• Volume 0,Issue 6,2010 Table of Contents
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    • >水产生物技术
    • Comparative analysis of morphological variations among crossbred of NEW GIFT Nile tilapia ♀×Blue tilapia ♂ ,their parents and close hybrids


      Abstract (442) HTML (0) PDF 981.66 K (763) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Following the report of evaluation of growth performance of a new hybrid NEW GIFT Nile tilapia ♀ × blue tilapia ♂, this report dealing with a comparison analysis of morphological variations among this hybrid,its close hybrid (Nile tilapia ♀ × blue tilapia ♂), and their three parents(NEW GIFT Nile tilapia, Nile tilapia,and blue tilapia). ANOVA,cluster analysis,discrimination analysis and principle analysis were adopted,and 4 countable morphological parameters,9 meristic parameters,8 ratio parameters and 24 truss network parameters were used for a systematic analysis.The results are: (1) For countable parameters,there are no significant differences among NEW GIFT Nile tilapia ♀ × blue tilapia ♂ and other 4 genotypes tilapia.(2) For meristic parameters and truss network parameters,there are significant differences in 21 parameters of meristic plus network.(3) Cluster analysis and discrimination analysis indicated identically that,the hybrid(NEW GIFT Nile tilapia ♀ × blue tilapia ♂) is much close to their material NEW GIFT,and the hybrid(Nile tilapia ♀ × blue tilapia ♂) is much close to their maternal side,all show a strong maternal genetic influences on morphology of hybrids.(4) For the two very close hybrids(NEW GIFT Nile tilapia ♀ × blue tilapia ♂ and Nile tilapia ♀ × blue tilapia ♂) which are different at brooder strains level only.This study can identify the significant difference in morphology,and it indicates that the approach of this study,e.g.,combination of three kind of parameters (countable,meristical and truss network), three kind of statistical analysis (cluster, discrimination and principle analysis), can provide a strong and sensitive approach to morphological study on strain specific level.

    • Construction of microsatellite library and sequences analysis of the swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus)


      Abstract (465) HTML (0) PDF 1.05 M (735) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Microsatellite sequences were isolated from swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) by using the magnetic bead hybridization enrichment method.Total genomic DNA was extracted and digested with restriction enzyme Sau3AI.Fragments in range of 200-1 000 bp were agarose-gel purified and ligated with special adaptors,and the combinations was hybridized with biotin-labelled microsatellite probe (CA) 12 and (GA) 12.By using the high binding affinity of biotin to streptavidin-coated magnetic beads,single-stranded DNA containing the selected microsatellite sequences were captured.The targeted DNA was used as the template to conduct PCR amplification using the adaptor as primers.The fragments were inserted into PMD18T vector,and thansformed into DH5α competent cell.Of the 60 positive clones for sequencing,42 microsatellite repeat were acquired (GenBank accession number: HQ283153-HQ283194). Except the CA / GT and GA /CT,the microsatellite sequences also had repeat motif of GAGT.The 42 microsatellite sequences could be categorized into 31 perfect type (73.8%), 9 imperfect type (21.4%), and 2 compound type (4.8%). The percentage of perfect type was much higher than the imperfect type in swimming crab,which was same as other eukaryote.39 microsatellite sequences (92.9%) had at least 10 times of repeats numbers.27 microsatellite containing sequences had 10-19 times of repeats numbers,and 12 microsatellite had more than 20 times of repeats numbers.The present study might provide a set of useful molecular markers for future studies on genetic diversity evaluation,population genetic structure identification and resources conservation of the swimming crab.

