Abstract:The current exploitation of cephalopod resources in the globe are briefly described in this paper. The catch and main cephalopod species in eight important statistical fishery areas are also analyzed. The cephalopod catch in Northwestern Pacific have persistently taken first place and have been continuously increasing since 1990s. In 1995 its catch data accounted for 35. 3% in the total cephalopod catch. In this paper, the development of Chinese distant-water squid jigging fishery is simply introduced as well.After having 8 years developed, it has become a pillar industry in Chinese marine fisheries,and fishing grounds are widely distributed in Japan sea, Northwestern Pacific, New Zealand around waters and Argentine coastal waters. Finally some suggertions about developing squid jigging fishery of China are put forward in the future.
LIU Jian-Hu , CHEN Chang-Qi , DIAO Xiao-Ming , FENG Xing-Wu
Abstract:The period of development of feeding organs is long in paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. Fish feed live food organisms by oral and teeth until 65. 5mm total length. In this stage, oral width and diameter developed quickly, and the size of food organisms is more than 0. 3mm. Gill rakers were not well developed until 65. 5mm of total length. The increasing rate of length and filtering-size of gill rakers is exponential in relation to the total length of fish. The diameter of food organisms which could be filted between gill rakers is more than 0. 1mm which is similar to that of another filt-feeding fish, big head carp (Aristichthysnobilis). The relationship between quantitative characters of feeding organs and change of feeding behaviour was discussed in this paper. Against the total length of paddlifish, the regression analysis of those quantitative characters was also made.
ZHANG Long-Zhen , LIU Xian-Ting , YU Qing-Ming
ZHAO Jin-Liang , CAI Wan-Qi , LI Si-Fa
GONG Xi-Zhang , LU Yi , CHEN Peng
Abstract:Editorial management of academic periodical is more compact and complex as compared with general periodical- According to the character of editorial management of academic periodical, this paper abstracts a data process diagram about editorial management system of academic periodical by systematic analyses in a deep going way and using a method of software engineering. And concrete data store model is achieved with E-R diagram designing data store. Edited and debugged with relation data language of Visual FoxPro 5. 0. Such a sort of system has five functions of manuscript management, statistics, report forms outputting, inquiring and retrieving, system defense.
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