XIA Li-qun , ZHANG Hong-lian , LIANG Hai-ying , LIU Sen-lin (.College of Ocean & Technology , Guangdong Ocean University , Zhanjiang , China , .School of life Science , Sun Yat-sen University , Guangzhou , .Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Biology , Epidemiology for Aquatic Economic Animals , Zhanjiang , China)
Abstract:新加坡石斑鱼虹彩病毒(Singapore grouper iridovirus,SGIV)是导致石斑鱼养殖严重经济损失的主要病原体。本研究构建了含有新加坡石斑鱼虹彩病毒(Singapore grouper iridovirus,SGIV)ORF086基因的重组表达质粒载体pET32a-ORF086,将其转化到大肠杆菌中进行融合表达,经SDS-PAGE分析和Western blot鉴定,证实重组大肠杆菌融合表达了SGIV ORF086蛋白。经异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(isoprophl-thio-β-D-galactopyranoside,IPTG)浓度、诱导温度、诱导时间等诱导表达条件的优化,确定在0.7 mmol/L IPTG、16℃诱导14 h时可溶性SGIV ORF086重组蛋白占重组蛋白的60%。经镍琼脂糖凝胶柱纯化重组蛋白,纯化度达95%以上。用纯化的SGIV ORF086蛋白免疫小鼠,获得了高效特异的SGIV ORF086抗血清。
JIA Zhi-ying , CHI Xi-feng , LI Chi-tao , ZHANG Yu-yong , SHI Lian-yu (.Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute , Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences , Harbin , China , .College of Fisheries , Life Science , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:In north China,there was a large-scale death phenomenon in the cage culture German mirror carp.In this study,the genetic structure between the death and survival individuals of the German mirror carp was investigated by the amplified fragment length polymorphic(AFLP) technique for samples collected in two years.The results showed that a total of 289 DNA amplified bands were produced using eight pairs of primer combinations selected for the fish.Among them,the proportion of polymorphic loci was 47.40% and ea...
WANG Di , XU Ge-feng , LIU Yang , LU Tong-yan , MOU Zhen-bo(Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Science , Harbin , China)
Abstract:Lenok(Brachymystax lenok),which was a kind of Chinese famous endemic fish,had undergone a dramatic decline for the impacts of human and environment.In this paper,the genetic diversity of the twenty individuals of B.lenok and B.tumernsis populations,which from the Ussuri River,were analyzed using the AFLP method.In total,322 polymorphic loci of 433 were amplified with 12 primer pairs and the percentage of polymorphic loci was 74.36%.In the 130 and 136 bp,there were two differential bands of the B.tumernsis' ...
DING Li-yun , ZHANG Li-min , WANG Ji-ying , LIU Xu-dong , DUAN Pei-chang , (.College of Fisheries , Life , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China , .Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Sh , ong Province , Yantai , .Shengsuo Fishery Culture Feed Research Centre of Sh , ong Province , Yantai , China)
Abstract:Plasma and serum were collected from starry flounder for biochemical indices determination.Paired t-test analysis showed that no significant differences were found in aspartate aminotransferase(AST),alanine aminotransferase(ALT),alkaline phosphatase(ALP),triacyglycerol(TG) and total protein(TP) content(P>0.05) between plasma and serum in starry flounder,while the values of total cholesterol(T-CHO) and glucose(GLU) were significantly higher in plasma(P<0.05).Seven assay indices were all well correlated(0.938...
XIAO Mei-nan , XU Jia-nian , CAI Sheng-li , LIU Hong(College of Fisheries , Life Science , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China)
LIU Yuan-ying , DAI Xi-lin , CAI Sheng-li , ZANG Wei-ling , DING Fu-jiang (.College of Fisheries , Life , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China , .Shanghai Shencao Special Fisheries Development Co. , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:采用6种天然饵料喂养清洁虾亲虾,分析其对亲虾性腺发育、繁殖性能以及受精卵质量的影响。性腺发育试验发现,投喂6种不同饵料亲虾性腺发育周期差异显著(P<0.01),最长的为鱼肉组(12.82±1.91)d,最短的为卤虫无节幼体组(11.46±1.76)d;卤虫无节幼体与桡足类组性腺指数、干物质含量及总蛋白质含量随着性腺发育显著增加(P<0.01),增加均在2倍左右。繁殖性能与受精卵质量结果表明,鱼肉组(3 357±621)(粒/g)亲虾相对怀卵量最大,卤虫无节幼体组最小(1 829±213)(粒/g);卤虫无节幼体[(0.110 9±0.016 3)mm3]组亲虾受精卵体积最大,乌贼组最小[(0.096 2±0.014 0)mm3];鱼肉组[(37.33±1.75)μg]的受精卵干重最大,虾肉组最小[(31.00±1.26)μg];桡足类组蛋白质绝对含量[(367.17±25.68)mg/g]在干物质中所占比例(72.34%)最高。此外,6个饵料组中所有亲虾在各抱卵周期内抱卵率与抱卵间期无显著差异。
WANG Wei , CHEN Jun , LIU Huang , HE Ya-ping (.Fishery Machinery , Instrument Reserch Institute of Chinece Academy of Fishery Scinces , Shanghai , China , .Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment , Engineering , Ministry of Agriculture , China)
Abstract:Aquaculture water purification technology is one part of modern aquaculture engineering.Taking water body as object of study,its aim is to solve the problems of aquatic products safety,fish diseases and resource environment,by using controllable artificial measures,and physical,chemical and biological methods to improve the aquaculture water environment.The current aquaculture water purification technology in China mainly includes physical filtration,ultraviolet & ozone disinfection,water aeration,artificia...
