rotifers, 2 medusa species, 1 chaetognath species. Sinocalanus sinensis was the most dominant species with 0.52 dominance index; Schmackeria poplesia was the second dominant species with 0.22 dominance index. The results indicate that the zooplankton community in the surf zone of Yangtze River estuary was mainly composed of brackish estuarine species during the investigation. Influenced by environmental factors such as river runoff, ocean current, temperature and salinity, the abundance of fresh and coastal species displays seasonal variations. And the community structure of zooplankton varied widely in different sites.

    • Review on habitat suitability index in fishery science

      2011, 20(2):260-269.

      Abstract (4935) HTML (0) PDF 885.53 K (4164) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Habitat suitability index (HSI) has been widely used in fishery resources exploitation, management, assessment and protection since it was found in the early 1980s, and it has become one of the most important tools in fishery science research. In this article, outlining the studies in the world, the theory and methods of HSI, and the advance applications and exist problems have been summarized. Some advice should be considered sufficiently in the application of HSI, i.e., (1) study on target species’ life history and biological characteristics and its habitats; (2) suitable environment factors should be selected according to different growth stages; (3) research on spatialtempral scales of data and rule set on data; (4) selecting logical weights upon different factors based on literature and expert knowledge; (5) selecting preparatory HSI models be propitious to the various goals, such as protection area, fishing ground and biomass evaluation; (6) selecting suitable HSI models by comparison of models and related analysis; (7) modifying models using insitu or recent data in order to improve precision of model.

    • Biological characteristics of jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas in waters off Costa Rica

      2011, 20(2):270-274.

      Abstract (3667) HTML (0) PDF 375.13 K (2650) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During the trial fishing in the open waters off Costa Rica in the central east Pacific in July and August 2007, 281 jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas were sampled to examine the biological characteristics. The squid mantle length ML ranged from 205 to 429 mm, and the dominant size between 260 mm and 360 mm which accounted for 81.14% of the total. Body weight was 0.17-1.69 kg, in which 88.26% was 0.2-2.0 kg. The female : male ratio was 3.76∶1. Maturity stages for the squid was mainly at Ⅲ and Ⅳ. 94.92% males and 66.67% females were mature. Feeding stage 0 and 1 attained 89.32%. The MLweight relationship was expressed as W=2.35×10-7LM2.5944. It can be found that the size of jumbo squid off Costa Rica was smaller and thinner than that in the Gulf of California and waters off Chile and Peru, which indicated that jumbo squid off Costa Rica belongs to small or mediumsized group.

    • CPUE standardization of Chinese longline fishery for targeting bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus in the Indian Ocean

      2011, 20(2):275-283.

      Abstract (15507) HTML (0) PDF 585.41 K (5269) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Generalized Additive Models (GAM) were used to standardize catch per unit fishing effort (CPUE) of Chinese bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) fishery in the Indian Ocean. In CPUE standardization, nominal CPUE was treated as the dependent variable and three groups of affected variables were considered: spatial variables (longitude and latitude), temporal variables (year and month) and environmental variables (temperature at various depths, salinity at various depths and Sea Level Height). The results indicated that the standardized and nominal CPUEs were similar and showed the same trends in spatiotemporal distribution. The CPUE increased with year and high CPUE usually occurred in 42°E-60°E, 85°E -90°E, 15°S-5°S and 10°N-15°N. Both the results of GLM and GAM showed that the longitude was the most important variable affecting CPUE, which could explain 17.3% and 23.81% of the deviance,respectively. The effects of latitude, the interaction terms of longitude and latitude, year, temperature at 317 m depth and temperature at 381 m depth on CPUE were also apparent. GLM tended to be more appropriate than GAM in the analysis of CPUE standardization in this study.

    • Improvement measures of the Northwest Pacific saury separating system

      2011, 20(2):284-289.

      Abstract (3135) HTML (0) PDF 568.06 K (2643) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Northwest Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) separating system mainly consists of the fish and water separator and the fish size grader. Studying on the separating system and raising some improvement measures are beneficial to reducing the labor costs, improving the grading effects and productivity. Aiming at the traditional separating system, the main structure, box structure, seepage plate structure of the fish and water separator and the separating structure, stand bar structure of the fish size grader were redesigned based on the fishing experience. The improvement measures are described as follows: (1)constructing a drainage channel below the main structure of the fish and water separator, and the angle between drainage channel to the horizontal plan is about 15~20 °; (2)constructing a top cover above the fish and water separator box, and adhering a layer of flexible waterproof thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) to the inner cover layer of the box and the top cover; (3)The seepage plate is designed into a removable twotier board structure; (4)The number of the sorting pipes increased to 15, and the length increased to 250cm, the grading storages are added up to five; (5)The original fixed stand bars of the fishing separator are redesigned into removable stand bars; (6)Fish skateboard is designed to slope about 30 °; (7)adding a set of water jet screens over the fish separator. The redesigned fish separating system is suitable for the separating of Northwest Pacific saury and the other smallsize fish species.

    • Major ions composition and spatiotemporal variation of water in Dishui Lake

      2011, 20(2):290-295.

