• Volume 0,Issue 2,2004 Table of Contents
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    • Preliminary study on the pathogen and histopathology of haemorrhagic blood poisoning in Scortum bacoo


      Abstract (2337) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:从某养殖场患出血性败血症的高体革(鱼刺)(Scortum bacoo)中分离到一株细菌,人工回染健康高体革(鱼刺)证明该菌株为其致病菌,并具较强毒力,LD50为3.48×105 CFU。该菌株在形态、多项重要的生理生化指标与海豚链球菌(Streptococcus iniae)相同,因此可初步鉴定该菌株即为溶血性海豚链球菌。病理学观察表明该菌株主要引起高体革(鱼刺)的肝肾病变,药敏试验表明该菌株对红霉素、复合磺胺、头孢哌酮等多种抗生素敏感。

    • Preliminary study on the genetic relationship between white spot pike Esox lucius and black spot pike Esox reicherti


      Abstract (2813) HTML (0) PDF 187.29 K (2065) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic relationship between white spot pike (Esox lucius) in Eltrix River and black spot pike (Esox reicherti) in Helongjiang River in China was studied by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. (1) Using 34 effective primers, in white spot pike population, totally 257 bands were obtained, in which 130 bands were polymorphic, average bands per primer was 7.56, the percentage of polymorphic loci was 50.58% . In black spot pike population, totally 267 bands were obtained, in which 135 bands were polymorphic, average bands per primer was 7.85, the percentage of polymorphic loci was 50.56%. There was no significant difference between these two pikes in the percentage of polymorphic loci (P > 0.05). (2) Primer S68 produced a monombrphic band with molecular weight 1943bp in black spot pike population, but not in white spot pike -population. Therefore, 1943bp of S68 could be considered as a genetic marker to distinguish these two pikes. (3) Between the two species of pike, genetic similarity, genetic distance was 0.8090 and 0.0125 respectively. Within species, the genetic similarity for the white spot pike was 0.8171, black spot pike was 0.8213; the genetic distance for the white spot pike was 0.1829, far black spot pike was 0.1787; the Shannon' 8 index of genetic diversity for the white spot pike was 0.1236, for black spot pike was 0.1241, and there was no significant difference between these two pikes in above 3 indexes.

    • Genotype-environment interaction analysis from the body color and growth character in Oujiang color common carp,Cyprinus carpio var.color


      Abstract (2704) HTML (0) PDF 150.04 K (1966) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The growth experiments on 5 color patterns of Oujiang color common carp ( Cyprinus caipio var. color) reared in paddies, net cages and concrete tanks were conducted to analyze the genotype - environment interaction from body color and growth character. The result indicated that the genotype-environment interaction was detected in Oujiang color common carp. At paddy field environment, AGRW and IGRW of "whole red" and "red color with small black spots" were significantly higher than those of the other three kinds of color patterns (P < 0.05); at net cage environment, AGRW and IGRW of "red color with big black spots", "whole white" and "white color with big black spots " were significantly higher than those of "whole red" and "red color with small black spots"( P < 0.05); at concrete tank environment, AGRW and IGRW of "red color with big black spots" were significantly higher than those of other four kinds of color patterns ( P < 0. 01), but the other four kinds of color patterns had no significant difference ( P > 0.05). "whole red" and "red color with small black spots" would be more suitable to be reared in paddy field, "red color with big black spots", "whole white" and "white color with big black spots" would be'more suitable to be reared in concrete tank and net cage than other color patterns; "white color with big black spots" was detected with the most obvious genotype-environment interaction.

    • Construction of genomic DNA library of the mirror carp


      Abstract (2687) HTML (0) PDF 126.01 K (1916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:纯化镜鲤体组织的高分子量基因组DNA,经限制性内切酶Sau3A Ⅰ部分消化后,10%-40%蔗糖密度梯度离心分离并回收9—23kb的DNA片段。以λDASHⅡ为克隆载体,与9—23kb的DNA片段进行连接和包装,构建了镜鲤的基因组DNA文库。随机选取5个独立的噬菌斑,提取DNA后用EcoR Ⅰ与BamH Ⅰ进行酶切分析,证明克隆插入率为100%。经测定,该文库的滴度是108pfu/mL,根据公式N=ln(1-P)/In(1-f),99%的镜鲤基因组包含在该基因组文库中。以鲤IGF-Ⅱ基因探针对该基因组文库进行Southem杂交,筛选到相关的阳性克隆,证明这是一个较为完整的镜鲤基因组DNA文库。

    • Comparative study on DNA contents of five cultured fishes of Acipenseridae and Huso


