Zhong JunSheng;Lou Bao;Yuan JinFeng
Abstract:对人工培育条件下鱼仔稚鱼的早期各发育阶段的形态特征进行了描述。鱼初孵仔鱼的平均体长1.95 mm(1.88~1.98 mm),在水温24.6~24.9℃,盐度26~30条件下初孵仔鱼至孵化后4日龄为卵黄囊仔鱼,5~14日龄为前弯曲期仔鱼,15~28日龄为弯曲期仔鱼,29~40日龄为后弯曲期仔鱼,41日龄开始进入稚鱼期。各鳍发育的体长范围在3.63~10.38 mm,进入稚鱼期完成了所有鳍的发育。鱼的早期发育中头背部不出现枕骨棘。自卵黄囊期后阶段开始到稚鱼期,在尾部中央侧面和腹缘具1个或数个星状的色素,是鱼早期发育阶段最重要的形态特征,可以作为鉴别鱼仔稚鱼的特征。
WANG Guang-jun , XIE Jun , YU De-guang
Abstract:为了研究感染副溶血弧菌对杂色鲍体内一氧化氮(NO)及一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活力的影响,分别对九孔鲍足部注射浓度为5×105CFU/mL、5×106CFU/mL和5×107CFU/mL的副溶血弧菌悬浮液(剂量为0.1 mm/只),在注射前及注射后6 h、12 h、24 h、48 h9、6 h1、92 h和240 h足部取血,测定其血清中NO含量以及NOS活力的变化情况。结果表明,注射副溶血弧菌后九孔鲍血清中NO含量及NOS活力显著高于对照组,且NOS活力的最大值出现的较NO最大值早,证明注射副溶血弧菌可以诱导九孔鲍血清内NO含量和NOS活力的升高。为今后研究NO/NOS系统在软体类免疫中的作用提供一些理论依据。在生产实践中,可以通过诱导调节NO在鲍体内的含量,增强其自身的非特异性免疫功能,从而提高抵抗疾病的能力。
Abstract:从广东深圳患溃烂病的病鳗肝脏分离到一株致病性细菌AnGS020501。该菌的主要特征为:革兰氏阴性,端生鞭毛,TCBS平板上生长,氧化酶阳性,葡萄糖发酵型,对弧菌抑制剂O/129(50μg/片)敏感。通过常规细菌学方法和应用ATB细菌自动鉴定仪,鉴定该菌为创伤弧菌(Vibrio vulnificus)。人工感染实验结果证明,该菌是鳗鲡溃烂病的病原菌,对鳗鲡、罗非鱼、鲫、斜带石斑鱼和小鼠的半数致死量(LD50)分别为2.69×105、1.64×105、4.23×105、6.1×106、1.56×106CFU/g。该菌胞外产物对鳗鲡的LD50为1.02μg蛋白/g鱼体重。药敏试验结果表明:诺氟沙星、庆大霉素、四环素、多西环素及利福平等对该菌有显著的抑制作用。
Zhao QingSong;Xu Zhe;Chen YinEr;Jin Shan;Xu GuoHui
Abstract:Presented in this paper is a method of indirect of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for rapid diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria of Emulsification disease in portunidae.The antiserum for Vibrio alginolyticus was obtained by immunizing rabbit against Vibrio alginolyticus,the antirabbit IgG goat was marked horseradish peroxidase(HRP) and used in an indirect ELISA detection. The result showed that the lowest Vibrio alginolyticus suspension detected limit in laboratory was 10~4 CFU/mL. Vibrio alginolyticus was dectecting in 48h, artificial infection. On worksite, Vibrio alginolyticus was detected by indirect ELISA from the clinically diseased and healthy portunidae at the rate of 90% and 20% respectively, and none from the seawater.
