Abstract:Spatial-temporal distribution of macrobenthic community was studied in the coastal waters of Rizhao in July, October, December 2018 and April 2019. A total of 119 macrobenthic species were identified during the surveys, including 62 species of polychaetes, 36 species of crustaceans, 12 species of molluscs, 4 species of echinoderms and 5 species of other groups. According to the Index of Relative Importance, the community was dominated by Micronephthys oligobranchia, Sternaspis scutata, Mediomastus sp., Cylichna biplicata, and Spionidae und.. Abundance and biomass varied seasonally with the mean abundance of 191 ind./m2 and mean biomass of 6.71 g/m2. Values of average Shannon-Wiener species diversity index (H'), Pielou's evenness index (J), and Margalef's richness index (d) were 2.912, 0.934 and 2.139, respectively. The CLUSTER results based on Bray-Curtis similarity indicated that the similarity among macrobenthic community groups was low and the distribution pattern of macrobenthic community showed seasonal characteristics. According to the Abundance-Biomass comparison curve (ABC), community from one season (April, 2019) was slightly disturbed.With the rapid development of coastal zones and the continuous impacts of human activities, the dominant species of macrobenthic community changed obviously, showing a decreasing trend of abundance, biomass and H', and the contamination tolerant species Paraprionospio pinnata had gradually became the dominant species.