Abstract:In this paper, based on the scope, specification, definitions and requirements of the ISO 14000 series of enviromental management standards (EMS), a primary comparative study on the conservation and protection of fisheries resources and environment mangement in China has been carried out. The study will help creating the understanding of the tendency of fisheries management and related concepts of conventions and regulations in the world, and give comments on the fishery ecosystem protection of China,particularly emphasis the importance of species variation and the balance of ecosystem. The paper suggested that (1) The companies, corporations, firms, enterprises, and government authorities or institutions in China should establish and maintain procedures to make their employees or members at each level to create the awareness on the importance of fisheries resources conservation and environment protection. (2) The top manager (or management) of the organization should establish and define the organization's fisheries resources and environmental policy and related planning, which should be available to the public for the checking and monitoring. (3) To establish a records system, collecting the documents of all activities of fishing operation and relative processing and transportation, as evidences for checking and inspection. (4) To establish a "green mark" or "eco-labeling" system, and to establish the law or regulations for forbidding and preventing the fishing, selling and buying the undersize fishes and larvae from illegal catch. The eco-labeling program proposed in the FAO consultant meeting should be paid more attention, and related research work should be organized in the national level to meet the requirements of international fisheries management.