Abstract:从海带孢子体的酶解单细胞中提取的基因DNA,可用于随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)的重复性研究。通过对扩增反应体系中各因子和扩增程序的梯度实验,确定优化反应体系为:0.2μmol/L引物,1.5mmol/LMg^2 ,100μmol/L dNTP,1.0U Taq DNA聚合酶,30ng模板DNA,优化反应程序为:94℃变性2min,接着45个循环包括94℃变性1min,37℃退火1min,72℃延伸2min,最后72℃延伸10min。在此优化条件下得到的RAPD图谱的较好的特异性和重复性,为海带遗传多样性,种质鉴定,分子标记及辅助育种等研究提供了有用的手段。
SUN Jing-chun , LOU Yun-dong , YAO Ji-hua
Abstract:The three breeds of red carp in Jiangxi Province, namely Cyprinus carpio var. wuyuanensis in Wuyuan County, Cyprinus carpio var. xingguonensis in Xinguo County, and Cyprinus carpio var. wananensis in Wanan County are important cultivation breeds in China. In this paper, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used for molecular biology analysis of genetic diversity among these three red carps for the first time. Forty random primers were used for the analysis of nuclear DNA polymorphism of the three breeds of red carp in Jiangxi Province and wild carp. A clustering analysis was made based on RAPD results with UPGMA and NJ methods in PHYLIP software package (version 3.5) and the phylogenetic trees were constructed. The results show that the intra-breed genetic similarity of Cyprinus carpio var. wuyuanensis is the highest (0.809) and the heterozygosity is the lowest, while the genetic similarity between Cyprinus carpio var. xingguonensis and Cyprinus carpio var. wananensis is the highest (0.745 ), indictating their genetic relationship is closer.
ZENG Qing-hua , ZHOU Hong-qi , HUANG Xu-xiong , DING Zhuo-ping
Abstract:The nutritional value of new hatched Artemia nauplii of six geographic strains ( CangZhou, HeBei; HuangHua.HeBei; WuDi, ShanDong; CuoLe, Tibet; XiLinHaoTe, Inner Monglia; BaLiKun Hu,XinJiang) in China was examined. The protein contents of the nauplii were 46% - 53% of dry weight , and the lipid contents were 21% - 26% of dry weight. 17 kinds of amino acids of the nauplii were detected. The content of total amino acids was 38% - 44% . The percentages of the essential amino acid in total amino acid were 48% - 50% . The six strains nauplii contained abundant 20: 5n - 3 and a small amount of 18: 3n - 3. They were marine type. Compositions of the fatty acid were different among Artemia nauplii of the different strains. The contents of 18:2n -6 and 20:5n - 3 were significantly affected by producing area. The contents of 20:5n - 3 from Cuole, Tibet and Xilinhaote, Inner Monglia were 23.52% and 7.90% respectively ,which were the highest and the lowest in the six strains. 22: 6n - 3 was not detected in the strains.
CHEN Chang-sheng , WANG Shu-hong , JI De-hua , SONG Zhen-rong , CHEN Zheng-qiang , ZHENG Yong-qi , JIA Xi-wei
Abstract:The activities of CAT and SOD and the effects of the activities of CAT and SOD under the different conditions of NH3-N in internal sac of Haliotis diversicolor supertexta were investigated. The results showed that the activities of CAT and SOD were different in the varying concentrations of NH3-N,and the activities of CAT declined with the increasing of the concentrations of NH3-N. When the concentrations of NH3-N was 1-4 mg/L, the activity of CAT was higher than that of the control group, and when 5-6 mg/L, the activity of CAT was lower than that of the control group, on the other hand, when the concentrations of NH3-N was 1-4 mg/L, the activities of SOD increased with the increasing of the concentrations of NH3-N, and when 4mg/L, the activities of SOD were maximum, and when 5 - 6mg/L, the activities of SOD declined. The activities of CAT and SOD of abalone also were affected by the concentrations of NH3-N at the different temperatures.
HUANG Yong-lan , HUANG Shuo-lin
Abstract:In the light of the current movement of Chinese fishery in the Beibu Gulf, the paper deals with the impacts on implementing the Sino-Viernamese Fishery Agreement in the Beibu Gulf. It's estimated that a loss of RMB 99.3 billion yuan would be suffered in that numerous fishing boats in the region of the South Ghina Sea would withdraw from the west gulf after the demarcation, Meanwhile, the fact that it' s difficult for the fishermen to transfer themselves to other types of work would render the fisheries resources in Chinese inshore waters suffer more fishing pressure and have an influence on the management of the system of the time and area closures for the mechanized fishing boat. In addition, the fishermen have difficulty in mastering the position of the demarcation line in the Beibu Gulf. Because some suggestions are put forward in the light of the situation. Firstly, an effort should be made for a nationwide comprehension on the conservation of fishery resources. Secondly, the fishing efforts should be reduce and the fisheries structures be further adjusted. Thirdly, investigation of the fishery resources should be strengthened. Finally, an independent executive agency is anticipated to be established to study the potential problems and countermeasures.