    • SRAP analysis of genetic variation between female and male swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus)


      Abstract (429) HTML (0) PDF 1.12 M (694) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using the SRAP-PCR optimization system for P.trituberculatus,this study applied sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) technique with 17 primer pairs screened out of 88 primer combinations to analyze the genetic variation of female and male populations.146 loci were obtained and the percentage of polymorphic loci was 69.78% in female population and 79.07% in male population.Nei’s gene diversity was 0.231 5 and 0.268 2,Shannon’s information index was 0.347 8 and 0.402 6.Genetic similarity index ranged from 0.595 9 to 0.841 7 and the genetic distance was 0.158 3 to 0.404 1 between female and male.A dendrogram was constructed using TFPGA.6 loci were identified from 5 primer combinations.Male genotype is dominant in 4 loci,whose ratio was 12.5% and 20%, and female ratio was 100% in dominant individuals of 2 loci.

    • AFLP analysis on genetic diversity of four different generations of Litopenaeus vannamei


      Abstract (454) HTML (0) PDF 1.08 M (767) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The AFLP technique was used to analyze the genetic diversity of 4 different generation groups of Litopenaeus vannamei,which were primary parent,F1 generation,F2 generation and Fn generation.10 pair AFLP selective primer scanned 20 samples from each generation and 483 loci were amplified,348 loci were polymorphic loci.The proportions of polymorphic loci among the 4 generation samples were 61.90%, 49.28%, 50.52% and 46.38% respectively.The genetic diversities of the 4 different generations quantified by Shannon index were 0.313 4,0.262 1,0.259 4 and 0.226 2 respectively.The result shows that the genetic distance between primary parent and F1 generation sample is closer than that between F2 and Fn generation samples.The research of genetic diversity among 4 different generations could provide theoretical support for future study on hybrid selective breeding.

    • Tissue divergence of isoenzyme expression in Symphysodon spp.


      Abstract (453) HTML (0) PDF 1.51 M (726) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:EST,ADH,LDH,SDH,POD,SOD,CAT,G-6-PD and COX isoenzymes in eight tissues (i.e.brain,skin,muscle,liver,pancreas,gill,eye lens and heart) of Symphysodon spp.were studied by PAGE.And the locus and electrophoretogram in every tissue were analyzed.Total 29 gene loci were detected with corresponding alleles.All the 9 isoenzyme systems in every tissue have distinct and stable electrophoretograms.Besides CAT,the electrophoretograms of the other isoenzymes varied from different tissues or individuals.The isoenzymes and their activity were consistent with physiological functions.The liver and pancrease were abundant with locus.The EST and ADH in the liver have high activities.There existed Cloci in the LDH of livers and eyes,and the C-loci of the eye lens were heterozygous with the A-loci and Bloci.

    • Studies on the types,distribution and secretion of mucous cells in the skin and gill of Silurus asotus


      Abstract (463) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (749) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The types,distribution and secretion of mucous cells stained with AB-PAS (pH AB = 2.6) in the skin and gill of Silurus asotus (body length 35 ± 10 cm,body weight 650 ± 150 g) were studied.The results showed that the mucous cells in the skin and gill of Silurus asotus could be classified into five types according to colorization with AB-PAS,the shape of the cells and distribution position,i.e.Type Ⅰ,Type Ⅱ,Type Ⅲ,Type Ⅳ and Type Ⅴ mucous cells;In the skin,there were types Ⅰand Ⅲ mucous cells,and in the gill,there were types Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅴ mucous cells;The density of mucous cells was the highest in the ventral skin,and the mean density was about 1 083 cells /mm2.Next is in the sbmaxillary skin,and the mean density was about 802 cells /mm2.The density of mucous cells was the lowest in the gill filament,and the mean density was about 208 cells /mm2;The mucous cells had 4 kinds of secretion,the type Ⅰmucous cells had holocrine secretion,the type Ⅱ mucous cells had partial secretion,the type Ⅲ mucous had macroapocrine secretion,the type Ⅳ mucous cells had apocrine secretion.

