Study on fouling characteristics of reverse osmosis membrane with high residual aluminum
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    The effects of influent pH, influent concentration and operating pressure on reverse osmosis membrane fouling were investigated by simulating waste water containing high concentration aluminum, with the help of membrane surface morphological and elemental analysis. A dense inorganic fouling layer was formed on the surface of reverse osmosis membrane. Among the three factors investigated, the influent pH has the most significant effect on membrane fouling. When the influent pH is neutral, the membrane flux is the lowest, as well as the salt rejection is the highest. SEM graphs and EDS analysis showed that the content of aluminum in the membrane foulant was the highest,indicating that the most serious fouling. When the acid water enters, the content of Al in the fouling layer on the film surface is lower than that of alkaline water,which means the membrane fouling is the lowest.Under the same influential pH, the effect of residual aluminum concentration on the formation of fouling layer is more significant, while the effect of operating pressure is not. As for practical process,it is suggested that adjusting the pH of inlet water to alkaline, accurately controlling the addition of aluminum coagulant, maintaining appropriate operating pressure, are key factors to retard the membrane fouling caused by residual aluminum.

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DING Guodong, JI Shifeng, XING Yunqing, JIANG Jingwei, LIU Shenghui, HAN Naixu, FANG Han, JIA Lei. Study on fouling characteristics of reverse osmosis membrane with high residual aluminum[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2020,29(5):770-778.

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  • Abstract:2383
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  • Received:November 14,2019
  • Revised:February 04,2020
  • Adopted:March 20,2020
  • Online: September 30,2020
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