Abstract:On May 15, 1996, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of P.R. China decided to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and declared that China has sovereign rights and jurisdiction in 200 miles exclusive economic zone and over continental shelf under the Convention. It means that China will establish exclusive economic zone in the near future and that China will not only exercise sovereign rights and jurisdiction therein, but also fulfill obligations and duties required ty the Convention. Based on analysing the provisions of the regime of the exclusive economic zone, and summing up the practice of most coastal states in establishing exclusive economic zones, it is concluded that fisheries management system will be developed towards the direction of beneficial to the coastal state and that the terms and conditions of access to fishery resources in exclusive economic zone will be as high as possible so as to produce maximum benefit to the coastal state. In the light of current movement as to neibouring states in establishing their exclusive economic zones, the impacts on implementing the regime of exclusive economic zone on Chinese fisheries are discussed. In order to fulfill obligation and duties imposed by the Convention, some suggestions with regard to fisheries management are made: (1)strengthening scientific research and investigation on fishery resources; (2)tightening up the control of foreign fishing vessels; (3) enhancing the cooperation with neibouring states; (4 ) improving management system for distant-water fishing.