Abstract:From the view of the fishery industry standard property as a whole,it not only has the universality of the industry standard,but also has the particularity of its own.It is mainly used in the fields of aquaculture,fishing,aquatic products processing,transport and trade etc.,and is part of agricultural standards.The fishery professional standard is an emerging discipline which has evolved from the technology of aquaculture,fishing and aquatic products processing,and the optimization method of production management.The fishery professional standardization is a whole process that converts the research findings,advanced technologies and mature experiences into fishery professional standards,then carries out and implements those standards,and checks and supervises the implementation process,by applying the standardization principle and based on the fishery scientific research results and fishery practical experience.This paper described the definition,contents which covered,features and functions,and the evaluation method for fishery professional standardization.And the foundation of fishery professional standardization was discussed.