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    研究延绳钓钓具的有效捕捞努力量和捕捞效率,有助于提高CPUE标准化的精度、减少非目标鱼种的兼捕。2009年10月-12月,在基里巴斯吉尔伯特群岛海域进行了调查。调查中使用传统钓具和试验钓具。根据各深度段内大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)的渔获率(CPUE)估计其栖息地偏好指数,利用“确定性栖息地模型”估计捕捞大眼金枪鱼的有效努力量,应用T检验分析该海域延绳钓试验钓具和传统钓具的捕捞效率,对钓具的改进提出建议。结果表明:(1)试验钓具的名义CPUE大于传统钓具的名义CPUE,两种钓具的有效捕捞努力量明显小于各自对应的名义捕捞努力量,且存在显著差异;(2)试验钓具大眼金枪鱼的捕捞效率高于传统钓具;(3)当以大眼金枪鱼为目标鱼种时,建议使用试验钓具,以提高捕捞效率;(4)不同的钓具对同一鱼种的捕捞效率不同,大眼金枪鱼在不同深度段的分布可以估计其环境偏好和钓具的捕捞效率,“确定性栖息地模型”可用于CPUE的标准化以提高有关鱼种资源评估的精度。


    It could be beneficial to reducing the incidental catch of nontarget species, and improving the accuracy of CPUE standardization to study on the effective fishing effort and fishing efficiency of the longline fishing gears. A survey on tuna longline fishery has been conducted in waters near Gilbert Islands from October to December 2009. The traditional and experimental fishing gears were used in the survey. The bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) nominal CPUE in the different depth classes were used to estimate its habitat preference. The “deterministic habitat based standardization” was applied to estimate the effective fishing effort of the traditional and experimental fishing gears. The difference of the fishing efficiency between the traditional and experimental fishing gears was tested by the Ttest. This study suggested that: (1)There was significant difference between the nominal CPUE of the traditional gear and that of the experimental gear, and the nominal CPUE of the traditional gear was less than that of the experimental gear;There was significant difference between the nominal fishing effort and the effective fishing effort, and the effective fishing effort was less than the nominal fishing effort; (2)The efficiency of the experimental gear for the bigeye tuna was greater than that of the traditional gear; (3)When the target species was bigeye tuna, the experimental gear was suggested to be used in the operation to increase the fishing efficiency; (4)The different fishing gear has the different fishing efficiency to the same catch species; the distribution of bigeye tuna CPUE in the different depth classes could be used to estimate the habitat preferences of the bigeye tuna and estimate the fishing efficiency of the fishing gear for the bigeye tuna; and the “deterministic habitat based standardization” model could be used in the CPUE standardization to improve the accuracy of the stock assessment for the respective catch species.


SONG Li-ming, YANG Jia-liang, HU Zhen-xin, LV Kai-kai. A comparison of fishing efficiency on bigeye tuna of two longline fishing gears[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2011,20(3):424-430.

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