According to the statistical data of total farming area (total production and yield per unit area) in Shandong Province from 1978 to 1999, the present paper discusses the effects of farming area and yield per unit area on the total farming production in the past 20 years. The very study shows that in the last 20 years, the yield per unit area of mariculture in Shandong Province did not increase very fast and the contribution to total marine farming production was lower. It was found that in the last 20 years, the marine farming area in Shandong Province increased consistently. Although the total marine farming area increased rapidly after the middle of 90's, the yield per unit area decreased. The differences between them were extremely obvious. The contribution of enlarged reproduction by increasing farming area for total farming production is much bigger than that of farming technique over the last 20 years. This is the one of main characteristics in the development of marine farming in Shandong Province. The enhancement of the farming technique is the key to the sustainable development of mariculture in Shandong Province.
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