Abstract:The southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) is a highly migratory species, mainly distributed in the waters from 30°S to 50°S in the southern hemisphere, and it is one of the species with the highest economic value among the tunas. Currently the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) is the only regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) regulating this species. The sustainable use of this resource has drawn increasing attention from the international community, which is also a challenge to CCSBT. Combined with the distribution of southern bluefin tuna resources, status of resources exploitation and CCSBT conservation and management measures, the challenges facing the sustainable development of southern bluefin tuna fisheries are discussed. It is though that by implementing a series of maintenance and management measures effectively CCSBT has curbed the decline trend of southern bluefin tuna resources and its biomass has showed increasing signs in recent years, but still faces such challenges as IUU fishing, effective implementation of management measures, full and effective monitoring of incidental catch or bycatch by non-member fishing fleets within the jurisdiction of other regional tuna fisheries management organizations, improvement of catches statistics, etc. The suggestions on quota allocation, improving data quality, cracking down on IUU fishing, implementation of the minimum observer coverage and properly solving the problem of SBT bycatch within the overlapping areas between CCSBT and other t-RFMO. The result can provide reference for relevant enterprises and fishery managers who want to study or understand CCSBT fishery.