YAN Mao-cang , SHAN Le-zhou , MA Ai-min , XIE Qi-lang , CHEN Shao-bo , SHAO Xin-bin , (.Zhejiang Mariculture Research Institute , Wenzhou , China , .Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Exploitation , Preservation of Coastal Bio-resource , .Department of Animal Sciences , Technology , Sh , ong Agricultural University , Tai\'an , China)
Abstract:A pathogenic bacterial strain TP0701 was isolated from red drum(Oplegnathus fasciatus) with tail rot and whitish symptom.It was proved to be the pathogen of the red drum(Oplegnathus fasciatus) by artificial infection test.The traditional physiological and biochemical experiments were done.To investigate the phylogenetic position of this pathogen,16S rDNA of TP0701 was sequenced and compared with that of other related strains.Molecular phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the genetic distance analysis....
QIAN Ke-lei , HU Kun , YANG Xian-le , (.College of Fisheries , Life Science , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China .State Collection Center of Aquatic Pathogen , China)
Abstract:In this paper,Na+-Ti(SO4)2 method to detect residue of malachite green in grass carp was first established:Malachite green dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid yellow,diluted significantly dark yellow,Ti(SO4)2 makes it fade,a white precipitate by adding Na +,malachite green residues based on the amount of precipitation for the quantitative.Optimization of experimental conditions,we choose pH=7.4,2.0 mol/L of titanium sulfate and sodium chloride,it can be effective in detecting residues of malachite green...
ZOU Li-jin , ZHANG Min , , ZOU Xiao-rong , WU Xi-lei , XIE Feng (.College of Marine Sciences , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China , .Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources , Ministry of Education , .Key Laboratory of Shanghai Education Commission for Oceanic Fisheries Resources Exploitation , .Shanghai Kaichuang Deep Sea Co Ltd , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:Although Chilean jack mackerel(Trachurus murphyi) is a primary pelagic fish species,we have only limited knowledge on its key life history processes.The age and growth of jack mackerel was studied using otolith.Jack mackerel samples were collected from high sea waters of southeast Pacific from May to August in 2006,963 otoliths were taken to do age determination.Age was determined by interpreting and counting growth rings on the otoliths.The von Bertalanffy growth curves in terms of fork length and weight w...
LIU Bi-lin , , CHEN Xin-jun , QIAN Wei-guo , LU Hua-jie , LI Si-liang (.College of Marine Sciences , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China , .The Key Laboratory of Shanghai Education Commission for Oceanic Fisheries Resources Exploitation , .The Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources , Ministry of Education , China)
Abstract:对2007年-2009年我国鱿钓船在东南太平洋智利外海生产期间所采集的1 374个茎柔鱼样品性成熟度进行观察,初步研究了其繁殖生物学特性。结果表明:智利外海茎柔鱼为大型群体,常年产卵,无明显的产卵高峰期。渔获物雌雄比例约为2.65∶1。雌、雄个体性腺成熟度差异不明显,其中成熟个体所占比例小,分别占总量的3.9%和6.7%。缠卵腺长和缠卵腺重随着性腺成熟度增加逐步增大,成熟个体性腺指数明显大于未成熟个体。雌、雄个体性腺指数存在差异,雌性个体Ⅳ期性腺指数与胴长成正比,而雄性则成反比。雌性和雄性茎柔鱼的初次性成熟胴长(ML50%)分别为638.3 mm和565.3 mm。
TANG Fu-jiang , , LIU Wei , XU Feng-long , MA Bo , HUO Tang-bin , JIANG Zuo-fa (.Heilongjiang River Fishery Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences , Harbin , China , .Institute of Hydrobiology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Wuhan , .Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing , .Heilongjiang Province Salmon Stocking Station at Fuyuan , Fuyuan , China)
Abstract:Population size and structure of chum salmon(Oncorhynchus keta) homing to Ussuri River and Amur River(China) were investigated respectively before(10 th Sep.-30 th Sep.) and during(1 th Oct.-20 th Oct.) protection period in 2008.The results revealed the population was composed of 4,5 and 6 years old fish in Amur River,but those of Ussuri River are 3,4 and 5 years old.Minor age and size individuals predominanted the population homing to Amur river(China) before protection period.And 4-aged and middle size in...