    • >水产养殖
    • A study on embryonic and larval development of hybrid F1 by Oncorhynchus mykiss (♀)× Oncorhynchus masou masou (♂)


      Abstract (469) HTML (0) PDF 1.61 M (740) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Interspecific hybridization between Oncorhynchus mykiss (♀) and Oncorhynchus masou masou (♂) was conducted by artificial propagation.A series of normal stages based on morphological features for the embryonic and larvae development of the hybrid was described.The results showed that the total effective temperature of the embryonic development was 387.44 ℃·d which is higher than Oncorhynchus mykiss and lower than Oncorhynchus masou masou at the water temperature of 4.3-9.2 ℃, while the eyeball pigment stage kept on 206.01 ℃·d;the newly hatched larva was diaphanous all over the body and its blood circulation,heartthrob,anal stylet and dorsal fin rudiment could be seen clearly;20 days after hatching,half of the yolk sac of the larvae was absorbed,the total length was 21.25 ± 1.40 mm,and the dorsal fin,anal fin and tail fin could be seen;40 days after hatching,some of the larvae swam and took in food in the water;45 days after hatching,the yolk sac of the larvae that could swim was absorbed mostly;almost all of the larvae swam up 50 days after hatching.

    • Effects of temperature on the respiration of GIFT strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)


      Abstract (487) HTML (0) PDF 1.31 M (761) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Experiments were conducted and the respiratory rate of the GIFT strain of Nile tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus), DO,pH,carbon dioxide and ammonia in water were analyzed to evaluate the effects of temperature from 10-30 ℃ on the respiration of experimental fish.The results indicated that the oxygen consumption rate (Ycr) and the ammonia excretion rate (Ran) of GIFT increased with water temperature (t), and the regression equations were Ycr = 0.003 8 t2-0.002 3 t + 0.031 2(R2 = 0.954 9) and Ran = 0.000 9 t2-0.002 7 t + 0.003 7(R2 = 0.947 5) respectively;The ammonia quotient(Qa) was 0.016-0.099(< 0.33), and the proportion of protein as energy supply was 5 %-30 %, which indicated that the energy consumption of GIFT was mainly offered by fat and carbohydrate.The carbon dioxide excretion rate declined from 0.068 4 to 0.011 4 mg /(g·h) with the temperature decreasing from 30 ℃ to 15 ℃. pH in effluent was lower significantly than that in influent while the reduction increased with the rising of the temperature.The respiratory quotient(Qr) of GIFT was 0.55 ± 0.10 (< 1), which indicated that aerobic respiration was the main respiration style of GIFT.

    • Changes of four digestive enzymes in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus)


      Abstract (430) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (756) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Changes of protease,amylase,algalase and cellulase activities in alimentary canal were analyzed in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) weighing 165.3 ± 3.1 g collected monthly along Dalian coast from November 2004 to October 2005.The results showed that the ratio of digestive tract length to body length (RDTLTBL) was 4.6-5.9 from January to May,with the peak in February in the sea cucumbers.Meanwhile,the activities of protease,amylase,and algalase increased with water temperature rising,the maximum value in April and May.Afterwards,there was decrease in the (RDTLTBL) as water temperature rose,0.8-1.1 from August to early October.In the same period,the activities of protease,amylase,and algalase decreased gradually.While the water temperature decreased in middle and later October,the (RDTLTBL) and the activities of protease,amylase,and algalase increased rapidly.There was low and constant cellulase activity all of the year.

    • >水产饲料与营养
    • Effects of different feed additives and combinations on growth and non-specific immunity of European eel(Anguilla anguilla)


