LI Jia le , LI Si fa , HAN Feng jin
Abstract:Growth performance and culture characteristics between Taiwanese red tialpia and Nile tilapia were compared in concrete tanks at National Tilapia Seed Farm of Qingdao. Both of them grew with straight line at early 80 days. There were not significant differences of weights between them when their body length were less than 10cm; significant when more than 10cm; Nile tilapia was heavier than Taiwanese red tilapia at same body length. Growth rate, average catching sizes, net production and fat factor of Nile tialapia were significantly higher than those of Taiwanese red tilapia when they were caught at 230 days.
WU Han lin , CHEN I Shiung , CHONG Dee hwa
Abstract:A new goby,Odontobutis sinensisWu,Chen et Chong sp.nov.was collected from middle reaches of Yang tze River and the drainages of Pearl River,China.This new species is most resmbles to Odontobutis obscura (Temminck et Schlegel)of Japan in having not sensory canal pore C on the head,but differs for the other known species of Odontobutis in China,the latters in having the sensory canal pore C.However the present species differs from the O.obscura in having 6 dorsal spines (vs.7 dorsal spines);14-15 rays of pectoral fin (vs.16 rays);39-42 longitudinal scales (vs.36-38);16-17 transverse scales (vs.13-15).Holotype and paratype of the new species as detailed in the Chinese text,are all kept in Department of Ichthyology,Shanghai Fisheries University,Shanghai. The description of the new species and discussion with related species are provided.
WANG Cheng hui , LI Si fa , XU Zhi bin , XIANG Song ping , WANG Jian , DUAN Jiang ping
Abstract:用 13种限制性内切酶对瓯江彩鲤的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)进行RFLP分析 ,结果表明 :(1)共产生 18种限制性态型 ,其中 5种酶产生限制性片段长度多态性 (RFLPs) ,归结为 5种基因单倍型。 (2 )瓯江彩鲤mtDNA大小为 16 .6 0± 0 .15kb ,单倍型间的基因多样性指数和群体核苷酸多样性指数分别为 0 .75 17、0 .0 2 86 ,遗传多样性较丰富
Abstract:霞浦新米虾(新种)Neocaridina xiapuensis,sp.nov。与安徽新米虾Neocaridina palmata anhuiensis相似,但前者经三对步足无明显的两性异形现象,且雄性第二腹肢雄附肢的形态结构和较小的卵径与后者均有显著不同。
YAO Qing zheng , ZANG Wei ling , DAI Xi lin , JIANG Min , LIN Rong fei , XU Gui rong
Abstract:This paper deals with the toxic effects of NH 3 N and NO - 2 N on Penaeus vannamei larvae and Penaeus japonicus larvae. The 24h, 48h,72h, 96h Lc 50 values of NO - 2 N and NH 3 N for the two kinds of larvae were obtained,and the Cs of NO - 2 N and NH 3 N for the two kinds of larvae were obtained,The Cs of NH 3 N for Z,M,and P of the two kinds larvae were 0.078 and 0.047,0.077 and 0.060,0.048 and 0.138 mg/L;the Cs of NO - 2 N for Z,M,and P of the two kinds larvae were 0.56 and 1.08,0.77 and 0.45,2.57 and 2.06 mg/L respectively.
SHI Zhi yi , LI Wei , LI Song rong , LOU Yun dong
Abstract:In this paper the tissue culture and cell culture of the mantle epithelium of Hyriopsis cumingii were performed. The experimental results show that the tissue culture was better than the cell culture in gaining a large amount of free cell . Both tissue and cell cultures in vitro were able to secrete the organic pearl materials, and the secretive ability was nearly same based on atomic absorption spectrometeric analyses.
Abstract:The theories of DEA were introduced and the method was applied to the marine fisheries in China. Firstly, the result showed that the ship sizes were too small which affected the increase of the fishing capacity and the capacity utilization, though there were enough ships in the Chinese distant water fisheries. Secondly, the capacity utilization of the relative provinces is in two extremes. Among these provinces, the rates of Liaoning, Jiangsu, Shandong and Guangdong are the highest and the others may increase their catch much by only raising their production efficiency with no more investment. The analyses of the stow nets' fishing in Zhoushan showed that the fishing capacity will not change when an input factor changes at the same rate in different units. So the DEA method can make comprehensive analyses of the variable investing, the fixed investing and the catch in fishing to determine the maximum output in multi investments. This method is also able to deal with not only a lot but also a little of data, and the results of its application to marine fishing are satisfactory.
Abstract:The concept of exclusive economic zone has already been accepted generally as a rule of international law in the world.As a result,the management of world marine fisheries has undergone a radical reform,which is featured by the use of traditional property rights to regulate the fishing activity.This paper pinpoints the causes of over fishing.The definition of traditional property rights,its characteristics,its measurement method,and its econoomic incentives are also described.Aa an example of use of property rights to regulate marine fishing,the individual transferable quota (ITQ) system is carefully analyzed.Its characteristics of property rights,bio economic outcomes,some possible problems,and solutions are all explored completely.Finally,some steps should be taken to introduce the property rights into China marine fisheries management.
