Abstract:The different groups of Artemia sp. were cultured using three diets of Dunaliella salina, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and wheatbran. The results showed a significant difference of growth rate among the groups of Artemia sp. (p<0.05). The group of Artemia sp. fed on wheat bran (group W) was the fastest in growth, While the group fed on Saccharomyces cerevisiae (group S) was the poorest. It was 8 days shorter to reach sexual maturity for the group W than for the others. Besides, The effects of diets on the survival rate was also significantly different (p<0.01). Upon to sexual maturity, the group fed on D. salina (group D) attained the highest survival rate, Group S was the lowest. Further more, The differences of the reproductivity among the groups were great significant (p<0.01). The reproduction frenquency, total numbers of offspring and the average numbers of offspring at each batch of reproduction of group W (5, 320 and 64 respectively) were all higher than those of group S (1.5, 63 and 42). The Artemia sp. of group D didn't reproduce in this experiment. It could be therefore concluded that wheat bran was the best food to culture Artemia sp. and most beneficial to both the growth of the individual Artemia sp. and the population propagation.
WANG Wei-dong , ZANG Wei-ling , DAI Xi-lin , JIANG Min , XU Gui-rong
ZHOU Ren-jie , HUANG Bin , LIN Tao
Abstract:报导了1999年5月13日至7月5日进行的花尾胡椒鲷人工育苗技术研究。培育获得平均全长24.3mm、平均体重0.29g的幼鱼鱼苗3.0万尾,育苗成活率达49.2%。试验期间室内育苗池水温与盐度的自然变化范围分别为24.0 ̄30.5℃,29.6 ̄30.5。仔、稚、幼鱼培育的饵料系列基本搭配为轮虫-卤虫无节幼体和桡足类、海水枝角类-鱼肉糜。试验发现:花尾胡椒鲷人工育苗的死亡高峰期出现在稚鱼后期,38 ̄44日龄阶段。
ZHAO Wei-xin , JIANG Ren-liang , ZHOU Qiu-bai , LIU Hong , GAO Lan
Abstract:Annual variations in serum thyroxine(T 4) and triiodo L thyronine(T 3) concentrations were measured by double antibody radioimmunoassay in the blunt snout bream(Megalobrama amblycephala). Serum T 4 and T 3 levels were elevated and up to peaks during the spring concomitant with the rapid development of gonads, the elevation of serum T 4 was in March early than the T 3, After the reproductive stage, serum levels of T 4 and T 3 declined, serum T 4 showed two small peaks in August and October respectively; Serum T 3 levels were constant throughout the Summer and Autumn (July to November). Serum T 4 and T 3 levels were low during the winter, the minimum levels of both T 4 and T 3 were in December. The physiological significance of thyroid hormone elevations during spring are discussed.
WANG Cheng-hui , LI Si-fa , lA Chen-hong , ZHAO Jin-liang
Abstract:A completely randomized block designed experiment and mixed linear model were used to evaluate the survival and growth of mitten crab of Yangtze population and Liaohe population at juvenile stage. The results indicated that: (1) The survival rate and weight increasing rate of Yangtze population were slightly higher than those of Liaohe population, but there were no significant difference(P>0.05). (2)The result of linear model revealed that monthly growing rate was no significant difference between Yangtze population and Liaohe population. Although significant differences didn't exist between male and female crab, monthly growing rate of male crab were always higher than that of female crab. (3) the variation of body weight of two populations among individuals were very large(more than 40), and the variation of Yangtze population was slight higher than that of Liaohe population, but no significant difference was found(P>0.05).
LIN Qi , WU Jian-shao , ZENG Zhi-nan , CHEN Pu-xian , Chen Mu
Abstract:The difference of mantle between diploid and triploid is analyzed from outward appearance, tissue slides and content of protein and glycogen in Crassostrea gigas. In outward appearance, the mantle of triploid is opaque, opal and thicker than diploid. The connective tissue of triploid mantle is thicker than diploid. And the glycogen content of triploid mantle is 3.9 times of diploid.
ZHOU Ying-qi , CHEN Xin-jun , ZHANG Xiang-guo
Abstract:In this paper, the authors described the items related to the fishing capacity in the statistics data of Chinese marine fishery and indicated that the key items used for monitoring and controlling of fishing capacity are total number of fishing vessels, total engine power, total tonnage and etc. in the common practice of Chinese fisheries management. The methods for standardization of fishing effort used by Chinese fisheries scientists determining fishing capacity of the major fisheries of single and multi species in the Chinese coastal water has been described. The key parameters affecting the fishing capacity of varied fishing methods, have been analyzed in general and notices about measuring fishing capacity have been pointed out. The exercises of standardization and calculation of the fishing capacity on the bottom trawling fishery in the East China Sea and Yellow sea have been presented. Under the considerations for standardization across varied size vessels and across fisheries a comprehensive index for reflecting to the fishing capacity of varied fisheries has been proposed based on the gray system theory.
