Abstract:On the basis of the theory of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy mathematics, the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for fish sauce quality was estabished. The reciprocal comparison between fifferent indexes, which were sensory evaluation, amino nitrogen, total nitrogen, specific gravity, T-VBN, salt concentration, red index and acidity,was used to obtain the judge matrixes about the importance of every index during the evaluation of fish sauce quality.The weights (W) of these indexes,0. 356, 0. 189,0. 107,0. 054,0. 097,0. 063,0. 061,0. 073 sequentially ,were the weighting geometric means of feature vectors form the judge matrixes. After the defintion of the fuzzy function the fuzzy matrix (R) could be obtained. The accumulation of the weighting fuzzy degree of every index in different fish sauce, which was the result of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of fish sauce quality, equaled the weights multiplying the fuzzy matrix. Meanwhile an example for the utilization of fish fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was given.