
大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室,大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室



Influence of salinity, temperature and body weight on oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of Pleuronectes yokohama juvenile

Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture and Stock Enhancement in North China sea,Ministry of Agriculture,Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture and Stock Enhancement in North China sea,Ministry of Agriculture,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Fishery Ecology and Environment, South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences,Dalian Ocean University,Dalian Ocean University,Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture and Stock Enhancement in North China sea,Ministry of Agriculture,Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture and Stock Enhancement in North China sea,Ministry of Agriculture,Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture and Stock Enhancement in North China sea,Ministry of Agriculture,Dalian Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Mariculture and Stock Enhancement in North China sea,Ministry of Agriculture

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    采用静水密闭式呼吸实验方法研究了不同盐度(8、14、20、26、32)、温度(10、15、20℃)和不同体质量(共6组)对钝吻黄盖鲽(Pleuronectes yokohama)幼鱼耗氧率和排氨率的影响。结果表明,盐度在8~32时对钝吻黄盖鲽幼鱼耗氧率和排氨率影响显著,且二者都随盐度降低而减小;温度在10~20℃时对钝吻黄盖鲽幼鱼耗氧率和排氨率影响显著,在该范围下二者都随温度升高而增大;钝吻黄盖鲽幼鱼随体质量的增加耗氧率和排氨率在减小。随着盐度的增加和温度的降低,二者的O∶N都在降低,范围分别为44.441~12.278和13.446~17.631,在该温度区间下(10~20℃)呼吸和排泄的Q10平均值分别为1.545和2.018,不同体质量下O∶N相差不大。本实验设置的盐度和温度条件下,钝吻黄盖鲽幼鱼的能源物质绝大多数为脂肪和蛋白质,只是所占的比例不同,只有在盐度为8的情况下能源物质为脂肪和糖类。


    The effects of salinity (8,14,20,26,32), temperature (10,15,20℃) and body weight (6 groups) on oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of Pleuronectes yokohama juvenile were studied by means of closed breathing experimental method in this study. The results showed that when salinity ranged between 8 and 32, the oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate were significantly decreased with salinity decline. While temperature was between 10 and 20℃, the oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate were significantly increased with the increase of temperature. In addition, the oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate decreased with the increase in weight. The O/N ratio decreased with the increase of salinity and the decrease of temperature, and it showed the O/N ratio ranged from 44.441 to 12.278 and 13.446 to 17.631 respectively. The average Q10 values at these temperature were 1.545 and 2.018 respectively, while no significant differences were found in O/N ratio among different body weight. The energy sources of P. yokohama under the experiment conditions were mostly fat and protein with different ratios, only in the group of salinity 8 the energy sources were fat and sugar.

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    发 布

CUI Qianjin, SHANG Shengnan, CAI Zhonglu, CHEN Bing, CAO Yue, HAO Jialin, ZHOU Xueli, JIANG Chen. Influence of salinity, temperature and body weight on oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of Pleuronectes yokohama juvenile[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2018,27(1):64-72.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-04-14
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  • 在线发布日期: 2018-01-31