Zang Wei-ling , Dai Xi-lin , Zhu Zheng-guo , Xu Gui-rong , Xu Ren-guo Departement of Aquaculture , SFU , Cao Jin Prawn Cuiture Corporation. Shanghai.
Abstract:本文报道了杭州湾畔对虾养殖池水的化学状况。1990年6—10月和1991年7—8月内所观测的虾池水化学成分平均值分别为:总含盐量9.5g/l,碱度1.79m mol/l,pH8.98,阴阳离子含量最高者分别为Cl~-(5.5g/l)与Na~++K~+(3.1g/l),为典型河口水质特点,但仍属海水水质体系,即系氯化水,钠组,Ⅲ型(Cl_Ⅲ~(Na))。有效氮含量丰富,总量平均为1.65mg/l,其中总氨氮占56%,硝酸氮占39%,亚硝酸氮占5%,可溶性有效磷含量较低,仅为0.012,N/P=304(原子比)化学耗氧量(COD_(Mn))17.4mg/l,可溶性有机物与悬浮颗粒有机物含量近为相等。据观测结果与多年生产状况,认为河口区虾池每59小时排换水量约40%,3—4cm虾苗放养密度为18.0±3.0万尾/公顷的管理方式较为合理
Huang Qi-yan , Zheng De-chong , Deng Bai-ren Department of Aquaculture , SFU
Abstract:This paper reported the ultrastructure of Sinergasilus major and Aagulusjaponicus observed by electron microscope, including the mouth apparatus, thorax,abdomen and ovulating pore of S. major, and the back-armour, abdomen, sucker, mouthapparatus and male sex signs of A. japonicus, The functions and actions of somestructures were also described.
Tong He-Yi , Liu Qi-gen , Chen Ma-kang , Yang He-quan , Wang Qing , Kong You-jia , Yu Ning , Yu Neng Department of aquaculture , SFU , Management committee of Fisheries of Lake Gehu , ChangZhou Freshwater Fisheristitule of Jiangsu Province , Nanjin
Abstract:The present paper deals with the fact of miniaturization of fish communityand population structures through analysing the fish catch and the characteristics of fishbiology (gut contents, growth, reproductive habits, etc.)of Carassius auratus, Cultererythropterus, Channa argus sampled from weirs and other fishing gear in Lake Gehuduring 1986-1988. The results show that the small-sized, low-value fishes in thecommunity and young fishes(younger than 1~+ group)in population take high proportions. The von Bertalanffy's growth equation and Beverton-Holt dynamic pool model areused for analysing the population dynamics of Carassius auratus. On the ecosystem ofLake Gehu fisheries, the causes of miniaturization of fish composition and correspondingcountermeasure have been discussed. An optimal age for first catch and optimal fishingintensity are suggested.
Zhao Wei-xin Department of Aquaculture , SFU ,
Abstract:The preovulatory oocyte of blunt snout bream was surrounded by anouter thecal layer and an inner granulosa layer which were separated from each otherby a distinct basement membrane. The thecal layer composed of thecal cells andcollagen fibers. The thecal cells contained an abundance of microfilament. Thegranulosa layer consisted of special granulosa cells and granulosa cells. The specialgranulosa cells were characterized by the presence of numerous smooth endoplasmicreticulum and mitochondria with tubular cristae. The special granulosa cells showedcellular organelles characteristics of steroidogenesis. The granulosa cells containedwell developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with lamellar cristae.
Wu Han-ling Laboratory of Ichthyology. SFU
Luo Zhao-yao Department of Food Science , Technology , SFU
Abstract:In this paper the features and historical condition of aquatic productspreservation and processing in China and in other parts of the world were analyzed. Itindicated that with the boom of production and sale in aquatic products as well as theprosperity of market in the coastal areas in China, the elevation of people's livingstandard, and the rapid improvement in industrial and commercial environment, it seemsnecessary to put the emphasis on a development of various kinds of frozen processedfishery products with high quality and convenience of handling sale and consumption,rather than fresh or live fish entering into sale markets, households, commercial andinstitutional restaurants, etc. In this way,it might be possible to make the industry ofaquatic products preservation and processing in China toward a completely new path ofthe development in food industry after the 21st century. From a market consumptionpoint of view in the coming epoch people will be interested in a variety of processed itemswith high nutrition, palatableness and convenience, but no more in a single supply ofround fish, whether that is in live, fresh or frozen manner.
Si Ya-dong , Jin You-kun , Zhou Hong-qi , Lu Gui Institute of Hydrobiology , Academica Sinica , Wuhan Shanghai Fisheries University ,
Abstract:The RNA/DNA ratios in white muscle of carp were determined byUV spectroscopy as a physiological index of growth rate. The index was possibly usedto evaluate the effect of ecological environment and feeding condition on the carpgrowth. The experimental results indicated that the RNA/DNA values in whitemuscle of carp were correlated with the change in growth rate (r=0.8994)or theincrease in fish weight. Moreover, the RNA/DNA ratio was the highest in autumn,the lowest in winter and the medium in spring and summer time. When the ratio valuswas over 2.0, it showed that carp grew well, otherwise grew badly. The growth rate ofthe fish was significantly affected if the concentration of mercuric ion (Hg~(++)) reached0.005 mg/l, and this effect might be detected by measuring the RNA/DNA ratios inwhite muscle of the fish through UV absorbance measurements.
Wu Jia-min , Jiang Ren-liang , Ye Lin , Shen Qing-sheng , Ni Jia-jin , Gong Gui-lan , Zhuang Jian-jun Department of Aquaculture , SFU Qing Pu Fishfarm for special aquatic species culture , Shanghai
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