



Effects of dietary replacement of fish oil by vegetable oil on the taste quality of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis)
Fund Project:

Agriculture Research System of Shanghai,China(Grant No.201804)

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    为研究饲料中植物油替代鱼油对中华绒螯蟹滋味品质的影响,采用植物油(质量比豆油:菜籽油=3:1)替代不同水平鱼油(0%、50%和100%)的3种等氮等脂饲料(F1、F2和F3,F1为对照组)喂养体质量为(95±10)g的成体雌蟹70 d后,分析3组蟹可食部位的基本营养成分、游离氨基酸和呈味核苷酸的含量,并利用电子舌结合感官评价分析其整体滋味差异。结果显示,3组蟹的体肉、性腺和肝胰腺的粗脂肪含量无显著差异,而F2组肝胰腺的粗蛋白含量显著高于其他两组,F3组体肉的粗蛋白含量显著低于其他两组。与F1组相比,F2组可食部位的鲜味、甜味感官强度值以及呈味核苷酸总量,味精当量均最高,而F3组较低。F2组性腺和肝胰腺中呈鲜味、甜味氨基酸含量也均较高。由此可得,使用50%植物油替代鱼油饲料喂养雌性中华绒螯蟹可提高其营养品质,增强其滋味品质,这可为养殖中华绒螯蟹的滋味品质的改善和育肥饲料中鱼油替代源的开发等提供一定的参考依据。


    In order to study the effect of dietary replacement of fish oil by vegetable oil on the taste quality of Chinese mitten crab, vegetable oil[W(soybean oil):W(rapeseed oil)=3:1] was used to replace different levels of fish oil (0%, 50% and 100%) to make three kinds of feeds with equal nitrogen and fat (F1, F2 and F3, with F1 as control) to feed adult female crabs (mass 95±10 g) for 70 days. The proximate composition, the contents of free amino acids and taste nucleotide of the edible parts of the three groups of crabs, and the overall taste difference by electronic tongue were analyzed in combination with sensory evaluation. The results showed that the crude lipid content of meat, gonads and hepatopancreas of three groups of crabs had no significant difference. The crude protein content of hepatopancreas of F2 was significantly higher than that of F1 and F3, while the crude protein content of meat of F3 was significantly lower than that of F1 and F2. Compared with F1, the umami and sweet sensory intensity value as well as the total amount of taste nucleotides and equivalent umami concentration in the edible part of F2 were increased, whereas those of F3 were decreased. Moreover, the content of umami and sweet amino acids of gonads and hepatopancreas of F2 were also increased. The above results showed that replacement of fish oil by 50% vegetable oil in feed not only improved the nutritional quality of Chinese mitten crab, but also enhanced its taste quality, which provided a reference for the improvement of the taste quality of cultured Chinese mitten crabs and the development of fish oil substitute sources in fattening feed.

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    发 布

CONG Jiaojiao, HAN Xinyuan, YU Lizhi, WANG Hongli, WU Xugan, WANG Xichang. Effects of dietary replacement of fish oil by vegetable oil on the taste quality of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis)[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2020,29(6):938-949.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-10-13
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