Abstract:During the ovary developing cycle in crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), the histological structures of mandibular organ(MO) show a cyclical change: MO grows bigger, and its color turns from pale to yellow. Cell number becomes more, cell diameter and cell space become larger. Basical membrance forms slowly and then grows thicker. Granular hemocytes become more and more. These histological structure changes of MO reach to the top at vitellogenesis stage. MO cells breakdown after spawning. With ovary re-developing next year, MO develops again. Meanwhile, at vitellogenesis stage, the linear relation between the diameter of MO cell and oocyte diameter is the most significant, and the correlation coefficient is the biggest, r = 0. 926. Moreover, the diameter of MO cell is the largest, there are significant differences between the diameter of MO cell at vitellogenesis stage and that of other stages of the ovary developing cycle.
ZHANG Deng-Li , HE Pei-Min , ZHOU Hong-Qi
WU Ping , LOU Yun-Dong , LI Si-Fa
Abstract:The karyotypes of Triomyx sinensis in Nanjing, Jiangsu and Shaoxing, Zhe jiang have been studied in this paper. The results showed that the karyotypes of them were identical. It was 2n = 66 = 4M 8SM 16T 38m, NF=78, 6 8 19 (karyotype formulas).It have been found that the absolute length and the relative length of them were different.The fifth SM chromosome is the smallest of the macrochromosomes in the turtle of Nanjing.While it was equal long with the first T chromosome in the turtle of Shaoxing. In addition,the arm ratios of them were different, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). The karyotypes of Trionyx sinensis and Testudinidae have also been compared in the paper. It was discussed from the field of systemtical evolution.
Abstract:The paper is presented by analyzing on the data of catch, fishing effort and other fishery statistical information. The results show that, although the total yield increases annually, the rate of yield increment is much slower than that of fishing effort incremenet, and especially the CPUE decreases gradually, indicating the poor resource abundance. By analyzing the catch composition, besides the utilization of the traditional fishery resoures, the pelagic fishery resources such as mackerels and scads, harvest fish, filefish, shrimp and crabs etc, and lower trophic level species are also obviously intensified to be exploited. Fishing structure has changed. Furthermore, after surplus production modeling, the MSY is about 1. 9E 6 ton, accordingly the fmsy is 2. 2-2- 7E 6 kilowatt. These data illustrate that present fishing effort is great high. In order to restore the marine resources in the East China Sea, measures must be carried out to make the fishing vessels cut by about 58%.
ZHAO Zhen-Shan , GAO Gui-Qin , HUANG Feng , SUN Xiao-Qiang
Abstract:对彭泽鲫与兴国红鲤受精细胞学所作研究表明,彭泽鲫属雌核发育种群。异源精子能正常进入彭泽鲫儿子内,瑷 精卵中异源精子呈凝缩状态,不形成雄性原核,没有看到两性原核融合。在刚产出的成熟卵子中没有看到极体,受精后12min见到唯一的一个极体排出,雌性原核自行发育。
DONG Zai-Jie , XIA De-Quan , WU Ting-Ting , YANG Hong , XU Pao
Abstract:With a radioimmunoassay for melatonin, the secretional characteristics of serum melatonin in the ricefield eel, Monopterus albus Zuiew were studied. The results show that serum melatonin levels in the ricefield eels demonstrated a clear daily cycle and changed seasona1ly. The diel rhythm was characterized by a rapid increase almost immediately (0. 5- 1 hour)after the onset of darkness,maintaince of high levels for the duration of the night,and a rapid decline to basal levels (about 1/2- 1/3 of the nighttime amplitude)at the time of light onset. Dramatic seasonal variation in amplitude of the nocturnal increase was found in the serum too. The serum melatonin levels of female ricefield eels increased significantly accompanied with ovarian development,and reached its highest level at the fourth stage of ovarian maturation, but then decreased rapidly at the prespawning stage. After spawning, serum melatonin levels elevated again. During sex-reversal process, serum melatonin levels decrease gradually, and the lowest values were recorded in the mature males. The seasonal rhythm suggests that endogenous melatonin appears to be involved in the process of sex reversal in the ricefield eel.
ZHANG Qing , LI Zhuo-Jia , CHEN Kang-De
Abstract:The effects of adding microbe of Bacillus into culture-ponds concerning phase of bacterie, conditions of water quality, algae, and growth of Tilapia were studied.The concentration of living microbe was 109cell/g, and dosage was 1. 5mg/L. The results af ter one month showed as follows: 1)The microbe of Bacillus added into the ponds became the dominantal microbe, and it was 50% of the total haterotrophic bacteria at the peak, but this superiority only maintained about 15 days and here after the microbe ought to be added once more. 2) In such a way microbe added into the ponds could improve the conditions of quality effectively. The contents of the dissolved oxygen increased over two times, the contents of NH3 -Nt and NO1- -N reduced and the water turned into the refresh yellow-green color. 3) The average weight of fish (AW) increased obviously. The AW of the control group was 14% or so while the trial group was about 30%, and the food conversion efficiency reduced effectively.
Abstract:This paper reports the reaearch result concerning the fingering rearing tech nique of Bostrichthys sinensis. The research was conducted in the low salinity area at the Mouth of the Peal River in west Shenzhen during the period from April to August, 1998. In total, three hatches breeding were smoothly taken. As a result, 800,00 larvae were hatched and 400, 000 fingerlings were reared. The hightest survival rate reach 60%.
YU Ye-Shao , ZHOU Lin , GU Run-Run , ZHENG Guo-Xing , ZUO Zhen-De
Abstract:In this paper, multiplication techniques and development of the clam, Cycli na sinensis applied in saltern were studied, as well as related to the clam's morphology and construction, growth, season, size and constitution. The multiplicational experiments, which lasted for more than two years, were conducted in the No. 1 Reservoir with an area of 382. 6 hm2 for resource conservation and the rest of 84. 1 hm2 for seeding transplantation. As a result, the total yield of the clam increased 959. 3 tons and up to 9. 1 times in the resource conservation area; and in the seeding transplantation area the clam increased 270. 7 tons and up to 8. 7 times. A total multiplieational profit of 7. 32 million yuan(RMB) was obtained.
ZHANG Zong-En , WANG Zhi-He , XIAO An-Hua , ZOU Yi-Tian , ZHANG Chun
ZHONG Li-Ren , WU Jin-Chao , WANG Nan-Zhou
Abstract:Based on abundant resources of squid as crude material, spermatozoa of adult squid were used selectively. After a serial processes of extraction, hydrolyzation and precipitation, crude product of protamine was yielded. The crude protamine was then puri fied by column chromatograph packed with Sephadex G-25. In this paper such physical and chemical factors as temperature, pH, salt concentration, organic substances, etc that affect antimicrobial activity of protamine were studied. Also, the minimum inhibition concentration of protamine was measured under various conditions.
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