Abstract:The present paper reviews the history and present situation of studies on Homalopterid fishes, summarizes the morphological characteristics, the phylogenetic relationship among genera and the biogeography in great detail. A key of Chinese Homalopteridae comprising 16 genera and 71 species (including subspecies) is given.
Abstract:populations of Carassius auratus gibelio lived in Fangzheng County (Heilongjiang Province), Pengze County (Jiangxi Province) and Qihe River (Henan Province) were analyzed by RAPD method using twenty arbitrary primers. The experiment shows that fourteen primers were effective, each primer gave 2 - 13 bands for the each individual. The length of the fragment was 300 - 4000bp. According to the patterns, genetic variations of inter-and intrapopulations of C. auratus gibelio were analysed. Among three populations, the differences of fingerprints obtained by primers OPV - 07, OPV - 14 and OPV - 20 were so obviously that might be used to be molecular markers.
Abstract:大型溲一般5个幼龄和12 ̄17个成龄,幼龄龄期各1d左右,各成龄平均龄期在水温15℃、18℃、21℃、25℃下分别为3.5d、2.6d、2.5d、2.1d,龄期随温度降低和龄数增加而呈延长趋势。随温度升高大型溲生长加快,生长率在Ⅳ ̄Ⅴ龄 达到高峰,随后Ⅴ ̄Ⅵ龄的生长率显著下降了约60% ̄70%。低温下生长率变化较高温相对平缓,后期低温下大型溲的生长与体长超过了高温。随温度升高,大型溲性成熟、产卵提前,生殖率加快,但生殖量显著下降。21℃是大型溲繁殖的最适温度,其总生殖量最高,达591.9个,未经低盐度驯化的大型溲其24h、48h、72h的半致死盐度(LS50)分别为9.65、9.45、8.98,生殖上限盐度为9.3左右。经低盐度短期驯化至8.5d,其LS50分别提高到12.54、12.05、11.3,生殖上限盐
Du Qi , Lu Zhenbin , Dai Quanshui , Cai Qinhai , Ruan Wuqi , Fang Shaohua , Zhang Yiaoping , Lu Xiaomei
Abstract:In this paper, the assessment results of phytoplankton, chlorophyll, primary production, zoobenthos of the without aquarulture range in tidal zone and the shallow sea, fouling zoo of filtration and without aquaculture Of the hanging culture range were investigated in Tong' an Bay during 1998. The carrying capacity of Tong' an Bay for the culture of shellfish are estimated by the nutrition dynamic model and the coast enery flowing analysis method. The optimal optimal areas of shellfish culture and its major kinds are calculated through statistics analysis. The results are that the carrying capacity of culture of shellfish is 45546 t (with weight of shell) and that the optimal farming areas is 3027 hm2. Among which the oyster of adhesion stone for culture is 2280hm2, the oyster of hanging for culture is 500hm2, Sinoncuacula constricta is 95hm2, Rnditapes pholippinarum is 120hm2, Perna viridis is 25hm2. Since 1994, the actual farming area exceeded the optimal farming area, and the yield of unit has been decreased year after year. The diseases have been taken place constantly. The Bay culture and its distribution are arranged on the basis of above mentioned optimal farming area. The alage culture are proper arranged to preverted taking place red plankton bloom for the water having over full nutrition.
Deng Dongquan , Xie Jing , Xu Shiqiong
Abstract:According to the practical test, the density of heat flow of the floor in an assembly cold store at a given temperature was analyzed. In other to build a mathematical model of heat transfer, the heat transfer conditions to the floor were simplified, and the analytical result was deduced. At last the temperature field of the floor was calculated in numerical method.