      Abstract (443) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (734) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of adding Chinese herbal medicine,enzymes preparations,cysteamine on growth performance and non-specific immune function of Anguilla anguilla.Anguilla anguilla was fed with basal diet without or with adding Chinese herbal medicine,enzymes preparations,cysteamine and their combinations(the control,Groups 1-6) for 8 weeks.The results showed that Chinese herbal medicine and cysteamine had a significant positive effect on growth and the superoxide dismutase activities(SOD) and lysozyme activities of Anguilla anguilla (P<0.05), enzymes preparations only increased the SOD activities(P<0.05) ;the combinations of three additives had a significant positive effect on growth and the superoxide dismutase activites(SOD) and lysozyme activities of Anguilla anguilla (P<0.05). For Group 5,the rate of weight gain increased by 31.67%,feed conversion ratio reduced by 13.12% compared with the control group (P<0.05). The growth rate of Group 6 was lower than that of Group 5.There was no significant difference in the feed conversion ratio,protein efficiency and immunity (lysozyme,superoxide dismutase activities) between Group 5 and Group 6(P>0.05). However,alkaline phosphatase(AKP) activities were not affected by all tested groups(P>0.05). Considering the cost and quantity of the additives,Group 6 was superior.

    • Optimization of preparation conditions of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus granules


      Abstract (459) HTML (0) PDF 1.59 M (674) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Different conditions of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus immobilization were investigated in this study,and the optimal conditions of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus immobilization were confirmed by adopting sodium alginate as embedding medium,survived bacterium number as indices.Single-factor and orthogonal experiments were employed to evaluate the influences of sodium alginate concentration,calcium chloride concentration,the ratio of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus solution to sodium alginate colloidal solution (V /V), corn oil concentration,encapsulating temperature,stirring time,stirring rate and cross-linking time on the immobilization of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus.The results showed that sodium alginate concentration and corn oil concentration had significant influence on survival bacterium number,while calcium chloride concentration and the ratio of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus solution to sodium alginate colloidal solution(V /V) were not in the orthogonal test for optimum carrier formula of immobilization.Furthermore,encapsulating temperature and stirring rate had significant influence on survival bacterium number while stirring time and crosslinking time were not in the orthogonal test for optimum parameters of immobilization.The optimal immobilization conditions were as follows: sodium alginate concentration of 1.5%, calcium chloride concentration of 6.5%, the ratio of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus solution to sodium alginate colloidal solution(V /V) of 50%, corn oil concentration of 4.5%, encapsulating temperature at 47.5 ℃, stirring time for 40 min,stirring rate for 450 r /min and crosslinking time for 36 h.Under the above conditions,the logarithm of survival bacterium number of granules was up to 7.51.Therefore,the results demonstrated that the method with the properties of economy,security and good preservation has a promising future in aquaculture.

    • Effects of supplemental vitamin C on growth, meat quality and serum non-specific immunity of adult grass carp,Ctenopharyngodon idellus


      Abstract (468) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (753) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A study was conducted to investigate the effects of supplemental VC in practical diet on growth,meat quality and non-specific immunity of adult grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Three practical diets added with L-ascorbyl-2-phosphate as VC 0 (control group), 100 or 200 mg /kg respectively,were fed to triplicate groups of adult grass carp with body weight of (614.9 ± 60.5) g for 60 days.Resultsshowed that the growth rate of grass carp was significantly increased,whereas feed conversion ratio was decreased by supplemental VC 100 or 200 mg /kg in diet (P<0.05). Collagen content of muscle,muscle fiber diameter and liver VC concentration increased with the increase of VC supplement (P<0.05). The activity of serum SOD(superoxide dismutase) was significantly higher than that of control group when supplemental VC was 100 or 200mg /kg diet,and serum AKP (alkaline phosphatase) activity significantly increased when supplemental VC was 200mg /kg diet (P<0.05). There was no effect of supplemental VC in diets on the activity of LSZ(lysozyme) (P>0.05). It is suggested that supplemental VC in diets could improve growth performance,meat quality and serum non-specific immunity indices of grass carp.For adult grass carp,the VC supplement in diet was estimated to be 100 mg · kg-1 based on growth performance.

