Abstract:Nitrogen and phosphorus have a great influence on cell growth and of development in PorPhyr. This paper discussed the effects of defferent sources of nitrogen, varied concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus, and different cell densities on cell survival ratio and cell growth when ce1ls isolated from thalli on PorPhyr yezoensis cultured in vitro. The results showed that the isolated ce11s grew better in NO, -N than in NH' -N media- For the first 3 days, the cultured ce1ls had some endurance to vary concentration of N and P. After 3 days, the concentration of N/P would innuence the cell survival ratio. The cel1 survival ratio was the highest when the concentration of N/P was 18- 20/1. 8- 2.0 mg l-1. And the ce11 division speed would increase when the concentration of N/P promoted. The cell density of 1 - 2 X 105 cells/ml was better to cell survival ratio and growth, if cell density was too higher, the survivaI ratio would be low and cell growth would be slow. The experiments had laid the foundation of the cell culture and breeding with large sca1e in Porphyra yezoensis.
Abstract:经调查,在江苏省连云港、浙江省象山港的中、后期条斑紫菜患有硅藻附着症。硅藻的种类以短纹楔形藻Licmophora abbrevita为绝对优势种。由于硅藻的附生会随着时间的推移越来越严重地影响紫菜的生长和加工的质量,因而作为硅藻附着症的防治应注意在早期抓紧加以处理。用PH为2.00-2.50的酸类,处理10-15分钟,或者PH为10.00-10.40的碳酸钠,处理10-15分钟,以及连线天干燥4小
Abstract:沙栖新对虾Metapenaeus maoyebi kishinouye广泛分布于印度-西太平洋地区,我国分布于福建、台湾、广东、海南和广西沿海,为我国东南沿海常见虾类之一,一般体长55-90毫米,其中雄性以60-65毫米、雌性以70-85毫米的体长出现频率最高,该虾群体中性成熟比例随体长增加而增大,在繁殖季节内体长在80毫米以上的个体性腺多已成熟。沙栖新个体虽小,但生长发育很快,对环境的适应,尤其
Shen Yue-xin , Zhang Xu-min , Jiang Hong-mei
Abstract:The effect of soaking solution on improvement of the frozen fillet quality of grass carp was studied in this paper. The results show that: (1) The fillet soaked in salt solutions exhibited less drip loss and protein denaturation during freezing,and its flavor and mouthfeel were pronouncedly improved. (2) Of the five various recipes of soaking solution,a salt solution composed of 12 % sodium chloride and o. 2 % sodium tripolyphosphate was the most effective one.
Abstract:On May 15, 1996, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of P.R. China decided to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and declared that China has sovereign rights and jurisdiction in 200 miles exclusive economic zone and over continental shelf under the Convention. It means that China will establish exclusive economic zone in the near future and that China will not only exercise sovereign rights and jurisdiction therein, but also fulfill obligations and duties required ty the Convention. Based on analysing the provisions of the regime of the exclusive economic zone, and summing up the practice of most coastal states in establishing exclusive economic zones, it is concluded that fisheries management system will be developed towards the direction of beneficial to the coastal state and that the terms and conditions of access to fishery resources in exclusive economic zone will be as high as possible so as to produce maximum benefit to the coastal state. In the light of current movement as to neibouring states in establishing their exclusive economic zones, the impacts on implementing the regime of exclusive economic zone on Chinese fisheries are discussed. In order to fulfill obligation and duties imposed by the Convention, some suggestions with regard to fisheries management are made: (1)strengthening scientific research and investigation on fishery resources; (2)tightening up the control of foreign fishing vessels; (3) enhancing the cooperation with neibouring states; (4 ) improving management system for distant-water fishing.
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