



Spatial distribution of recreational fishery in Hainan province and its influence factors
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    Scientific and reasonable enterprise spatial layout is conducive to recreational fishery business units to reduce resource allocation costs and give full play to regional advantages. Taking 799 recreational fishery business units in Hainan province as the research object, the spatial distribution characteristics of recreational fishery business units in Hainan province were analyzed from the three dimensions of distribution form, distribution equilibrium degree and distribution density by nearest neighbor index, coefficient of variation and kernel density analysis, and the influencing factors of spatial distribution were explored using clustering and outlier analysis and vector data buffer method. The results showed that: the distribution pattern of recreational fishery business units in Hainan province is agglomeration type, and the order of agglomeration degree from high to low is Qiongbei district, Qiongnan district, Qiongxi District, Qiongdong district and Qiongzhong district. the spatial distribution density of the recreational fishery business units showed significant differences, forming the density characteristics of north and south poles, sporadic agglomeration and coastal surrounding inland; the density gradient presented four grades of decreasing difference from coastal to inland. the spatial distribution of recreational fishery business units in Hainan province was largely affected by resources of transport, market and tourist, which were mainly located near the scenic spots, around the cities and along the traffic trunk roads. Furthermore, the population size and economic level also partly affected the spatial distribution of recreational fishery business units. The research results can provide a scientific basis for optimizing the location selection and improving the operation efficiency of recreational fishery business units in Hainan province.

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    发 布

CHEN Guiying, ZHAO Qilei, QI Siqiong, CHEN Xinjun. Spatial distribution of recreational fishery in Hainan province and its influence factors[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2022,31(2):542-553.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-10-07
  • 最后修改日期:2021-12-11
  • 录用日期:2022-02-18
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-03-29