Wu Ruiquan , Huang Zhanghan , Xiao Xuezhen , Lu Maixin , Xie Jun
Abstract:本文报道了罗氏沼虾饲料脂肪最适含量的研究结果。试验饲料是以酪蛋白、鱼粉、糊精和纤维素等为主要原料配制而成的等氮(蛋白质含量37%)、等能(11.9MJ/kg饲料)的半精制饲料,以等量混合的海水鱼油、豆油作为添加的脂肪源,设0、2%、4%、6%、8%、和10%等6种添加浓度。试验动物的平均初始体重为(1.31± 0.03)g,试验周期为40d,期间水温为25.8~30.2℃。结果显示:增重率、饲料系数和蛋白质效率均以脂肪含量为5.1%~9.0%的3、4、5组饲料最佳,与脂肪含量为1.2%的1组饲料差异显著,但与脂肪含量分别为3.2%和11.1%的2、6组饲料差异不显著。如果考虑到饲料的成本,把罗氏沼虾脂肪的最适含量设定为5%左右是合适的。
Guo Yazhen , Wang Zao , Qu Pengpeng
Abstract:Water soluble polysaccharide (lentinan) was crudely extracted from Lentinus edodes, then purified by the methanol fractionation with polysaccharide solution: methanol(v/v) 1: 0. 5 and 1: 1 respectively named ben 1 and ho 2. subsequently, the deproteinized polysaccharide was refined by gel filtration with Sephadex G-100 named Len 3. The finished products were identified by paper chromatography and gel filtration with Sephadex G-100. The compositions of ten 2 and Len 3 were separated by paper-and gas-chromatography. The results show that Len 2 is composed of mannose and glucose with a molar ratio of 10. 50: 1. 00, but Len 3 is composed of xylose, mannose and glucose with a molar ratio of 0.67:2 .45: 1 .00.
Abstract:The process of extracting fish protein concentrate from Harengula zunasi with the Soviet device and acidic organic solvent was studied. Fish meat of H. zunasi is an resource of protein because of its high protein content being. 77. 0%, adipose 15. 1% and ash 7. 2%. The optimal conditions for processing fish protein concentrate (FPC) from H. zunasi included citric acidified alcohol as solvent to extract the ground dry fish meat of 40-eyelet meshed for 4 hrs. The amount of organic solvent used for extraction was 7 .5 times as high as that of fish meat. A high quality of FPC was obtained with 89. 6% in protein and 0.07% in fat.
Chen Shunsheng , Wang Xichang , Zhou Liping , Fukuda Yudaka
Abstract:The correlation between gel formation and gel collapse of surimi processed from iced silver carp in various storage time was compared. Also, the correlation between freshness of carp fish and gel formation was investigated. The experimental results indicated that little relation was found between fish freshness and gel formation of surimi processed from iced carp stored for 0 - 9days under one-step heating at 30t, but the extent of gel collapse was seriously increased with the decrease of fish fish freshness under one-step heating at . When surimi heated one-step at , gel formation was decreased with fish freshness depreciated. Comparing two-step heating at 30 and 85 with one-step heating at 30, the difference of breaking strength between the two was lessened with the decrease of fish freshness. As mentioned above, it is thus evident that the effect of fish freshness on gel formation of carp surimi mainly manifested in gel collapse. Gel formation of fish surimi heated by one-step at 85 was lower with the decrease of fish freshness. The difference of gel strength between two-step heating at 30 85 and one-step heating at 30 became smaller with the decrease of fish freshness, because the region where gel easily collapsed was gone over. However, muscle protein of iced silver carp exhibited rather stable and showed high in gel forming ability.