ZHU Qing-cheng , , DONG Bing-xiu , HUA Chuan-xiang , XIA Hui , HE An (.Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources , Ministry of Education , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China , .Key Laboratory of Shanghai Education Commission for Oceanic Fisheries Resources Exploitation , .College of Marine Sciences , China .College of Engineering Science & Technology , S...
Abstract:根据2008年8月-11月印尼阿拉弗拉海单船探捕调查的浅色黄姑鱼生物学数据,对浅色黄姑鱼的生物学特性进行了分析。结果为:性成熟度为Ⅱ~Ⅲ期的占79.83%;摄食等级主要为0级和1级,占66.56%;雌雄性比接近1.4∶1;体长范围为11.5~52.0 cm,优势体长组为17.5~21.5 cm和25.5~33.5 cm,在经纬度上体长分布差异明显;在优势体长组中,15.5~17.5 cm、25.5~32.5 cm优势体长组内的雄性个体出现频率明显高于雌性,而在其他体长组内,雌性占优势。
LI Hui , HUANG Shuo-lin (.College of Economics , Management , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China , .Ninghai Ocean , Fishery Bureau of Zhejiang Province , Ningbo , .College of Marine Sciences , China)
Abstract:通过问卷调查和意愿价值评估法,对三门湾资源环境的非使用价值进行研究。调查问卷分三门湾环境现状、三门湾环境保护和调访者基本情况3大部分,随机选取沿岸居民、企业员工、政府官员、学校教师等,发放调查问卷300份,有效回收294份。结果显示,三门湾资源环境个人平均支付意愿(WTP)为89.25元/(人.年)。以2006年当地人口统计数为总体进行估算,三门湾资源环境非使用价值为4 632.36万元/年,其中存在价值为2 501.47万元/年,遗产价值为1 389.7万元/年,选择价值为741.19万元/年。支付意愿影响因素分析表明,支付意愿与居民受教育程度、收入呈正相关;与年龄呈负相关(P<0.05)。意愿支付率与意愿支付额的影响因素不同,意愿支付率与当地经济收入组成有关,研究中象山县为最高,意愿支付额则更与当地经济发展水平密切相关,宁海县在本研究中为最高。
陈雷 , 徐兆礼 , 陈胜 , 蔡圣伟 , 吕宝强 , 鲍旭平
Abstract:依据2007年4月和8月在乐清湾28°05′~28°35′N、121°00′~121°20′E海域进行海洋综合调查,对乐清湾营养水平指标(E)和有机污染指数(A)值的空间分布特征进行研究,讨论这些分布特征与营养盐、潮流场、污染源和叶绿素之间的联系。结果表明,乐清湾E值和A值分布趋势基本相同,都是由内湾向外湾数量逐渐减少。相关分析表明:溶解态磷酸盐(D IP)和溶解态无机氮(D IN)与E值、A值之间都有密切的相关关系(P=0.000 0),因而是污染乐清湾水体的主要因子。营养盐分布特征的形成,主要由乐清湾地形、潮流、污染源和叶绿素特征决定的,在乐清湾海域,沿外湾东部的海槽是乐清湾中湾和外湾涨落潮的主要路径,形成外湾较低的D IP和D IN值。而养殖污染带来总氮和总磷的数量分别接近和超过50%,因而是乐清湾水体变劣的重要外源性污染物,其次是生活污水和化肥的输入。夏季,浮游植物对营养盐大量利用,有效地减少了乐清湾营养盐的含量,进一步导致水体营养水平指标(E)和有机污染指数(A)值的降低。4月乐清湾水体处于富营养化、严重污染和亚健康状态。8月,内湾和中湾属于污染海域,处于亚健康状态。外湾大部分属于较清洁海域,处于健...
ZHAO Jing , ZHANG Shou-yu , XU Min(Marine Ecosystem & Environmental Laboratory , College of Marine Sciences , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:The kelp bed is a typical offshore ecosystem,with especial ecosystem structure and abundance aquicolous resources,which made it have a complex energy structure and obvious character.By using Ecopath with Ecosim(EWE) software,a mass-balanced ecopath model of the kelp bed ecosystem in Gouqi was constructed.Through the analysis of the trophic level,energy flowing,and the ecosystem characters etc.also combining the function of kelp bed,the state of the kelp bed was estimated,and the causes were discussed here.T...