HUANG Li-bin , CHEN You-rong , QI Feng-lan , Ll Bai-lin
LU Bin , CHEN Shun-sheng , DENG De-wen
JIANG Jin-jin , CHEN Jiao , ZHOU Pei-gen , XU Wen-da
LI Xing-wang , WANG Zao , JIANG Xia-yun
Abstract:A method for the purification of melanin extracted from squid ink was introduced in this paper. After removing most associated impurities by acid washing and concentrated acid hydrolysis, DMSO was added in order to dissolve the melanin completely, then the melanin was precipitated by adding acetone due to the change of polarity in the solvent system. Finally, recrystallization was repeated for three times and refined melanin pigment was obtained. Besides, the physical and chemical properties of the refined melanin were determined, including ultraviolet-visible and infrared (IR) spectra. The results revealed that the melanin is an irregular high-polymer consisting of indole structure.
ZHANG Xue-hua , REN Ming-rong , QI Feng-lan , CHEN Shun-sheng , SHA Rong-fang , CHEN You-rong
Abstract:On the basis of the theory of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy mathematics, the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for fish sauce quality was estabished. The reciprocal comparison between fifferent indexes, which were sensory evaluation, amino nitrogen, total nitrogen, specific gravity, T-VBN, salt concentration, red index and acidity,was used to obtain the judge matrixes about the importance of every index during the evaluation of fish sauce quality.The weights (W) of these indexes,0. 356, 0. 189,0. 107,0. 054,0. 097,0. 063,0. 061,0. 073 sequentially ,were the weighting geometric means of feature vectors form the judge matrixes. After the defintion of the fuzzy function the fuzzy matrix (R) could be obtained. The accumulation of the weighting fuzzy degree of every index in different fish sauce, which was the result of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of fish sauce quality, equaled the weights multiplying the fuzzy matrix. Meanwhile an example for the utilization of fish fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was given.
Abstract:在湖泊和海湾等水域水体富营养化控制的研究中,采用种植高等水生植物和藻类的方法控制N、P等营养物取得了较好的效果。在闭合循环水产养殖系统和水族馆生态系统中,采用生物脱氮和脱磷技术来控制水体营养盐浓度是最经济、安全和有效的方法之一。藻皮净化装置是一种创造利于藻上皮固着生长的装置,可作为养殖废水处理(Wastewater)系统的组成单元,通过调整藻皮生物种类,该装置可适用于高盐、低盐和淡水养殖系统。本文通过构建底栖硅藻舟形藻(Navicula sp.)藻皮,研究其对闭合循环水产养殖系统和水族馆生态系统…
Abstract:甲壳动物血淋巴细胞的种类、数量与其免疫功能密切相关。对甲壳动物血淋巴细胞进行研究,无论在理论上还是在实践上,都具有十分重要的意义。有关甲壳动物血淋巴细胞形态、结构及其分类的研究,国内外已有文献报道,本文对经济价值较高的三疣梭子蟹的血淋巴细胞进行了初步研究,旨在丰富相关方面的资料,为进一步研究提供参考。1 材料与方法 (1)实验动物 健康三疣梭子蟹雌雄各20尾,取自长春市某渔场。 (2)血涂片制作 用1mL注射器先吸取10%海水甲醛0.1mL,再从围心腔抽取等量血淋巴液。混均后按常规法涂片。 (3)血细…
Abstract:日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus)是一种经济价值很高的甲壳动物,具有生命力旺盛,抗病力强,可短时间离水,利于运输和鲜活上市等优点。但近年来,病毒性虾病造成对虾养殖大面积减产,而组织培养技术是研究病毒学的基础。建立细胞株(系)以供病毒的分离。纯化,井进行各种特性的分析,为进一步研究单克隆抗体奠定基础。培养对虾的免疫细胞是研究对虾免疫机能和筛选免疫增强药物的手段,从而为解决虾病防治问题开辟一条有效途径。对虾的组织培养研究已于1994年列入国家海洋攀登B计划[4]。Hu[5]将中国对虾肝胰…
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