Abstract:Intermuscular bone (IB) is one of three morphological characters of teleosts, and is becoming an obstacle for fish processing. Recently, some cyprinid fish without IB have been generated by Crispr/Cas9 technology, will be very helpful for our fresh fish culture in China. So far bmp6 and runx2b have been determined as key genes for the development of IBs, however, upstream signal pathway to regulate the development is not sure, and the complex evolution of IBs in teleost is in lack of understanding. This review first gives us a basic introduction on the IB types, distribution, and the role in swimming, then focuses on the research advance on IB developmental model, cellular origin, and upstream regulation factors. Finally, a preliminary hypothesis is proposed in this review to explain IB evolution in teleosts, indicating IB evolution potential associations between axial muscle diversification and locomotion adaptive radiations that generated modern teleost lineages.