      Abstract (3611) HTML (0) PDF 448.87 K (2724) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through measuring major ions of Dishui Lake water every two weeks from January to December in 2009, we concluded that the average total ion content of the lake was 1.82 g/L and the water of Dishui Lake was brackish.The major anion and cation were Cl- and Na+ respectively. The water type was ClNa according to Alekin classification. The total ion content decreased gradually in 2009, and the ion composition of the lake changed significantly with the proportions of Cl- and Mg2+ decreasing and HCO3-, SO42-, Ca2+increasing. Significant difference lay in the total ion contents among different sampling sites. The area around water sports club had the highest total ion contents while the lowest site was South Island district. As to the ion composition, no significant difference was observed among five sampling sites. Analyzing the relationship between the ion composition and total ion content in Dishui Lake, we concluded that the higher total ions concentration, the larger the proportion of Cl- and the less the proportion of HCO3-. The water type of Dishui Lake was significantly different from other lakes in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and common natural brackish lakes. The important information about total ions, ion composition and spatiotemporal variation of Dishui Lake were obtained which laid a good foundation for water chemistry and ecological research in the future.

    • Screening, identification and fermentation of a chitosanaseproducing strain

      2011, 20(2):296-302.

      Abstract (12734) HTML (0) PDF 690.28 K (14337) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chitosanase (EC3.2.1.132) catalyses the hydrolysis of the β-1,4 glycosidic bonds in chitosan to produce physiologically active chitooligosaccharides, polyglucosamines with 2 to 10 degrees of polymerization. It has been found in many microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. 51 chitosanaseproducing strains were screened and isolated from 11 soilsamples rich in shrimp and crab shells by transparent circles in the culture media containing chitosan as sole carbon source. After screening of flatpanel, flaskshaking cultivation and enzyme kinetics in fermentation, a strain (H2) with higher chitosanlytic activity was acquired. According to its morphological, cultural, biochemical and physiological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA, the strain was identified and named as Streptomyces roseolus DH. Further studies of fermentation conditions showed that the optimum temperature and initial pH of medium were 30 ℃ and 7.2, respectively. Moreover, the colloid chitosan (1.0%) and peptone (0.5%) were chosen as the best carbon and nitrogen sources among the tested ones. Under these conditions, the activity of chitosanase in media reached 6.10±0.12 U/mL after 60hour fermentation. This strain with higher yield of chitosanase and shorter fermentation period displayed good potential for future applications.

    • Comparative study on flesh quality of hybrid snakehead(Channa maculate♀×Channa argus)and Channa argus

      2011, 20(2):303-307.

      Abstract (5545) HTML (0) PDF 483.11 K (3764) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hybrid snakehead(Channa maculate♀×Channa argus♂)and Channa argus with the nearly same standard were selected to study contrastively for evaluating their flesh quality. Then, muscle nutrients composition, free amino acid content, physical parameters and flesh texture parameters were determined to analyze the flesh quality. About muscle nutrients composition , there were no differences(P>0.05)in muscle crude protein , crude ash and crude fat between hybrid snakehead and Channa argus, but muscle moisture of hybrid snakehead was increased significantly ( P<0.01) .The contents of total free amino acids, flavor amino acids and essential amino acid of hybrid snakehead increased by 7.90%, 9.19% and 9.01%, respectively. About flesh physical index between hybrid snakehead and Channa argus, while the muscle fiber diameter and water loss rate of hybrid snakehead reduced significantly (P< 0.01), myofibril length of hybrid snakehead was increased significantly ( P< 0.01). Compared with the group of Channa argus, textural parameters of hybrid snakehead, including springiness, hardness and chewiness were decreased significantly (P<0.01), whereas cohesiveness of hybrid snakehead was increased significantly ( P< 0.01).However, there were no differences(P>0.05)in resilience among hybrid snakehead and Channa argus. Therefore, it came to the conclusion that flesh quality of muscle nutrients composition and textural parameters were nearly accordant between hybrid snakehead and Channa argus, and that flesh quality of free amino acid content and physical indices of hybrid snakehead were better than Channa argus’s.

    • Characteristics of the network group and the demonstration of E-class

      2011, 20(2):308-313.

      Abstract (3632) HTML (0) PDF 557.67 K (2858) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As human society goes into the information age with the core of the computers and networks, the computers and network have gained widespread popularization and application,penetrated all aspects of the social life and become the most important one of the basic tools of the main human social life. University students’ network behavior is becoming more and more common, network has become an indispensable constituent part of the student’learning, associating, entertainment, and so on. Network is affecting college students’ cognition, emotion, thought and psychology, and also brings unprecedented opportunities and challenges for college ideological and political education work. Through research into ideological and political education work in the Internet age, putting forward corresponding countermeasure becomes an important issue. Through studying on the characteristics of the network and network group, and on this basis, we explored “E-class” as the platform, and advanced some suggestions on constructing a batch of high quality network group and the webmasters, exerting their positive factors, strengthening civilization network community construction, so as to improve the effectiveness of the ideological and political education in the network.

    • College English Teaching in agricultural and forestry universities of China:current situation analysis and countermeasures

      2011, 20(2):314-319.

      Abstract (3238) HTML (0) PDF 584.57 K (2600) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:College English is one of the most important public fundamental courses offered for nonlanguage majors 〖JP〗in agricultural and forestry universities of China. When it comes to College English Teaching (CET) in these universities, the characteristics of CET itself as well as the selfdevelopment law of some featured disciplines must be taken into consideration. Over the recent years, the agricultural and forestry universities of China have achieved a lot in the faculty development, syllabus designing, textbooks and reference books compiling, teaching methods and courses assessment, etc. However, CET reform admits of no evasion of many issues. This requires that these universities, on the premise of keeping the features and advantages of their disciplines unchanged, readjust the training objective of CET in terms of the objective orientation for the future talents so as to improve CET in these universities as much as possible. The present paper discusses the current features, achievements, issues and countermeasures concerning CET in agricultural and forestry universities.

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