ZENG Shao kui , ZHANG Chao hua , LEI Xiao ling , ZHANG Jing , Liao Yan
Abstract:采用添加枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶与木瓜瓣双酶同时水解技术,对海鳗肉进行水解。正交试验的方差分析及多重比较结果表明,适宜的酶解工艺条件为pH7.0,温度45℃,加酶量为原料的2%(枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶:木瓜蛋白酶=1:1),水解时间为2.5h。蛋白质水解率为75%,所得水解液的α-氨基氮含量为166mg/100mL,经浓缩后的氨基酸总量为1.23g/100mL,其中必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的57.8%,谷氨酸(Glu),天门冬氨酸(Asp),甘氨酸(Gly),丙氨酸(Ala) 等呈味氨基酸含量较高,占总量的23%。
Abstract:It is no probpem that the present and future developments are based on a combination of preservation factors that use many of the classic preservation procedures such as refrigeration, as well as some new factors. This paper investigated the effects of different electric field intensity on the freezing processing, thawing processing of NaCl solution, and found that the field intensity had some influences on the freezing and thawing process. The work may be useful to the future research on food in this field.
SHI Jian gao , ZHONG Wen zhu , TAO Li min
Abstract:In this paper, the edible parts of squid are divided into three sections tube fin and tentacles.80% ethanol was used for extracting flavour components from each. The main flavour components, betaines, amino acids and inorganic ions such as K +,Na +,Ca 2+ ,Fe 2+ ,Zn 2+ ,PO 4 3- and Cl -, in the raw squid and extracts were determined and compared with each other. The results indicate that the percentage of betaines and amino acids from the raw squid or the extracts, are higher in the tube than that in the fin and tentacles but there is little difference between the percentage in fin and tentacles . The content of inorganic ions in tube, tentacles and fin diminishes in turn. However, the content of taurine in the tube is lower than that in the fin and tentacles. In addition, the feasibility of the application of the flavour components has received preliminary exploration.
LI Yan , ZHOU Pei gen , QI Xiao yu
GAO Jian , TAO Bao shan , LOU Yong , ZHANG Xiang Guo
Abstract:By reviewing the present situation of fishery production and demand for aquatic products, the paper studies circulation and supply-demand's balance of aquatic products of East distruction of China. The Micro TSP was used to analyse relationships between GDP and demand for aquatic products. The relationship between time series and the demand for aquatic products is also studied. The equation (Y=A+BT) is set up for estimating the demands for aquatic products in East region of China.
ZHANG Fan , CHEN Shun sheng , LAN Wei qing
Abstract:The thesis is regard the exploitation of multimedia courseware about sensory evaluation of food as blueprint and explores the general process. According to the method of software cycle in software engineering, the process of multimedia courseware is compose of certain number stages, which are strict formulated the corresponding tasks and purposes that could reach, so as to ensure the completion, continuity and reliability of total process.
Abstract:大黄鱼Pseudosciaenacrocer (Richardson)系石首鱼科黄鱼属 ,是我国海洋主要经济鱼类之一 ,曾有中国“海洋四大经济鱼类”之称。由于多年的酷渔滥捕 ,其自然资源遭受严重破坏 ,形不成渔汛 ,甚至濒临衰竭 ,至 1 987年在自然海区已基本上捕获不到性成熟亲鱼。为有效保护大黄鱼的自然资源 ,1 985年福建省率先组织科技人员进行“大黄鱼的人工繁殖及其增养殖技术”的联合攻关 ,于 1 986年突破了人工育苗技术 ,1 987年又掌握了人工培育亲鱼技术 ,至 1 990年达到了生产性育苗百万尾的水平 ,为此后大黄鱼养殖业的大发…
Abstract:海洋渔业资源为人类提供了丰富的蛋白质 ,同时也是世界上很多人口赖以生存的基础。然而 ,随着世界范围内环境的变迁和海洋捕捞强度的不断增加 ,一些经济价值较高的鱼类资源正在逐渐减少、衰竭、甚至消亡 ,对生态环境的多样性以及人类社会的经济发展均带来了负面的影响。因此 ,合理利用海洋渔业资源 ,制止资源量的下降趋势已是当前全世界渔业管理工作者的最为迫切任务。要做好这方面的工作 ,就必须在全球范围内减少海洋捕捞能力 ,这一点在国际渔业管理上业已达成共识。然而 ,在具体实施时 ,各个渔业国家的捕捞能力究竟怎样减 ?减多少 ?如何量…
Abstract:20世纪 90年代后 ,由于世界性主要传统经济渔业资源的衰退 ,国际社会要求加强渔业资源养护与管理的呼声越来越高 ,各沿海国对其所辖海域内渔业资源的管理也不断被加强。继 1 982年《联合国海洋法公约》签定以后 ,1 993年 1 1月联合国粮农组织通过了《促进公海渔船遵守国际养护与管理措施协定》 ,1 995年 1 0月联合国粮农组织通过了《国际负责任渔业行为守则》 ,1 995年 1 2月联合国大会又通过了《执行 1 982年 1 2月 1 0日 <联合国海洋法公约 >有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定》。这些协定除对公海捕鱼的限制作了…
Abstract:在粗加工之后和精加工之前安排调质 (hadeningandtempering)处理 ,有利于提高 45钢及 40Cr材料制成的零件的综合机械性能 ,宜消除工件的内应力[1 ] 。目前大多数厂家常采用井式炉或箱体炉淬、回火设备对零件实行调质 ,不仅工人的劳动强度大 ,而且生产效率低 ,产品质量不稳定。如果采用本课题组研究成功的震底炉一种调质自动线对零件进行热处理加工 ,一方面能更好地保证质量 ,而且起到事半功倍的成效。图 1 震底炉的组成部分Fig .1 partsofchassisshakingstove1,炉体部分 ;2 ,机械震动…
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