In this paper, the authors described the items related to the fishing capacity in the statistics data of Chinese marine fishery and indicated that the key items used for monitoring and controlling of fishing capacity are total number of fishing vessels, total engine power, total tonnage and etc. in the common practice of Chinese fisheries management. The methods for standardization of fishing effort used by Chinese fisheries scientists determining fishing capacity of the major fisheries of single and multi species in the Chinese coastal water has been described. The key parameters affecting the fishing capacity of varied fishing methods, have been analyzed in general and notices about measuring fishing capacity have been pointed out. The exercises of standardization and calculation of the fishing capacity on the bottom trawling fishery in the East China Sea and Yellow sea have been presented. Under the considerations for standardization across varied size vessels and across fisheries a comprehensive index for reflecting to the fishing capacity of varied fisheries has been proposed based on the gray system theory.
周应祺,陈新军,张相国.有关捕捞能力量化统计方法的探讨[J].上海海洋大学学报,2000,(2):119-124. ZHOU Ying-qi, CHEN Xin-jun, ZHANG Xiang-guo. Study on the measurement of fishing capacity in Chinese fisheries[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2000,(2):119-124.