Shi ZhaoHong;Xia LianJun;Wang JianGang;Liu JianXue;Luo HaiZhong
Abstract:初步研究了黄鲷(Dentex tumifrons)在人工养殖条件下的繁殖生物学特性,以及诱导产卵。根据养殖记录并辅以鳞片的年轮鉴定,可催产的初次性成熟最小雌性黄鲷为2龄,体长14 cm,体重110 g。按体长区分,20 cm以下的黄鲷雌雄比为1∶0.15;20 cm以上的黄鲷雌雄比为1∶0.45。每年有二个产卵期分别在3~5月和11月。黄鲷属卵巢发育不同步、分批产卵类型鱼类。黄鲷每个产卵季节的个体怀卵量为5 400-27 000粒,平均15 000粒左右。经催产后产出的黄鲷受精卵平均卵径886μm,平均油球径184μm。受精后围卵周隙约16μm。在水温20.0~22.0℃、盐度34的条件下,历时36 h 40 min完成胚胎发育,孵化出仔鱼。在养殖条件下,对3龄以上的黄鲷亲鱼进行人工繁殖比较适宜,诱导产卵的成功率较高。用15μg 5 mg/kg的LHRH-A2 DOM能有效地催产Ⅵ期性腺黄鲷产卵。水温等环境因子的改变能使黄鲷春季产卵比自然海区的黄鲷提前1~2个月。
Li GuLe;Nie ShiZhong;Feng JianBin;He Wei;Fan YiPing;Cheng Xi
Abstract:Comparative study of the growth and culture performace was conducted in cage for 5 stocks of Oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense): Dongting Lake(DT), Poyang Lake(PY), Tai Lake(TH), Rugao district of Yangtze River(YZ) and Changxing county(CX) from the midstream and downstream of Yangtze River. The results showed that body length for 5 stocks of Oriental river prawn grew as linear function, their body weight grew as exponential function. Among the five stocks, the maturity rate of TH stock was the lowest, the growth rate was the fastest, the survival rate was the highest, and the total yield was highest, but Changxing stock was quite the contrary. The maturity rate of 30 days, AGRw, IGRw, the survival rate of 90 days, the total yield of 90 days for TH stock were respectively 37.3% lower, and 73.2%, 20.8%, 3.9%, 75.2% higher than those for Changxing stock. The highest efficiency would be obtained when TH stock was cultured at Changxing Zhejiang, and the protection and selection of Oriental river prawn should be ensured.
Yang FuGang;Zhou HongQi;Huang XuXiong
Abstract:基础饲料中添加七种β-葡聚糖产品(以下简称B1-B7),B1-B6的添加量分别为0.075%,B7的添加量为0.200%,饲养凡纳滨对虾虾苗(体重0.062±0.007 g)33 d,测定其生长及免疫功能。结果表明,七种β-葡聚糖产品不同程度的提高了凡纳滨对虾的存活率,其中以B5组存活率最高,为72.0%(P<0.05),对照组成活率最低,为22%。不同β-葡聚糖产品对增重率影响显著,以B4和B5组(P<0.05)的增重最快,分别为691.4%和802.4%。其次为B3组,为544.1%。其余各组增重率与对照组无显著性差异。β-葡聚糖对凡纳滨对虾溶菌酶活力、抗菌活力以及SOD活力有显著影响,其中以含有较多1,6支链β-葡聚糖B5组的效果最佳。B5组肌肉、肝胰脏的溶菌酶活力分别为0.09 U和0.1 U,对照组则分别为0.03 U和0.04 U。B5组肌肉和肝胰脏的抗菌活力为0.45 U和0.34 U,对照组为0.21 U和0.18 U;B5组头部SOD活力为44.7 NU/mg pro.,对照组为12.8 NU/mg pro.。因此,B5组β-葡聚糖产品具有较好的应用前景。
Abstract:The fishing quota system is a new system provided by Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China, and its implementation will be a great reform in China's fisheries management. On the basis of distinguishing the quota right from the fishing right in this system, more attention was focused on institutional analyses of the transfer of the quota right in fisheries. In line with the history, the current situation of fisheries management in China and the requirements for development, the idea that the quota right in China's fishing quota system might be allowed to transfer properly was put forward, and the institutional frame including the specific characters of quota right, the perfect registration and notification, the favorable intermediaries and the perfect social security system was suggested. Then, the affected factors, such as legal obstacles, the economic development in fisheries society and the quality of fishermen, were analyzed. At last, the author suggested that such work as propagandizing and training fishermen, and establishing the system of honesty and honor, enhancing the second and tertiary industries of fisheries, clearing the legal obstacles, clarifying the nature of the certification of the quota right, confirming the order of quota rights, and establishing the intermediary market services should be carried out at present.