    • Effects of Bacillus coagulans on growth performance,digestive enzymes and nonspecific immune enzymes of sea bass (Lates calcarifer)


      Abstract (458) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (694) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of Bacillus coagulans on growth performance,digestive enzymes and some serum nonspecific immune enzymes in cultured sea bass (Lates calarifer). Four levels of B.coagulans powder product was supplemented to a basal diet at 0 (the control group), 0.1 % (group 1), 0.5% (group 2) and 1.0% (group 3) g/kg feed,respectively.Diets were fed to sea bass with initial body weight of (18.95 ± 0.27) g for 50 days.The sea bass was randomly distributed into 4 groups,each group with 3 replicates in circular fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks with volume of 0.5 m3.The results showed that the weight gain and the specific growth rate were highest in group 2,and were 9.54% and 4.01% higher than that of the control,respectively,but there was no significant difference among the groups (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the digestive enzymes of the intestinal and pyloric caeca within groups.But the liver protease of the group 2 was significantly lower than that of the control,while the amylase of stomach of the group 3 was significantly higher that of the control (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in some serum immune enzymes (AKP,POD,SOD) among groups (P>0.05). This research indicated that the B.coaglucans could improve the growth of the sea bass slightly.It affected the liver protease and the stomach amylase,too.The serum was slightly affected.

    • Effect of adding lipase in diet on growth performance, digestive enzyme and serum biochemical indexes of Pseudobagru vachelli


      Abstract (403) HTML (0) PDF 1.61 M (714) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of lipase enzyme preparation additive to Pseudobagru vachelli diet on growth performance,digestive enzyme and serum biochemical indexes.P.vachelli with the average initial weight of(3.47 ± 0.05) g were randomly divided into four groups and fed on diets added with 0,100 mg /kg,300 mg /kg and 500 mg /kg lipase for 90 days.The test results showed that: growth rate of 100 mg /kg,300 mg /kg and 500 mg /kg lipase additive groups was increased by 3.86% (P>0.05), 9.29% (P<0.05), 6.75% (P>0.05), and the coefficient of feed decreased by 3.17% (P>0.05), 6.35% (P<0.05), 5.29% (P<0.05). Compared with control group,the addition of lipase significantly lowered the contents of triglyceride and total cholesterol,low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in blood(P<0.05). The lipase activity of midintestine and trypsin activity were significantly higher than those of the control (P<0.05). Meanwhile,the lipase and amylase activities of hepatopancreas significantly improved in the group with addition of 100 mg /kg lipase(P<0.05). The lipase activity of hepatopancreas was highest with 300 mg /kg lipase additive.In conlusion,it showed that the addition of about 300 mg /kg might be helpful for improving the growth performance of P.vachelli.

    • >水生生物疾病与防治
    • Comparing the competitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on monoclonal antibody and High Performance Liquid Chromatography methods to determinate the ciprofloxacin residues in fishery products


      Abstract (456) HTML (0) PDF 1.43 M (755) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For sensitive and specifically detection of ciprofloxacin (CIP) residues in fishery products,this study is aimed at generating and developing a competitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ciELISA) based on CIP-specific monoclonal antibodies (McAb). The sensibility,accuracy and repeatability of ci-ELISA method was compared to those of High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC) method.By concentration and purification process,the limit of detection (LOD) of ci-ELISA and HPLC method could reach to 10 μg /kg and 1 μg /kg respectively.we detected the recovery rates were 79.28%-92.92% and 86.27%-97.32% while relative standard deviation (RSD) varying from 3.21%-8.88% and 2.66%-5.52% for these methods.Between the two methos,ci-ELISA method was cheaper and more efficient while HPLC method was more sensitive and stable.