      Abstract (2365) HTML (0) PDF 125.70 K (2167) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:采用德国Partec Pas Ⅲ型流式细胞仪,以鸡红细胞为标准DNA(含量为2.3pg/N),测定了俄罗斯鲟(Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt)、西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii Brandt)、史氏鲟(Acipenser schrencki Brandt)、小体鲟(Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus)和达氏鳇(Huso dauricus Ceorgi)的体细胞DNA含量。结果表明,在上述五种鲟鱼类的DNA含量中,俄罗斯鲟、西伯利亚鲟和史氏鲟的DNA含量非常接近,分别为12.24pg/N,11.60ps/N,11.59pg/N,三种鲟鱼相比较差异并不显著。小体鲟和达氏鳇的DNA含量是6.06pg/N和4.77pg/N,两种鱼相比较差异也不显著。但与上述三种鲟鱼相比较DNA含量几乎相差1倍。从测定的结果并结合已发表的有关鲟鱼类资料可以确定俄罗斯鲟,西伯利亚鲟和史氏鲟属于八倍体类型,而小体鲟和达氏鳇则属于四倍体类型。

    • Preliminary study on the pathogen and histopathology of haemorrhagic blood poisoning in Scortum bacoo


      Abstract (2557) HTML (0) PDF 212.75 K (1927) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Effects of chitosan as a feed additive on lysozyme activity and phaogocytic activity of leucocytes of allogynogenetic silver crucian carp


      Abstract (2928) HTML (0) PDF 149.09 K (1885) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There were five tested groups of allogyogenetic silver crucian carp which were fed on basal diets supplemented with 0%,0.3%,0.5%,1.0%,2.0% chitosan respectively. Each group was triplicated. After two months feeding , lysozyme activities of spleen, head kidney, serum and phagocytic activity of the leucocyte were measured. The results showed that 0.5% or 1.0 % chitosan efficiently advanced lysozyme activities ( P < 0.01) and phaogocytic activities(P <0.01) . 0.5% chitosan supplemented to the diet was optimum.

    • Effects of temperature and body size on oxygen consumption rate of Meretrix meretrix


      Abstract (2622) HTML (0) PDF 149.09 K (1829) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:在室内实验条件下研究了温度、规格对文蛤耗氧率的影响。结果表明,在一定的温度范围(15~30℃)内,文蛤的耗氧率(O)随着温度的升高而增加,30℃左右达到最高值,之后随温度的升高O值开始下降。在15—35℃条件下,文蛤的耗氧率(O)与文蛤软体部干重(W)呈负相关幂指数关系。文蛤的耗氧率与温度、文蛤软体部干重的二元线性回归方程为:O=1.3556 0.0433T-0.2381W,复相关系数r=0.7882(r>r0.01=0.732),F检验表明,回归方程相关性(P<0.01)极显著。

    • Artificial breeding of juveniles of Mactra antiquata


      Abstract (2649) HTML (0) PDF 134.54 K (1802) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Artificial breeding juveniles of Mactra antiquata with an average shell length of 24.0 mm and individual weight of 2.0 g were reared in cement tanks. Adopting the measures of 150% water replacement per day and tank sediment flushing and replacement at regular intervals, after 177 days rearing, the shellfish grew to an average length of 40.0 nun and average weight of 9.8 g, meeting the requirement of post juvenile aquaculture. The mean shell length growth rate was 0.09 mm/d, and weight growth rate was 0.04 g/d. The survival rate was 68 % , higher than that of traditional rearing in sand pool or in net cage in intertidal zone.

    • Preliminary study on the trend of CPPS fishery management and its effects on the development of the Chilean jack mackerel fishery of China


      Abstract (2516) HTML (0) PDF 186.67 K (2047) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The pelagic fleets of large processing trawlers of China used to focus on northern Pacific, and the economic profits obviously tend to drop. After 3-year exploring fishing operation, China has formally turned to fish Chilean jack mackerel on the high seas in the southeast Pacific since 2003, while the southeast Pacific comes within the jurisdiction area of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS) . The paper briefly introduces the status of the Chilean jack mackerel fishery and the trend of CPPS fishery management, and analyzes its effects on the development of the Chilean jack mackerel fishery for China, and gives some relevant countermeasures and advices: ensuring the fishing vessels to comply with the regulations of UNIA and Framework Agreement; strengthening the communications with Chile; perfecting information system and strengthening seamen training.

    • Analysis of sustainable development of marine capture fisheries in Zhejiang Province


      Abstract (2439) HTML (0) PDF 131.16 K (1788) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper tries to establish the frame of the reference system of sustainable development for the marine fishing fishery. It is composed of the fishery economics, social, ecological and environmental subsystems, and marine fishery resources management. The indicators and reference points are based on the current statistics of marine fishing economics and data of scientific research etc., which is a approach to evaluate the sustainable development of marine fishing fishery. Through the new approach we can conclude that the sustainable development of marine fishing fishery has been seriously affected by the overexploitation of marine fishing resources and the pollution of coast water in Zhejiang province. It is suggested to carry out the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) system as early as possible for the sustainable development.

