Morphological differences of sonic muscle between male and female in marbled rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus
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    The development of the sonice muscles is of great significance for the marbled rockfish, Sebastiscus marmoratus. In order to understand the development of the sonic muscle in the marbled rockfish, this study quantified and compared the size and weight of sonic muscles to the individual body size and weight, and to explore the correlationship between them. The results of the study indicated that there is a linear positive correlation between the weight of vocal muscles and body weight in pre-or early gonadal development male, the correlation coefficient:R2=0.842 2.In gonadal developmental stages, the sonic muscle length-total length correlation coefficient:female, R2=0.814 1; male, R2=0.757 5; weight-weight correlation coefficient:female, R2=0.642 8; male, R2=0.850 7, indicating that length and weight of the sonic muscleis linearly positively correlated with the total length and weight, respectively.And the sonic muscle weight-total weight correlation of male individuals is more pronounced than female.In the gonadal mature stage females, the sonic muscle length and body weight were greater than those in the pre-or early gonadal development stage, moreover, the sonic muscles atrophied in fertilized female. There was no significant difference in the morphology of the sonic muscle between the gonadal mature stage and the pre-or early gonadal development stage in males.

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MAI Yangjuan, ZHANG Xuguang, GUO Hongyi, SONG Jiakun. Morphological differences of sonic muscle between male and female in marbled rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2019,28(5):716-723.

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  • Received:April 17,2018
  • Revised:April 25,2019
  • Adopted:December 10,2018
  • Online: October 15,2019
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