    • Residue and elimination of sulphadimethoxine-sodium in tissues of Ictalurus punctatus


      Abstract (424) HTML (0) PDF 1.55 M (688) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The residue and elimination of sulfadimethoxine-sodium were estimated in tissues of channel catfish after a single oral administration at the dose of 200 mg /kg (body weight) at 19 ± 1 ℃, the SDM-Na concentration in tissues was detected by HPLC method.The results showed that the recoveries were in the range of 79%-93%, the detection limit was 0.01 μg /g,the RSD of intra-day and inter-day precision was less then 5%. The plasma concentration-time course of SDM-Na could be described by a twocompartment model,C = 36.68e-0.14t + 18.12e-0.05t-54.8e-0.33t.The main pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows: the distribution half-life of the drug was found to be 4.85 h,peak time was 5.38 h,peak concentration was 21.42 μg / mL.The peak concentration in muscle was 17.93 μg /g at 4 h.The peak concentration in liver was 10.43 μg /g at 8 h,the peak concentration in kidney was 11.61 μg /g at 8 h.The residues were lower than the national standard (100 μg / kg) after 120 h in plasma,muscle,liver,kidney.It suggested that the withdrawal time of SDM-Na should be more then 5 days under this experimental condition.

    • >渔业资源与管理
    • Studies on distribution characteristics and catching indexes fluctuation in fishing season of elvers of Japanese eel in the Yangtze River Estuary


      Abstract (477) HTML (0) PDF 1.70 M (690) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the data of special investigation in waters of Dongwangsha,Hengsha,Tongsha,Nanhui and Fengxian(121°45’121°58’E,30°48’31°36’N), studies on capture size and yield in monitoring season of elvers of Japanese eel in the Yangtze River Estuary were carried out during 1997-2008,at the same time MSY was estimated.In the Yangtze River Estuary,the combined catch in February and March accounted for 64.53% to 94.10% of annual yield with an average of 79.32%. In the past years,peak of catch appeared the earliest on February 3 and the latest on March 15.In 1999,2000,2004 and 2006,shape of daily catch fluctuation showed two peaks with an interval of 36 days equally.Livability of elvers of Japanese eel rose by month from January to April,and the results showed that unit catch peaked in February,followed by in March,January and April.In all of the surveyed areas,livability of elvers catched in Tongsha station was higher than that in others,and so was unit catch in Nanhui station.Mean values of total length and body weight were (54.9 ± 3.4) mm and(92 ± 18) mg respectively.Values of two biological parameters increased gradually from January to April,and monthly increased ratio of total length was 3.10%, compared with 9.74% of body weight.In monitoring season during 1997-2008,permissive boats ranged from 954 to 4 713 units,with an average of 2 190 units.At the same time,annual yield ranged from 0.830 to 8.897 tons,with an average of 3.784 tons.MSY evaluated by Schaefer was 4.828 tons,and corresponding fishing effort were 2041 units.The results indicated that annual yield of elvers of Japanese eel in the Yangtze River Estuary increased significantly since 2003,but sharp fluctuation with a downward trend could also be found during 2003-2008.To achieve the sustainable utilization of resource of elvers of Japanese eel,this paper proposed that measures should be taken as soon as possible to put the lid on illegal fishing activities severely,arrange the numbers of fishing licenses dynamically,control the export proportion reasonably and shorten allowable fishing period to two months(February to March).

    • Comparison of distribution of pelagic fish egg and larva between the Minjiang estuary and Xinghua bay


      Abstract (455) HTML (0) PDF 1.86 M (693) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the data from four oceanographic censuses in the Minjiang estuary and Xinghua bay of Fujian Province during April and September of 2008,this paper compared the spatial-temporal distribution of pelagic fish eggs and larva between the Minjiang estuary and Xinghua bay,including the location of spawning grounds,breeding seasons,species composition and density variation in the seas.The results showed that 8 species in 4 orders,7 families of pelagic fish eggs and larva occurred in Xinghua bay,while 10 species in 5 orders,9 families occurred in the Minjiang estuary.The spawning ground mainly lay in the southern waters of Minjiang estuary where high density of pelagic fish eggs and larva occurred.This is because the runoff mainly flowed down the river through the south branch of Minjiang estuary,furthermore,the runoff deflected to south under the influence of the Coriolis Force after going out of mouth,so the southern waters serve as the area where different currents mixed.The middle of Xinghua bay is responsible for the ideal spawning ground where the inner bay water mixed with incoming tidal water.The fishes breeding their offspring mainly were migratory species in the Minjiang estuary,for example Argyrosomus argentatus and Stolephorus chinensis,but resident fishes in the Xinghua bay such as Eleotridae and Gobiidae.For pelagic fish eggs and larva,the densities in the Xinghua bay were 5 ind./m2 and 9.58 ind./m2,being clearly lower than the densities (197.17 ind./m2 and 20 ind./m2 respectively) in the Minjiang estuary so that its importance as a spawning ground in the Minjiang estuary is greater than that in the Xinghua bay.