    • Isolation of collagen from freshwater fish skin


      Abstract (2803) HTML (0) PDF 179.18 K (2721) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:研究了用有机酸(醋酸、柠檬酸、乳酸)对几种主要的淡水鱼,鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobdis)、草鱼(Glenopharyngodon idellus)鱼皮胶原蛋白进行提取。研究发现,鲢、鳙、草鱼鱼皮的蛋白质含量分别约为25.9%、23.6%、29.8%,羟脯氨酸含量分别为1.8%、1.9%、2.3%。结果表明,鲢、鳙鱼皮经2.5%NaCI溶液(1:10),草鱼鱼皮经5%NaCl溶液(1:10),温度5℃左右,12h磁力搅拌处理两次,除去的可溶性杂蛋白分别占原总蛋白的5.9%、6.7%、9.1%。鱼皮再经加酸(1:30)溶胀、均质处理后,即可得到鱼皮胶原蛋白的粗提取液,鲢、草鱼鱼皮的酸提取回收率以醋酸为最高,分别为78.9%、84.1%,鳙鱼皮以柠檬酸为最高,约为82.0%。粗提液再经抽滤、盐析、透析,最后经冷冻干燥,可得到纯度较高的胶原蛋白制品。三种鱼皮胶原蛋白制品的色泽洁白程度以草鱼的为最好,鲢和鳙略差些。

    • Silver carp fish protein prepared by enzyme


      Abstract (2577) HTML (0) PDF 140.69 K (1823) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the silver carp hydrolysis by the enzyme was studied. The frozen fish meat was thawed by microwave. By contrast, neutrase have much higer hydrolysis efficiency. The optimum reaction of neutrase was determined by orthogonal design. The parameters are as follows: the reaction temperature is 501, the added enzyme dosage is 0.5 % , the pH value is 7.0, the weight ratio of meat to water is 1 to 2 and reaction time is 3 hours, the recovery of the protein was 90.60 % . The optimum reaction of neutrase and flavourzyme were found in same way. The optimal technical parameters are as follows: 1 hour after neutrase was added, at same degree centigrade and pH value, add 0.4% flavourzyme in and for reaction 4 hours. Recovery of the protein can reach 94.50% . Hydrolysate has little fish-odor when treated with active carbon. Hydrolysate could be dried into fish protein powder by freeze drying technology.

    • >综述
    • Advances in sex determination of shrimps (prawns) and crabs


      Abstract (2361) HTML (0) PDF 204.44 K (3666) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:性别决定(sex determination)涉及遗传、发育和进化等领域,开展性别决定机制的研究对认识人类性分化异常等多种与性别有关的疾病、实现动物性别的人为控制等都有着重大的现实意义,同时还可为生物进化的分析提供新的线索。在系统进化中,虾蟹类处于承前启后的重要地位,与脊椎动物相比,其性别决定机制具有原始性、多样性和可塑性的特点。深入研究其性别决定机制,对于水产养殖来说,更具

    • Researches, problems and countermeasures of marine cage fish culture in China mainland


      Abstract (2772) HTML (0) PDF 132.74 K (2149) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Applications of computational fluid dynamics in food industy


      Abstract (2460) HTML (0) PDF 144.15 K (2508) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,以下简称为CFD)是基于计算机技术的一种数值计算工具,用于求解流体的流动和传热问题。它是流体力学的一个分支,用于求解固定几何形状空间内的流体的动量、热量和质量方程以及相关的其它方程,并通过计算机模拟获得某种流体在特定条件下的有关数据。CFD最早运用于汽车制造业、航天事业及核工业,用离散方程解决空气动力学中的流体力学问

    • >研究简报
    • Preliminary study on available utilization of light on squid jigging vessel


      Abstract (2383) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Screening of the cholesterol-reducing lactic acid bacteria


      Abstract (2597) HTML (0) PDF 134.83 K (1965) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Purification and some properties of chitosanase from Pseudomonas


      Abstract (2516) HTML (0) PDF 218.49 K (1766) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The implementation of the serial communication between PLC and PC


      Abstract (2265) HTML (0) PDF 136.10 K (1929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:可编程序控制器(Programmable logic controller,PLC)是工业控制计算机家族中的一员,随着工业自动化程度的日益提高,PLC以其应用简便、稳定可靠、控制功能强大、抗干扰能力强等特点已经得到了广泛的应用,但它也有自身的一些缺点,即数据的计算处理与管理能力较弱,特别是不能提供给用户良好的人机界面。将计算机与PLC结合起来使用,可以充分利用计算机强大的人机接口功能、丰富的应用软

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