Abstract:叶绿体遗传学的研究最早可追溯到上世纪末,Strasburger最早观察到藻类叶绿体能够分裂,并在细胞分裂过程中完成了分裂的叶绿体分别进入子代细胞。同时其他研究者也认为,叶绿体是已经存在的质体分裂形成的。随后,Baur和Corrne认为紫茉莉枝条三种不同颜色的花斑性状是由母本细胞质传递的,与核基因没有直接关系,从而产生了叶绿体自主性遗传概念[1]。现已逐步知道植物细胞的核基因组和叶绿体基因组之间存在复杂相互作用关系,叶绿体遗传应属于半自主系统( Semiautonomous system)。在应用电…
Hu Deliang , Li Bailin , Chen Yourong
Abstract:黄原胶是由野生黄单胞菌以碳水化合物为主要底物,经发酵产生的一种酸性胞外杂多糖[1],其分子的基本构成为D-葡萄糖、D-甘露糖、D-葡萄糖醛酸、乙酸以及丙酮酸[2]。其中前三者的比率接近3: 3: 2[3] 黄原胶的分子结构如下: 从其分子结构[4]可以看出,主链与纤维素基本相同,其显著差别仅在于三糖侧链在无水葡萄糖单位之间交替出现。每两个经由-1,4-D-糖苷键连接而成的葡萄糖分子上,含有一条由一个D-葡萄糖醛酸连接两个D-甘露糖组成的侧链,上面连接有乙酰基和丙酮酸盐。1菌种改良1.1突变菌株 菌株…
Cheng Yongxu , Li Shaojing , Wang Guizhong
Abstract:锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata)交配以后,卵巢才能发育成熟,成为膏蟹。一般第一次产卵以后的亲蟹,经人工强化培育25-30d(25-28℃)左右再次发育成熟,期间并不需要交配。。第二次产卵时卵子仍依靠纳精囊中留存的精子受精,这些精子至少在纳精囊中留存了6个月之久、以往对十足目甲壳动物,国内外大多数的研究主要集中在精子的形态和发生以及精荚的形成,但对纳精囊的结构缺乏认识[1-3],而了解纳精囊的结构,对理解短尾类的生殖是必要的,特别是对锯缘青蟹二次发育过程中其纳精囊的结构及精子存在的形态研…
Li Yingsen , Zhang Huiming , Li Zhong , Ding Jieming
Abstract:山瑞鳖(Trionyx steindachneri)属国家二级野生保护动物,主要分布于华南地区。其肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养丰富,具有较高的滋补功效与药用价值。在自然条件下,山瑞鳖因受气候的影响和天敌的危害,不但生长发育缓慢,而且成活率低,加上多年来滥捕滥捉,野生资源日趋枯竭。因此,人们日益重视有关山瑞鳖的生物学研究。目前对其研究报道的内容很少,林兆平等[1]对山瑞鳖染色体组型进行了观察。笔者于1996-1997年在人工养殖场对性成熟山瑞鳖的繁殖生态进行了研究,现报道如下。1材料与方法1.1动物来…
Chen Changqi , Ye Yuantu , Lui Fanggui , Zhang Jikai , Wu Zhonghua
Abstract:直辖后的重庆市境内河流绝大多数属长江水系,水域面积1410km2。近10年来,重庆在江河水域集约化水产养殖技术方式和应用范围等方面不断有所突破,继池塘、水库、稻田之后,江河水域已成为重庆市水产品四大生产基地之一。1995年以来我们针对重庆地区江河水域水产养殖状况开展了研究工作,本文就简易网箱养殖鲢(Hypophthalmichhys moitrix)的研究结果予以报道。1材料与方法1.1资料收集 水域环境条件和生产状况资料通过设于长江支流龙凤溪(北碚段)、壁南河(壁山段)、五布河(巴南段)连续监测…
Ye Xueping , Gu Jinhua , Yang Guangzi , Luo Yizhi
Abstract:病害一直是困扰我国养蛙业发展的一个重要因素。国内已有学者相继报道了腹水病[1]、脑膜炎[2、3]、白内障病[4]、肝肿大病[5]及爱德华氏菌病[6]等牛蛙疾病。 1998年 7月至 9月,我省各主要养蛙地区暴发一种新的流行性蛙病,该病有发病面广、传染性强、死亡率高的特点。病蛙症状表现为厌食或停食,皮肤失去光泽,体表常出现点状溃疡斑,少数较大病蛙腹部膨胀。解剖可见有少量腹水,呈淡红色;肝充血呈紫色或失血呈白色;胃充血,内无食,多暗红色粘液,时有少量血凝块;肠充血呈紫红色或失血为白色,内有大量脓样物。…
Abstract:蓝鳍金枪鱼(Thunnusthynnus)是生活在北大西洋和北太平洋较高纬度海域的一种冷水性金枪鱼,在所有金枪鱼鱼种中,它的个体最大。1995年地中海蓝鳍金枪鱼的产量达3万多t[1]。地中海延绳钓的渔获物有蓝鳍金枪鱼、箭鱼、大青鲨、翻车鱼和等,蓝鳍金枪鱼为优势种,其它鱼种几乎没有什么经济价值[2]。研究该鱼的上钩率及其生物学特征对渔业管理和渔业资源的可持续利用具有重要意义。有关该海域的延绳钓上钩率等研究未见报导,本文根据两年渔汛期的生产数据和观察记录数据进行初步分析。1材料与方法 1995年 5月…
Abstract:甲壳素名为聚N-乙酰-D-葡胺糖,它不溶于水、不溶于稀碱,其脱乙酰基产物即为壳聚精,由于壳聚糖溶于稀酸,是甲壳素的最简单且应用最广泛的衍生物。甲壳素由于其来源的不同,有三种结构形式和甲壳素分子链之间以反平行方式排列,具有很强的分子间氢键作用力。甲壳素分子主链之间以相互平行方式排列,分子间的作用较弱。 甲壳素分子中则兼有前述两种分子结构[1]。目前为止,人们的研究对象多集中在a-甲壳素上,即从虾蟹壳中提取的甲壳素。国内外对甲壳素的研究都极为有限[2]。甲壳素主要可由柔鱼或枪乌贼体内的羽状壳中分离得…
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