



Research on community characteristics of macrozoobenthos and environmental quality of offshore North Fujian in spring

East China Sea environmental monitoring center of State Oceanic Administration,East China Sea Branch of the State Oceanic Administration,East China Sea Branch of the State Oceanic Administration,Ningde marine environmental monitoring center of State Oceanic Administration,Ningde marine environmental monitoring center of State Oceanic Administration

Fund Project:

Special projects for marine welfare industry research No.201305027.

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    根据2016年春季闽北近岸海域采集的大型底栖动物样品和环境资料,分析了其群落结构特征,并采用Shannon-Wienener多样性指数(H')、多变量AMBI指数、M-AMBI指数对底栖动物生态环境质量进行评价。结果显示,本次调查共鉴定出大型底栖生物8大类62种,种类组成以环节动物(34种)和软体动物(10种)为主,主要优势种为棒锥螺(Turritella bacillum)、不倒翁虫(Sternaspis scutata)、双腮内卷齿蚕(Aglaophamus dibranchis)以及棘刺锚参(Protankyra bidentata)。大型底栖动物物种类、生物密度偏低,出现小型化和低质化现象,生态群落等级以底栖生物敏感种(EGI)、惰性种(EGⅡ)、耐受种(EGⅢ)和第二级机会种(EGⅣ)物种为主。底栖环境是影响底栖生物生态质量和群落结构的重要因素。根据H'、AMBI以及M-AMBI的评价结果,闽北近岸底栖动物多样性指数偏低,环境质量基本处于良、中、差状态,3种指数对福建北部近岸大型底栖生物评价结果不完全一致,结合调查数据与群落结构特征,H'、M-AMBI指数评价结果的合理性高于AMBI指数。


    The study analyzed the features of some community structure, and evaluated ecological environmental quality of macrozoobenthos with Shannon-Wienener(H') diversity index, multivariate AMBI index and M-AMBI index according to the sample and environmental material of macrozoobenthos that were collected in offshore area of Northern Fujian in spring in 2016.The results showed it appeared 8 categories and 62 species of macrozoobenthos totally.The species composition was subject to annelid worm(34 species) and mollusc(10 species).The dominant species were Turritella bacillum,Sternaspis scutata,Aglaophamus dibranchis,Protankyra bidentata. Species and densty of macrozoobenthos were low, and miniaturization and low quality appeared. The level of ecological community was subject to sensitive species(EGⅠ), inertia species(EGⅡ), tolerance species(EGⅢ)and the second opportunity species(EGⅣ) of macrozoobenthos. Bottom-dwelling environment was an important factor to affected the ecological quality and community structure of macrozoobenthos.According to the evaluating result of H', AMBI and M-AMBI,diversified index of macrozoobenthos in offshore area of Northern Fujian is low, and environmental quality were in good, medium and weak status, and the evaluating results of these three indexes to macrozoobenthos in offshore area of Northern Fujian were not accordance completely.According to the investigation data and features of community structure, the rationality of the evaluating result of H' and M-AMBI index was higher than AMBI index.

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    发 布

CHENG Hong, WANG Jinhui, TANG Yafei, ZHENG Biqi, LU Chao. Research on community characteristics of macrozoobenthos and environmental quality of offshore North Fujian in spring[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2018,27(2):238-249.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-09-01
  • 最后修改日期:2017-10-18
  • 录用日期:2017-11-02
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-11