



Research progress and development trend of mechanization of shrimp and crab breeding pond
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    Due to the territorial characteristics and swimming ability, the production links such as bait in shrimp and crab pond breeding are "moving" and shrimp and crab are relatively "motionless", which is more difficult to mechanize compared with the fish pond with "moving" fish and "fixed" equipment. By sorting out the mechanization research progress of bait casting, grass cutting, fishing, and water quality management in shrimp and crab ponds at home and abroad, from the difficult point of view brought by the mobility difference demand of shrimp and crab pond mechanical equipment compared with fish pond equipment, the complexity of the currently developed equipment and its reduced reliability and use friendliness are analyzed. This paper points out the current problems in maturity, environmental adaptability, accurate feedback and other aspects of shrimp and crab pond breeding equipment. In view of these problems, the integration of mechanical equipment and green ecological breeding mode, standardization and reliability, operator adaptation and other solutions are discussed. The development prospect of unmanned shrimp and crab farm is also discussed.

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    发 布

HU Qingsong, ZHU Hao, LI Jun. Research progress and development trend of mechanization of shrimp and crab breeding pond[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2022,31(5):1216-1223.

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