CHEN Fei-Zhou , ZANG Wei-Ling , JIANG Min , ZHU Zheng-Guo
Abstract:The hydrochemical state of the rearing pond for Pseudosciaena crocea larvae was studied, and the results are summarized as forllows:1. The ranges of main hydrochemical parameter values during the rearing period are:pH: 7. 8~8. 1, NH3 -Nt: 0.13~4. 17mg/L, NH3 -Nm : 0. 005~0. 167mg/L, No MN: 0. 04~ 0. 162mg/L and COD 5. 23~ 11. 53mg/L.2. The water quality can be effectively improved and maintained in a good state by adding appropriate amount of algae solution in the ponds near estuary.3. The water quality certainly changes after feeding, especially the concentration of NH3 -N increases significantly. The changes of feedstuff species influence water quality greatly.4. The concentration of NH3-N in the area of larval fish aggregation is higher than that of non-aggregation, also, which shows that excreta decomposition is one of the factors increasing the concentration of NH3-N.
Abstract:By analyzing the population composition of Pseudosciaena polyactis in the East China Sea and the change of its partial biological characters, the results show: (1) The yield of P. polyactis has dramatically increased since the 90s, but the average weight, the average body length and the average age are all significantly decreasing, Obviously the resources are more deleterious than before. (2)To make a comparison between the P. polyactis growth equation of the two years (1998 and 1983), the maximum body length-weight and weight growth rate of 1998 are less than those of 1983 execpt for the length growth rate at age 1. And the one age group accounts for 93. 41 % after the calculation from body length to age group. According to the present fishing point being up to tc = 1 and F = 2. 53, the yield per recruitment is less than 70g per fish, which is far behind 150g per fish (tc = 3 and F=0. 7). The averages stock size is 95800 tons during the 1995-1997 based on the application of LCA. It shows that the fishery is under the severe overfishing in growth type now. In order to preserve and recovery the P. polyactis, in this paper some recommending measures such as cutting down fishing boats by 60%, strictly controlling amount of fishing effort and putting off the first catch age to age 3 for the fishery's sustainable development were forword.
Abstract:The status quo in rafts for cultivated shellfish and conditions of coastal waters in Changjiang'ao (Dalijia Bay), Dalian City were investigated from 29, June to 23, October, 1995. The food composition in stomach-intestine of shellfish was also studied. Furthermore, the relationship between food structure of shellfish and the character of phytoplankton was discussed. The results demonstrated that the composition and the individual size of phytoplankton are suitable for shellfish, and both species and qualities of food are abundant.There are some potentialities of cultural production in this coastal area
ZENG Zhi-Nan , LIN Qi , WU Jian-Shao , CHEN Pu Xian , CHEN Mu
Abstract:Comparison of growth between diploid and triploid for crassostrea gigas cultured in Fujian was reported in this paper. The result shows that shell length, shell height,body weight and wet meat weight of triploid were larger 14. 41 %, 7. 66 %, 35. 27 %, and 73.25 % than those of diploid after 17 months culture. During the reproductive period from May to August, growth of body weight and wet meat weight for triploid obviously exceeded those for diploid. In addition, the growth between diploid and triploid cultured in temperate and sxub-tropical zone sea were discussed.
Abstract:The effects of oxidized fish oils in the growth, survival and fatty acid composition in fish muscle and liver of juvenile red seabream, pagrus major were studied by adding different oxidized levels fish oils into the experimental diets. The results showed as follows: the influence of dietary peroxide is more efficient than that of free fatty acid on the growth and survival of red seabream juvenile. The trial juvenile weight gain(% ) and survival ratio decrease when the dietary peroxide values increases. The faaty acid composition in fish muscles and livers are related with the oxidized levels oils in diets, where as the fat content in juvenile body varies a litte. The linear regression of the juvenlie weight gain rate and POV was detected. When the juvenile was fed the diet containg oxidixed fish oils, it would related to the accumulation of peroxide lipid in its livers.
ZHENG Guo-Xing , ZHOU Kai , YU Ye-Shao , ZHOU Lin
LIU Qing-Hui , SUN Yao , WANG Cai-Li
Abstract:The chemical, physical and microbiological(the amount of bacteria) indexes of chilled meat were tested, and its organoleptic characteristic was also described qualitatively in the experiment. The physical and chemical indexes include pH, water holding capacity(WHC), tenderness (cutting force), the content of IMP and freshness (TVB-N value, Kvalue). The chilled meat used in the test was sampled from practical production line and supermarket at five different time points. The results showed that the chilled meat had beendisplayed in supermarket for three days was in the later period of rigor mortis,and its freshness accorded with the standard of the First Grade fresh pork introduced in the related paper. Compared with the initial condition of post-slaughter, the tenderness changed little,while the content of IMP increased and the flavor improved greatly.
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