Abstract:In recent years, the fishing effort of the world fisheries increased rapidly and as a result, many fisheries are now facing the problem of resource depletion. Against this background, the measures for fisheries management seem to be shifted from traditional input control to output control. In this paper, the experiences of applying the TAC and ITQ in fisheries management of some countries, especially New Zealand's are analyzed. And the present situation, the effects and the existing problems of enforcing TAC and ITQ, as well as the relations between China and the neighboring countries which have already applied the TAC, were discussed. Then, based on the analysis and discussion, the main problems of applying the TAC and ITQ in Chinese fisheries management, and the probable steps of adopting them were probed.Finally, in the light of the reality of Chinese fisheries, some suggestions for the preparation of applying TAC and ITQ in Chinese fisheries were put forward.
Abstract:This paper introduces an application of progammable logic controller (PLC) in air cable car for Langshan in Nantong and describes its software and hardware configuration structure. The main machine C60P CDR A, expanding machine C60 EDR A made in Japan and a few relays instead of a lot of contacters to achieve technological specfication process. An auxiliary contact of each contacter feedbacks to the input of PLC. The actual distance of travel of car is displayed by using PLC technology. The deceleration and acceleration as the car arriving at or departing from the station are dual controlled by software or hardware. The procedures about start up and stopping, given value of speed, alarm and display are programmed in ladder diagram language. Facts proved that the system has higher reliability, effective self diagnostic ability, flexible controlling mode. It is very simply and convenient to examine and repair.
GENG Zuo-xian , YOU Yu-min , QI Xiao-yu , NI Ye , Zhou Pei-gen
HE Wei , ZENG Chun-li , QIN Yu-qing , GE Mao-quan
Abstract:卤虫 (Artemia)是一种世界性分布的广温耐高盐的小型甲壳动物 ,其自然的生活环境为内陆的盐湖和沿海的盐田。由于卤虫是水产动物苗种生产中十分重要的生物饵料 ,同时也是生物学教学中重要的活体实验材料 ,因此 ,国内外有关卤虫的生物学及其在水产上的应用研究论文很多 ,其中不少涉及到卤虫的分类问题 ,本文就卤虫属分类研究进展作一综述。1 卤虫属的分类地位卤虫属在分类学上的地位为节肢动物门 (PhylumArthropoda) ,甲壳纲 (ClassCrustacea) ,鳃足亚纲(SubclassBranchiopoda) ,…
ZHANG Shou-yu , YANG Hong , LIU Hong-sheng
Abstract:东海是一个兼有浅海和深海特征的边缘海 ,其辽阔的程度在全球陆架海域中为数不多 ,渔业产量及其生产潜力在世界海洋生产中十分突出。东海地形复杂 ,西部大陆架约占东海总面积的 2 /3,东南面大陆坡及深海槽最大深度 2 70 0m以上。除外侧势力强大的黑潮暖流外 ,对马暖流、台湾暖流、东海沿岸流等也在不同季节不同程度地影响着东海的流况。另外 ,以长江为代表的大陆径流以年平均总值约1 1 0 0 0亿m3的巨大流量 ,夹带着营养盐等丰富的陆源物质不断流入这个边缘海。那些流入的陆源物质在地形及流况如此复杂的东海如何移动及扩散 ,在它们相互发…
