Abstract:The drying properties of China date paste (CDP) during its processing to powder under microwave were investigated. Microwaves of 500, 700, and 900 W at 2 450 MHz were used for drying CDP samples with spreading thickness of 2, 4, and 6 mm, respectively. Hot air of 100, 110 and 120 ℃ were also conducted for drying the samples for comparison. Three kinds of drying models of exponential model (Lewis), Individual diffusion model (HF: Hustrulid and Flikke) and Page model were used in the fitting of MR of the CDP samples. The results indicated the temperature of CDP dried by microwave rose faster, which could increase drying rate and save drying time and energy. But the hot air drying had a better structure and hygroscopicity and smaller color difference. Page model shows the best fitting in drying process of CDP samples during hot air and microwave drying.