In this paper the features and historical condition of aquatic productspreservation and processing in China and in other parts of the world were analyzed. Itindicated that with the boom of production and sale in aquatic products as well as theprosperity of market in the coastal areas in China, the elevation of people's livingstandard, and the rapid improvement in industrial and commercial environment, it seemsnecessary to put the emphasis on a development of various kinds of frozen processedfishery products with high quality and convenience of handling sale and consumption,rather than fresh or live fish entering into sale markets, households, commercial andinstitutional restaurants, etc. In this way,it might be possible to make the industry ofaquatic products preservation and processing in China toward a completely new path ofthe development in food industry after the 21st century. From a market consumptionpoint of view in the coming epoch people will be interested in a variety of processed itemswith high nutrition, palatableness and convenience, but no more in a single supply ofround fish, whether that is in live, fresh or frozen manner.
骆肇荛.略论21世纪我国的水产品保藏加工的发展[J].上海海洋大学学报,1992,(Z2). Luo Zhao-yao Department of Food Science, Technology, SFU . ON DEVELOPMENT OF FISHERY PRODUCTS PRESERVATION AND PROCESSING IN THE 21ST CENTURY IN CHINA[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,1992,(Z2).