Song LiPing;Huang XuXiong;Zhou HongQi;Liu XingGuo
Abstract:Penaeus chinensis juvenile were fed on basal diets supplemented with different levels Vc (0,0.015%,(0.030%),0.045%,0.060%), beta-glucan (0,0.050%,0.075%,0.100% )and algae powder(0,2%,5%,7% )for 40 days respectively.The shrimp fed on basal diet were regarded as control . Each group was treated with triplicate. Growth, survival rate and activities of acid phosphates(ACP), catalase (CAT), superoxidase(SOD) and lysozyme(LSZ) were measured.The relative body length gain and CAT activity of 0.030% Vc group were significantly higher than those of the control(P<0.05). The activities of ACP and CAT of 0.045% Vc group were enhanced(P<0.05). The activities of SOD were not affected by Vc supplement(P<0.05).The LSZ activities of 0.015% Vc group were significantly increased (P<0.01). The relative body length gain and SOD activity of (0.075%) beta-glucan group were significantly higher than those of the control(P<0.05). The relative body length and weight gain of 7% algae powder group were significantly increased(P<0.01),but the activity of ACP and LSZ of the group was decreased (P<0.05). The activities of CAT of 5% algae powder were enhanced(P<0.05).
Abstract:在垂直循环回流水槽中对黑(Sebastodes fuscescens)幼鱼个体的趋流性进行了统计分析。实验测定黑幼鱼个体的感应流速为0.10~0.15 m/s,喜爱流速为0.20~0.45 m/s,极限流速为0.6~0.7 m/s。用线性回归的方法对流速与体长的关系进行了统计分析,并应用t检验的方法对相关性进行了显著性分析,结果表明,t喜爱流速=31.06>t0.01(23)=2.81;t极限流速=47.71>t0.01(23)=2.81,因此,可以认为喜爱流速和极限流速与体长的相关关系是极显著的。为从触觉角度和鱼类的趋性对黑的聚礁机理研究提供参考。
Abstract:The paper mainly analyzed the development of site leveling optimization design with the combination of Visual Basic. NET and AutoCAD, also it gave a detailed introduction on how to build up the optimal design in the establishment of mathematics model. The emergence of the AutoCAD ActiveX technology has made Visual Basic. NET possible for the second development of AutoCAD. On the original working basis, the develpoment of "the site leveling optimization design and automatic painting system" on the web basis, simple and convenient, user friendly, will relieve the professionals of the tedious calculation and plotting work, and will raise the efficiency of project designing.
Gong XiZhang;Zhang XiangGuo;Deng DingKun;Shen Hui
Abstract:The main purpose of the Fisheries Information System Based on Internet is to integrate, share, and exchange knowledge, data, and resources among various research groups and departments within the University. Furthermore, the information designed to satisfy the particular topic of interest can be disseminated to the faculties and students. The current concept is based on the B/S model with application servers as the basis, the information can be viewed through Internet browsers. All documents will be presented in the format of HTML or PDF files. The system will consist of seven major categories, with the capability of expanding and continuously providing more up-to-date information. This digital library of data will accommodate almost all types of media, including text, pictures, audio, video, and web pages. The advantage of the assimilation of the Internet and database is the openness of data. The user can simply log online and access documents contained in the database. The system administrator can directly manage the users in the browsers, and constantly refresh the exchanged information. Registered users will be allowed to upload information. For example, using this system, every year's graduates can even upload their theses.
Huang XuXiong;Zhou HongQi;Cai ShengLi
Zhang GenFang;Wu XinZhong;Li GuLe
Abstract:通过20年来的发展,我国珍珠产量超过了1200t,稳居世界首位,成为又一种能够在国际市场占有重要地位的产品之一。目前,我国珍珠产量的90%以上是淡水珠,而其中95%以上是三角帆蚌生产的,但是对三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii Lea)生物学基础研究以及相关应用技术研究远远跟不上生产发展的需要。近10年来蚌病在大范围内此起彼落频繁发生,成为制约淡水珍珠养殖发展的主要瓶颈之一。本文通过对三角帆蚌蚌病及其防治技术的最新研究和进展情况进行综述,为进一步发展淡水珍珠业提供基础资料。
Hu GuoCheng;Li SaiFa;He XueJun;Deng XiaoWei;Zhou PeiYong
Jiang LangBo;Xu LiuXiong;Huang JinLing
Abstract:我国蔬菜无论是品种还是产量在世界上都是名列前茅。蔬菜在上海日常的副食品流通中也占了很大的比重,市民年人均蔬菜消费量远远高于中国营养学会推荐的146~182.5 kg/(人·年)的标准。2001年7月上海市政府发布了105号令,强调对食用蔬菜实施“从田头到餐桌”全过程的质量监控管理,确保市民吃到“放心菜”、“安全菜”。上海市新鲜蔬菜流通的问题日益受到政府和社会各界的重视。目前,上海已形成以一个市场开放、公平共享和双向流动为特色的“蔬菜流”。市场供应重点也从保障供给发展到提高安全、品质以及标准化程度上,供应数量逐年增加[1]。这…
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