印度产紫菜Pyropia chauhanii单孢子放散规律的研究







Study on the rules of releasing monospores of Pyropia chauhanii (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)

Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai Ocean University

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    为了探究紫菜单孢子的放散规律,以印度产紫菜Pyropia chauhanii的野生品系(PC-WT)与诱变品系(PC-Y1)为材料,对来自不同日龄和不同部位的叶状体圆盘体放散单孢子的规律进行了研究,结果显示:在圆盘体的培养过程中,PC-WT品系的不同日龄和不同部位的叶状体圆盘体放散单孢子的早晚和数量差异较大。日龄40 d的叶状体,其梢、中、基3个部位的圆盘体均未出现性细胞,单孢子日放散量均呈先升后降的趋势,培养12 d的总放散量次序为:中部 > 梢部 > 基部;日龄45 d的叶状体其梢部和中部的圆盘体已出现性细胞,与日龄40 d的圆盘体相比,单孢子开始放散的时间提前,但总放散量下降,圆盘体的解体速度更快,单孢子总放散量次序为:中部 > 梢部 > 基部;日龄50 d的梢部和中部的圆盘体分别在培养的第6天和第10天完全解体,发现它们的圆盘体几乎全面成熟,单孢子放散总量较少,而基部的圆盘体未成熟,单孢子放散总量最多。PC-Y1品系的叶状体其梢部、中部和基部的圆盘体,培养12 d,其生长良好,边缘完整,没有放散单孢子。日龄40 d的叶状体圆盘体也未出现性细胞,营养细胞颜色鲜红,细胞排列紧密;日龄45和50 d叶状体的圆盘体均出现了性细胞。上述结果证实,PC-WT品系为单孢子放散品系,其梢部最先放散单孢子,中部次之,基部最后;随着叶状体日龄的增加,圆盘体放散单孢子的时间提前,但单孢子放散总量减少。不同日龄、不同部位的PC-Y1品系藻体均不能放散单孢子,暗示与放散单孢子相关的基因在这个品系中可能已经变异了。


    In order to explore the rules of releasing monospores of Pyropia, we used the wild-type strain(PC-WT) and its mutant strain(PC-Y1) in Pyropia chauhanii as materials, to study the rules of releasing monospores on the blades discs from different ages and different parts. The results showed that the discs from different ages or different parts of PC-WT blades, the time and number of releasing monospores had a certain difference during two weeks of culture. Discs from the apical, middle and basal parts of the 40-day-old blades did not display sexual cells, the daily number of releasing monospores showed a trend of increasing first and then decreased, and the order of total number after culture of 12 days was middle > apical > basal. The discs from the apical and middle parts of the 45-day-old blades had sexual cells already, and the time to release monospores became earlier as compared with the 40-day-old blades, but the total number of monospores declined, the collapse speed of discs was faster, and the order of total monospore number was middle > apical > basal. The discs from the apical and middle parts of the 50-day-old blades collapsed completely on the 6th days and 10th days of culture, respectively, and it was found that the discs almost matured, the total number of monospores was less, while the discs from basal part did not mature, and the total number of monospores was the greatest. The discs from the apical, middle and basal parts of PC-Y1 blades grew well with edge integrity, and did not release monospores. The discs from the 40-day-old blades did not present sexual cells, and its vegetative cells were bright-red and tight. The discs from 45-day-old and 50-day-old blades presented sexual cells. These results indicated that PC-WT is a strain which can release monospore, the monospore releasing time order was apical > middle > basal; With the increase of the blades age, the time of releasing monospores became earlier, but the total number of monospores decreased; The PC-Y1 is a strain which released no monospore at different ages or from different parts of the blades, indicating that its genes linked to the formation and release of monospore had probably mutated.


安全红,丁洪昌,严兴洪.印度产紫菜Pyropia chauhanii单孢子放散规律的研究[J].上海海洋大学学报,2017,26(1):38-47.
AN Quanhong, DING Hongchang, YAN Xinghong. Study on the rules of releasing monospores of Pyropia chauhanii (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2017,26(1):38-47.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-05-04
  • 最后修改日期:2016-07-01
  • 录用日期:2016-11-03
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-01-12
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