Zhao Jiao , Qi Xuao-yu , You Yu-min , Wang Ji-xiang , Zhou Pei-gen
Zhao Jin-liang , Li Si-fa , Li Chen-hong , Li Jia-le
Abstract:Biochemical genetic characteristics of GIFT (Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapia) strain, "EGYPT" strain, "78" strain, "88" strain and "AMERICA" strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The result showed that there were significant differences of phenotype of Est in the liver among different strains. Est-2 was only found in GIFT strain and "EGYPT" strain, which could be used as a genetic marker to differentiate these strains of Nile tilapia.
Abstract:In this paper, computer aided design(CAD) technology is applied to general V-belt transmission. A number of tables and diagrams for V-belt transmission design are programmed. Furthermore, according to the maximum load-bearing capacity of V-belt, optimum technique is introduced to determine the V-belt type, standerd length, numbers and center distance of belt pulley, etc. The design parameters are inputted in man-machine conversational mode, and the operational instructions are shown on screen in Chinese. The program can be carried on an IBM-PC or 486 or 586 micro-computer. Case study shows that the technique is applicable to engineering design and computer aided instruction (CAI) for courses of machine design, Fundamentals of Machine Design and CAD in Mechanical and Optimum Design, etc.
Abstract:In modern air conditioning with ice cooling storage and district cooling, ice slurry is a kind of effective material for cooling storage and for transmitting cool thermal energy. To design the pipe system, its friction loss characteristics in pipes are very important.In this paper, a three-layer model for ice slurry flowing in horizontal pipes has been presented, and an calculation example has also been made.
Ding Zhuouping , Chen You-rong , Qi Feng-lan , Sun Xing-min
Abstract:Measurement of organic acids derived from metabolites of biologically nourishing species of bacteria in fermented soybean milk was studied in this paper. In gas-liquid chromatograpth it is very necessary to pretreat the sample due to its high content in proteins and nonvolatile solubles. Firstly, for the pretreatment the precipitation of proteins in fermented soybean milk with diatomites was carried out. Moreover, as short-chain fatty acids and their esters are highly volatile and water soluble, it is rather difficult for measurement by gas-liquid chromatograpty. Therefore, a method of benzyl esterification was adapted in the experiment. The experimental results showed high precision and good recovery. In addition, organic acids in some tonic oral liquids and yogurts were also measured.
Abstract:According to obsrevation and comparison on the sensory canal pore and the regular arrangement of sensory papillae in head, this thesis reviews the classification and makes the textual research for the records and studies of Acentrogobius. The species of Acentrogobius should be divided into two sub-genera that are AcentrogObius and Creisson. The species with a longitudinal pattern belong to the sub-genus Creisson, with longitudinal and the transverse pattern satisfactory to both sides belong to the seb-genus Acentrogobius. Then write the synonyms and classify synopsis. In China there are 11 species of Acentrogobius as follows:1. Acentrogobius (Creisson) microps Chu et Wu2. Acentrogobius (Greisson) pflaumi (Bleeker)3. Acentrogobius (Creisson) moloanus (Herre )4. Acentrogobius (Creisson) chusanensis (Herre)5. Acentrogobius (Creisson) notophthalmus (Bleeker)6. Acentrogobius (Creisson) janthinopterus (Bleeker)7. Acentrogobius (Creisson) caninus (Valenciennes )8. Acentrogobius (Creisson) chlorostigmatoides (Bleeker )9. Acentrogobius (Acentrogobius) Viganensis (Steindachner)1O. Acentrogobius (Acentrogobius) ocyurus (Jordan et Seale)11. Acentrogobius (Acentrogobius) viridiPunctatus (Valenciennes )
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