Abstract:Based on the features of uneven geographic distribution of fishery production inChina and also combining with livestock poultry products as well as the present situation abroad,the level or animal protein available from fishery products in diet in the areas of coastal fishing,freshwater fishing and nonfishing mountain region were emphatically investigated. It was foundthat the coastal fishing area with a 30% of the total population of China occupied 73% of yearlytotal harvest, but instead the freshwater fishing area and nonfishing mountain region with a 70%more of the total population of China had only 27%. Although in 1989 the level of protein dailysupplied from fishery products throughout the country was approximately 3. 1 gram per capita, theaverage level of protein daily available in the coastal fishing area wa 7.4 gram per capita whichwas equivalent to the same level of most fishing nations amounting to around 40% higher in ani-mal protein. Therefore, the fishery products played an important role in assuring diet nutrition forthe people in the coastal fishing area. However, in the freshwater fishing area with a 40% of the to-tal population of China, the average level of protein available daily was only about 2.0 gram percapita that was equivalent to 16.6% in animal protein. Owing to rapid development in freshwateraquaculture in China in the recent years, it is very possible to raise the daily protein level to 3.1gram per capita in average throughout the country, whereas the protein level in some areas of cer-tain provinces might be likely approaching to that in the coastal fishing area by the end of the1990s. Unfortunately, in the nonfishing mountain region where has a 30% of the total populationof China the daily available protein level was only 0.3 gram per capita which could notsubstantially improve animal protein available in their diet.
Xu Qing-deng , Quan Bao-chang , Lou Yun-dong , Zhang Ke-jian , Zhang Chen-an , Chen Xun , Xu Yu , Wang Qi-lou , Gu Jue-yan , Yang He-quan , Zhang Yu-ren Fisheries Assoctation of Gaoyou county Jiangsu Province , Dopartment of Aquaculture , Shanghai Fisheries University ,
Abstract:Hybrid crucian carp was obtained by crossing Carassius auratus auratus (?) withC. auratus cuvieri (?), and temperarily named Gaoyou hybrid crucian carp. This paper reports theresults of the systematic studies on its growth, biological characters, including growth, feeding pat-terns, egg development and genetic characters. The average individual and group weight increaseof one-year-old Gaoyou hybrid crucian carp are greater than its parents by 101% and 99.6%respectively. The values of the two-year-old Gaoyou hybrid crucian carp are 90.5% and 97.8%respectively. The Gaoyou hybrid crucian carp has several other merits, such as high quality meat,high meat contents, strong resistance to disease and adversary conditions, convenience in fry pro-duction and high economic benefit. So far, up to 6,500,000 fry of this fish have been cultured in 9counties of Yangzhou suburb and remarkable social and economic benefits have been achieved.
Huang Shi-jiao , Huang Qi-yan Department of Aquaculture. SFU.
Abstract:The effect on growth rate and fat metabolism in grass carp fed with vegetable,green fodder, formulate diet and adding vitamine B_6, methionine, linoleic acid were studied. Theresults indicated that there was a significant difference between feeding green fodder and feedingformulate diet (P<0.01) The fat contents in abdominal cavity and liver, the levels of triglyceridae and cholesterol inserum of fish fed with formulate diet were the highest, but the protein contents in liver of fish fedwith formulate diet was the lowest of three meals. The tests of feeding formulate diet added with vitamine B_6, methionine and linoleic acid il-lustrated that the contents of crude fat in liver and abdominal cavity of fish fed withsupplemental vitamine B_6, and green fodder were lowest and that fed with formulate diet werehighest. The growth rate in fish fed with 70% green fodder were fast and with the formulate dietwere slow.
Jiang Ren-liang , Zhao Wei-xin , Zhang Yin-jiang Department of Aquaculture , SFU ,
Abstract:In this paper, a new kind of cryoprotectant-Dimethyl formamide (DMF) is be-ing reported that it has a significant effect on cryopreservation for freshwater fish sperm. The ferti-lizing rates of thawed sperm in blunt snout bream, common carp, grass carp, silver carp andbighead carp are 76%, 54.03%, 68.6%, 37.9% and 40.6%, respectively. Using 10-15% DMF ascryoprotectant and 0.5% NaCl in extender were available 2%NaCl as active solution and 10times volume of active solution to dilute thawed sperm during fertilization were necessary.
Huang Shuo-lin , Le Mei-long Shanghai Fisheries University.
Abstract:This paper describes fisheries legislation as the summation of the national fisherieslaws, acts, decrees and regulations, which may deal with fisheries policies, conservation and utiliza-tion of fisheries resources, fisheries environment protection, fisheries organization, fisheriesinvestment, marketing of fisheries products, fishing vessels, fishing ports, fisheries administrationand superitendence, fisheries insurance, fisheries eduction and scientific research. The authors sum up the objectives of fisheries legislation as follows: 1. promoting the development of fisheries productsion; 2. enhancing the conservation and optimal utilization of fisheries resources; 3. allocation of fishing rights; 4. maintaining the order of fishery; 5. protecting national fishery rights; and 6. protecting lawful rights of fishermen. The authors point out the characterstics of fisheries legislation and then suggest the principleswhich may be followed in the enactment of fisheries legislation: 1. All factors should be take into account in the enactment of fisheries legislation; 2. Fisheries legislation must base on scientific study and research; 3. Fisheries legislation should conform to the natural law of the ecosystem.
LiSi-fa , Cai Wan-qi Department of Aquaculture. SFU.
Abstract:In LKB electrophoresis set with 4.4% polycrylamide gel, the lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) were examined from 11 tissues-white muscle, eye lens,brain, liver, kidney, gonad, heart, spleen, fin, red cell and serum of blunt snout bream. Qualitativeand quantitative analysis on mobility and activity were conducted by a LKB Ultorscan laser de-nsitometer. The activity and mobility of isozymes in different tissues showed a significant tissuespecificity.
Wang Wu , Tan Yu-jun , Xis Jun Department of Aquaculture. SFU ,
Cao Qu-jiang Fishery engineering Department , SFU ,
Abstract:A study was made of microcomputer application for diagnostic program of com-mon diseases in freshwawter fishes. It is according to the experiences of the fish disease expertswhich were from their practices since many years, and the computer feature of logical judgment isvery accurate and rapid. While the common fish disecses occuring the diagnostic program gives usan opportunity to diagnose them quickly without the expert's help, so that people can take emer-gency measures as quick as possible and avoid heavy losses. There are thirty-nine common diseases in freshwater fishes would be auto-diagnosing by mi-crocomputer. This diagnosing process is very convenient, it only needs to select the correct answerwhich displays on the screen while the diagnostic program is running. It takes about few minutes.The diagnostic program will give us the points for diagnosing further while the occuring fish dis-eases over the thirty-nine types in it. The hardware environments of the diagnostic program are IBM PC / XT/ AT and 100%compatibles with color CRT. The software environments of it are CCDOS and its BASICAinterpretative program.
Yan Xing-hong Department of Aquaculture , SFU ,
Abstract:The inflict casualties of UV-irradiation to the isolated protoplasts from thalli ofPorphyra yezoensis were very serious, and UV-irradiation brought some variations in themorphogenitic pattens, developments and color of protoplast-progenies. The material treatedwith low doses, the development and growth of their progenies were promoted, but the higherdoses, the results were opposite. If the protoplasts were treated by colchicine and UV-irradiationtogether, the growth rates of their progenies increased significantly. The higher frequence of purered variants and the abnormal buds in the progenies were obtained. The UV-irradiation resistancewere obvious in the protoplastes and progenies which was treated by colchicine, and the higherconcentrition of colchicine is, the resistance higher is
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