Abstract:This article introduces the history of fish drugs,fish drugs use principle and the construction of the management mechanism for safety in fish drugs usage. It was noticed that some problems existed in present fish drugs usage, and some suggestions were put forward in the article in this aspect. The research on fish drugs usage was developed along with the investigation of fishery disease and pathogeny. Before 1980, the investigation of fish drugs laid particular stress on application, for example, selection of drugs, efficiency concentration, safety concentration, usage methods and range of usage. At the end of 1980, there was commodity of fish drugs developed in the market, for example Yufukang A and Yufukang B, along with research work in fish bacteria disease. It was discussed that the management mechanism for safety in fish drugs usage should be established in China, which will include the administrate system, usage standard system, the technical supporting system, the examination system, safety evaluation system and residue monitoring and control system.