    • The spatio-temporal distribution of fish larvae and juveniles in the surf zone of the Yangtze River estuary


      Abstract (441) HTML (0) PDF 1.75 M (747) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To explore the spatio-temporal distribution of fish larvae and juveniles in the surf zone of the Yangtze River estuary,samples were collected monthly on the spring tide at 13 stations during May 2006 to June 2007.The species number and individual amount were the highest in summer especially in July and August and the lowest in late fall and winter especially in March.The investigation results indicated there were significant differences among the months.The freshwater fish were mainly distributed in the south branch of the estuary and the upper reaches of the north branch,the marine fish and estuary fish were mainly in the coastal areas,and the diadromous fish apeared in the estuary seasonally.The research on the length change of these four dominant fishes revealed that the selection of the surf zone by fish larvae and juveniles differed according to various species.The diadromous fish Coilia nasus and the estuary fish Liza haematocheila apeared seasonally in the surf zone.In addition,they made use of the surf zone as their nursery and feeding ground.Neosalanx taihuensis,the fresh water fish,lived in the surf zone all the year round while the marine fish including the Megalops cyprinoides were carried by the spring tide to the surf zone and lived there ephemerally.

    • The numerical experiment on the permeability of a cubic artificial reef and the effect on the flow field around the reef


      Abstract (471) HTML (0) PDF 1.71 M (729) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Different shapes,sizes,and the combinations of the artificial reefs can affect the upwelling and the back eddy flow.Considering the artificial reef in the sea can cause certain alteration to the flow around it,by using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES), a method of Computational Fluid Dynamics,this paper tries to design different structures of a cubic reef through x /y /z three directions,then we can study the connection between the structures and permeability.The result showed that the ranges of the upwelling and back eddy flows decreased as the increase of input and back-output permeability strongly;but the effect from the permeability of internal structure and the permeability of direction y and z are not very clear.So the InputPermeability is the main effect factor of the range of the back eddy flows.The volume of the back eddy flows around a cubic artificial reef decreases as the increase of the Permeability Tm,the equation is Vx=-1241.8Tm + 1206.According to this study,we can use the relation between the permeability and the change of the flows;so that we can simplify the reef with complex structure in the 3D numerical simulation as well as the improvement of computed speed;Based on this research,we can apply the small range simulation to the large area in order to evaluate the ecological effect of artificial reef.

    • >渔业机械与节能减排
    • Study on integrated bio-purificatory filter in recirculating aquacultural systems


      Abstract (479) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (733) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This device combines the two basic functions of physical filtration and biological purification to integrate and structural design for integration,and was tested in the RAS.The results indicate that the TSS removal rate was (58.5 ± 17.8) % ;the toxic substances in water were controlled at low concentrations,i.e.,NH 4+-N≤2 mg /L,NO 2-N ≤0.5 mg /L.During the two month experiment,fish grew well,its breeding density was increased from the test primary of 27.22 kg /m3 to the test end of 35.20 kg /m3,growth rate averaged 34.6%, weight specific growth rate of 0.496% /d,the survival rate of 95.9%. The study shows that the device has both of the physical filtration and biological purification function,can be well used in highdensity culture systems;it has a simple structure and it can well remove the solid particulate matter effectively,reducing backwashing structure and the loss of backwashing water;with intermittent operational characteristics,it has low power consumption.This device streamlined recirculating aquaculture system equipment,reduces power consumption,and achieved a good water treatment.

