Abstract:This review summarises the recent advancement of fish biotechnologyin China. By means of temperature shock and hydrostatic pressure, Chinese scientistsobtained six autopolyploid and two allopolyploid fishes. Combining the inducedgynogenesis with the technique of sex reversal, Chinese scientists developed a method ofestablishing fish inbred lines. Several nucleo-cytoplasmic hybrids were obtained bycombination of nuclei and cytoplasms from different species, genera and subfamilies. Anuclear transplanted fish was also obtained from the nucleus of short-term culturedkidney cell of crucian carp, which suggested the nucleus of fish somatic cell still retainedtotiptency. Electric field and laser microbeam were employed to induce the fusionbetween fish unfertilized eggs and blastula cells and between fertilized eggs respectively,fry or larvae were obtained in these experiments. To produce fast-growing transgenicfish, Chinese scientists made a serial investigations on integration, transcription, ex-pression and biological effects of human growth hormone gene in fish. The method ofgene transfer employed by Chinese scientists included microinjection, electroporationand exposure of spermatozoa to DNA followed by insemination. So far, Chinese scien-tists have cloned seven fish genes, i.e., growth hormone genes of Cyprinus carpio,Ctenopyharyngodon idellus and Oncorhynchus keta, beta-actin genes of C. carpio and C.idellus, prolactin cDNA of Oncorhynchus tschawytscha and antifreeze peptide cDNA ofPseudopleuronectes yokohamae.