Abstract:1 中国远洋鱿钓渔业的发展概况1 989年 ,上海水产大学受中国水产总公司委托 ,派“浦苓号”实习船赴日本海俄管水域进行太平洋褶柔鱼资源的开发 ,揭开了中国远洋鱿钓渔业的发展序幕。至 1 992年基本上完成了日本海太平洋褶柔鱼的渔场开发、钓捕技术掌握、技术装备的改制等技术工作 ,并初步形成了小规模的生产。这段时间 ,参与鱿钓生产的企业仅舟山海洋渔业公司一家 ,1 990年该公司首先改装了 2艘鱿钓船投入试生产 ,取得了收支保本的好成绩 ,随即有了迅速的发展 ,1 992年鱿钓船增至 1 6艘。 1 992年与 1 990年相比 ,在产量表 1 1 990 - 1 9…
Abstract:大黄鱼Pseudosciaenacrocea(Richardson) ,系石首鱼科黄鱼属 ,俗称黄花鱼 ,为我国特有的地方性种类 ,是我国传统四大经济鱼类之一。近年来 ,大黄鱼自然资源日趋衰退 ,在海洲湾渔场濒临绝迹。为保护繁衍大黄鱼资源 ,发展大黄鱼增养殖业 ,1 998年 4月 ,我局承担了江苏省海洋渔业开发项目大黄鱼人工育苗技术研究。本文系该项育苗技术的生产性试验结果 ,旨在为石首鱼科鱼类的人工育苗提供参考。1 材料与方法1.1 材料( 1 )育苗室设施。育苗室屋顶为玻璃框架结构 ,顶部及四周备有遮光黑塑料布。( 2 )育苗池。为 7.…
ZHAO Jin-liang , LI Si-fa , CAI Wan-qi , ZOU Shu-ming
Abstract:团头鲂 (Megalobramaamblycephala)肉质鲜美 ,生长快 ,为我国主要养殖对象之一。为防止养殖过程中的衰退 ,提高团头鲂的优良经济性状 ,实现良种化生产 ,上海水产大学自 1 985年起 ,从湖北省公安县淤泥湖引进团头鲂原种群体 ,在上海水产大学南汇种质资源试验站进行选育 ,经过连续 1 5年的混合选育 ,现已获得生长性能明显提高的第六代选育群体[1] 。为了保持和尽快纯化该选育群体 ,1 999年对团头鲂选育群体采用人工诱导雌核发育获得纯系取得了初步进展。本文报道团头鲂人工雌核发育群体的生化遗传特征和遗传标志 ,为团…
Abstract:70年代以来 ,我国黄渤海和东海海域的主要鱼业资源 (fisheryresources)长期处于衰退状况 ,我国政府意识到海洋资源衰退的时间并不算太晚 ,为此制定和实施了一系列的保持渔业资源的文件和管理法规。建国以来 ,与渔业管理相关的法律、法规性规范性文件达 50 0多件[1] 。表 1 渔船总吨位前 5位的国家 (1 995年 )Tab .1 Deckedfishingvessels:topfivecountriesbygrosstonnage(1 995 )国 家渔船 (百万吨 )中国 5 .5 5俄罗斯 2 .99日本 1.5 1美国 1.40印度 1.0 8 …
Abstract:光诱鱿钓捕捞技术就是利用鱿鱼趋光、集群的特性 ,采用钩钓作业的一种渔法。利用水下灯进行钓捕鱿鱼是一种新的捕捞技术。该技术在 80年代中期首先在日本、韩国等国的鱿钓船中得到应用。分布在北太平洋中部海域的大型柔鱼 ( 1~ 2kg) ,栖息水层白天一般在 30 0~ 40 0m ,使用水下灯进行深水层的诱集柔鱼 ,使白天作业成为可能 ,从而大大延长了作业时间。由于柔鱼具有昼夜垂直移动现象 ,夜间栖息水层为 30~ 40cm ,因而一般不采用水下灯。我国鱿钓船从 1 997年开始 ,初步得到应用 ,特别是在 1 998年鱿钓渔场探捕调查和生产过程中 ,取得了…
Abstract:我国海域宽广 ,海洋自然环境优越 ,有较为丰富的渔业资源。建国以后 ,我国海洋渔业发展很快 ,但却造成了渔业资源的急剧衰退 ,传统的主要经济鱼类严重枯竭 ,幼鱼和经济价值低的杂鱼成为主要渔获物。有海洋专家预言 :如不及时采取有效措施来加强渔业管理 (fisherymanagement) ,一些鱼类将很快在我国海域绝迹。为了加强海洋渔业资源的养护与管理 ,1 955年我国就开始运用休渔措施 ,当年在东、黄海首次实施了伏季休渔 ,1 999年推广到我国全部管辖海域 ,取得了一定成效 ,但也存在不少问题。《联合国海洋法公约》确立了专属经济…
SUN Jian-qi , ZHANG Li-zhen , YIN Zhao-jun
Abstract:从 8 0年代到 90年代 ,我国大中城市先后建立了“菜篮子工程” ,机械化养鸡场如雨后春笋 ,导致鸡粪泛滥成灾。另一方面由于鸡没有咀嚼器官 ,消化道又较短 ,饲料中的营养成分没有充分吸收就排出体外 ,因此鸡粪中仍残留着大量的营养物质 ,矿物质含量高且品种全 ,是一种极具开发潜力的饲料蛋白质资源。我国水产养殖业和禽畜饲养业的迅猛发展与蛋白质饲料资源的供求矛盾日益尖锐 ,为开发利用鸡粪饲料展现了广阔的前景。因此 ,将鸡粪加工成膨化饲料 ,不仅有良好的经济效益 ,而且有良好的社会效益和环境效益 ,是解决畜禽粪便问题的有效途径之一。1…
GUO Cheng-hua , CAO Jian-guo , LIU Xun , NING Qian-ji , JU Bao , LIU Chuan-lin
Abstract:棘皮动物 (Echinodermata)的许多重要生理、药理活性物质及其在医药应用方面的价值 ,以及相关的化学成分 ,已日益引起国内外研究者的关注[1~ 3] 。迄今为止 ,各国研究人员仅从各种海星纲动物体内就获得了十几类具有生物活性的化学物质[4] ,其中海星皂甙 (asterosaponin)不但具有抗癌、抗菌及抗炎等活性 ,而且还具有持续降压等多种作用 ,可开发为实用海洋药物的一种重要活性物质。黄海海域棘皮动物资源十分丰富 ,对其天然生物活性物质的研究已有报道[4,5] ,为了开发黄海海域棘皮动物资源 ,我们采用生物化学方法对…
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