CHENG Fang , LING Qu-fei , XU Hai-jun , LIN Jian-hua , WU Lin-kun , JIA Wen-fang (.School of Life Sciences , Soochow University , Suzhou , China , .Taihu Lake Fisheries Administration Committee of Jiangsu Province , Suzhou , China)
Abstract:The analysis samples of water chemistry and aquatic biology were collected quarterly in Taihu Lake from November 2007 to August 2008.We evaluate the actual condition of water quality and the main pollution sources of Taihu Lake by ways of water pollution index and comprehensive analysis of eutrophication.Evaluation of water pollution index analysis revealed that the main pollutants in Taihu Lake were nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P) and organic oxygen consumption(COD Mn).Total phosphorus(TP) shared the largest pol...
LI Juan-ying , GAO Feng , CHEN Jie , HUA Yin , PENG Zi-ran , WANG Jing(College of Fisheries , Life Science , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:Luminescent bacteria biotoxicity and inhibition on dehydrogenase activity by phenol and its derivatives were studied in this paper.The results showed that: the order of luminescent bacteria biotoxicity of the five phenolic compounds was 2,4-dichlorophenol>p-nitro-phenol>o-methyl-phenol>phenol> p-amino-phenol,and the value of EC 50 was 4.95,23.90,42.43,83.65 and 178.75 mg/L respectively.The order of inhibition on dehydrogenase activity by phenol and its derivatives was different from that of luminescent bact...
DUAN Jin-rong , ZHANG Hong-yan , LIU Kai , XU Dong-po , ZHANG Min-ying , SHI Wei-gang(Key Field Station of Observation , Research for Fishery Resources , Environment of the Lower Reaches of Yangtze River , Ministry of Agriculture.Key Laboratory of Ecological Environment , Resources of Inl , Fisheries , Freshwater Fisheries Research Center , Chinese Academy of Fishery Science , Wuxi , China)
Abstract:This article focuses on evaluation method for the suitability of aquatic animal's habitat and takes Lihu as an example.A comprehensive quantitative method was established to evaluate 12 factors that connecting with environment,ecology and hydrology based on Geographical Information System and the above factors were divided into 4 sub-models.Analytic hierarchy process was applied to calculate each indicator's weight and set up the model on evaluation of the suitability of aquatic animal's habitat of natural ...
CHEN Hong-wu , ZHU Qing-cheng (.College of Engineering & Technology , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China , .College of Marine Science , China)
Abstract:Ship-mounted sea crane is the main tool of ocean engineering equipments to improve efficiency and safety.It lays its hook above cargo,picks up loads,rotates,and then puts down cargo on target ship through slewing and luffing movements.Compared with common crane,it hasn't travelling mechanism.So its key components include hoisting mechanism,slewing mechanism,luffing mechanism and wave compensation equipments.Hoisting mechanism loads or unloads cargo.Slewing mechanism can turn clockwise or counterclockwise ho...
CHEN Li-hua , XIAO Zuo-bing , ZHOU Pei-gen (.Department of Food , Bio-tech , Shanghai Institute of Technology , Shanghai , China , .College of Food Science , Technology , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:Composition and contents of fatty acids in Penaeus chinensis were analyzed by GC-MS and their nutrition values were evaluated in this paper.Six kinds of saturated fatty acids(33.69%),three kinds of mono-unsaturated fatty acids(13.67%) and six kinds of polyunsaturated fatty acids(52.53%) were detected in Penaeus chinensis meat.Eleven kinds of saturated fatty acids(32.63%),six kinds of mono-unsaturated fatty acids(22.82%) and six kinds of polyunsaturated fatty acids(44.58%) were found in Penaeus chinensis hea...
ZHENG Jin-rong(College of Economics & Management , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:Food economic management is a new and cross discipline in the world.By comparing the research levels of the food economic management at home and abroad,based on system engineering theory and methods,it is necessary to set up body of knowledge for food economic management discipline.Based on food system theory,it puts forward to 5 stages in food life cycle.The five stages are food producing,food distribution,food trade,food use,and food recall.According to the food natural attributes and social attributes,it...
SHI Yong-zhong , DENG Ye-fen(College of Information Technology , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:The training is the core of the party school's task.At present,there are some developments in the training thoughts and training methods,and the training is also pointed and efficacious to a certain degree.However,the innovation of its contents and methods is more and more necessary due to the change of social environment,the development of teaching resources and the renewing of teaching thoughts.This article is to analyze the current situation of party school training,including the deficient daily educatio...
YE Ming(College of Humanities , Shanghai Ocean University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:Student health care has become nation's attention.School physical education bears sports and fitness skills,School sports are the basis for life-long sports,and sports interests and habits are to promote independent learning and lifelong exercise,and raise their physical health.The work of school physical education and training students lifelong sports consciousness is the work of school physical education.In this paper,literature and data,statistical analysis and access to the above method to study the spi...
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