    • The calculation of emissions of carbon during the process of fishing boats operations in China


      Abstract (440) HTML (0) PDF 1.64 M (795) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fishery is one of the important emission source of greenhouse gases in agriculture.We should take effective measures to control the emissions of greenhouse gases from fishery.This article is based on < China Statistical Yearbook > 、the communiqué of the Stat.about national economy and social development 、the data from < China Fishery Statistical Yearbook > and the research result of fishing boats’power consumption and energy-saving technology during 2008 to 2009 by Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences.Taking the method of calculation of the emissions of carbon by ORNL,we calculate the emissions of carbon of the fishing boats in China.The result shows: The emissions of carbon are 6.732 million tons,converting to the emissions of carbon dioxide that is 24.706 million tons.The emission of carbon that is from each units production value is 2.06 kg per Yuan,which is 3.4 times more than the average of agriculture、forestry、stock raising、fishery、water conservancy.Ocean fishing industry is the most primary area of fishing boats’power consumption and carbon dioxide’s emissions.Ocean trawling and gillnetter is the most primary source of the emissions of carbon dioxide in Ocean fishing industry.We have analyzed the most important factor of high power consumption and the emissions of carbon dioxide,providing the scientific foundation to working out measures for energy saving and pollutant reduction.

    • >哲学文化探微与外国语言研究
    • Philosophical and aesthetic connotations of fish culture in the ancient literary works


      Abstract (738) HTML (0) PDF 1.81 M (770) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fish is a sign with rich implications in Chinese culture.Although fish is widely loved by people as a symbol of abundance and love,get in the ancient literary works,fish culture took on different colors.Because of the uncertain social status of ancient scholars,they had a very special emotion for fish,considering they were in the same boat,and therefore expressed various thoughts and feelings about life.Scholars were familiar with the folk culture of fish,but they were not content to use their talents to simply inherit and spread the ancestors’fish culture,and paid more attention to expressing their own emotions by describing the fish and created the fish culture with their own class characteristics.In their writings,fish was not only a symbol of wealth,but with more noble and refined implications;it not only embodied the author’s own image,but also symbolized the leisure life that people aspired to live.Therefore,it can be said that fish was not only a tool for scholars’self-reflection and self-expression,but also the basis on which they explored the world.Compared to a widespread folk culture of fish,the fish culture in literary works has a more abundant connotation of philosophy and aesthetics.

    • Strata and domains of locative circumstance


      Abstract (453) HTML (0) PDF 1.83 M (701) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Locative circumstance,as semantic representation of locative meta-experience,is mainly construed by locative prepositional phrases in lexicogrammatical strata.Locative circumstance displays different strata of discursive modes from the perspective of language strata while locative circumstance displays multiple domains of discursive modes from the perspective of language domains.Thus,a complex semantic space is shown in the lexicogrammat of locative circumstance in different strata and multiple domains.In the phrasal stratum,locative prepositional phrases help carry out semantic extensions since lexicogrammar assigns verbs for the realization of main events in a clause.Therefore,prepositions are rankshifted into subverbs for the realization of subprocesses so as to supply the semantic extension of verbs with syntactic driving force.Meanwhile,locative prepositional phrases can build abstract semantic spaces.In the clausal stratum,locative prepositional phrases profile thematic information and realize clausal perspective.They also show event types of clauses and reveal essential syntactic orientations for the thematic gist.In the textual stratum,locative prepositional phrases play a role of a textual organizer and also recognize text types in order to build a textual space as consciousness and finally achieve the purpose of social orientation.Different strata and multiple domains of locative circumstance are lexicogrammatically identifiable.The study of these strata and domains of locative circumstance plays a heuristic role in the study of other meta-experiences.

Volume , No. 6

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