Effects of potassium monopersulfate on water environment index and microbial community structure of Litopenaeus vannamei in pond culture system
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National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFD0900102), the Project of Taishan Industry Leading Talent Project of Shandong Province(LJNY201802),Policy Guidance Program of Jiangsu Province(SZ-LYG202028)

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    The effects of potassium monopersulfate (PMS) on water environment index and bacterial community were analyzed by water quality physical and chemical factors monitor, culturable bacteria detection in shrimp hepatopancreas and water, and bacterial community analysis. The results showed that:compared with the control, the application of 0.2 g/L PMS could also improve the low content of ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) in shrimp culture water. There was no significant difference in water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity and nitrite (NO2-N) after spraying PMS for 24 h and 72 h.The number of culturable bacteria and Vibrio spp. in hepatopancreas decreased from 3.13×106 CFU/g and 1.98×106 CFU/g to 4.30×105 CFU/g and 1.09×105 CFU/g respectively, and the proportion of Vibrio spp. decreased from 63.36% to 25.35%. The number of culturable bacteria and Vibrio spp. in water decreased from 2.70×104 CFU/mL and 6.00×103 CFU/mL to 8.50×103 CFU/mL and 1.20×103 CFU/mL respectively, and the proportion of Vibrio spp. decreased from 22.22% to 14.11%. PMS could significantly reduce the number of culturable bacterias and the proportion of Vibrios spp. in hepatopancreas and pond water. Bacterial community analysis of the water showed that Actinobacteria, Bacteroidota, Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria were the main dominant phyla. The relative abundance of Nitriliruptoraceae,PeM15,DS001,Llumatobacteraceae,Microbacteriaceae and Rhodobacteraceae was significantly increased after PMS sprayed (P<0.05) (PB1/PA1), and the relative abundances of Barnulmaceae,Saprospiraceae and Stappiaceae were significantly decreased (P<0.05). Compared with the variation trends of 3 days before and after PMS interference, the difference of bacterial community structure between PMS free groups was gradually increased, and reflected that the PMS has better stability in maintaining the bacterial structure of the aquaculture pond. The results may provide data support for the prevention roles and scientific application of PMS in aquaculture.

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CAI Xinxin, YU Yongxiang, WANG Yingeng, ZHANG Zheng, LIAO Meijie, LI Bin, LIU Xiao, ZHU Hongyang, RONG Xiaojun. Effects of potassium monopersulfate on water environment index and microbial community structure of Litopenaeus vannamei in pond culture system[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2022,31(2):452-461.

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  • Received:February 02,2021
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  • Adopted:September 26,2021
  • Online: March 29,2022
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