The progress and the outcome of the fisheries development depend on the behavior strategy of the relative economic subject during the process of the economic development. Evolution economics can explain well the deep factors of prompting the economic development at the level of individual behavior. Based on the research of evolution economics, the paper analyzes the problems of the establishment of the economic subject, the lack of its behavioral capability and the imperfect existing environment of market against present situation of the fisheries development in China. It points out that it is the key to realize the sustainable development of the fisheries that cultivate the economic subject with independent behavior, let them possess the capability to adapt actively to the change of external environment and improve the operation of the relative market mechanism.
楼永 平瑛.渔业发展的主体及其行为分析[J].上海海洋大学学报,2004,(3):240-243. LOU Yong, PING Ying. Analysis of the subject of fisheries development and its behavior[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2004,(3):240-243.